Showing posts with label kettlebell workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kettlebell workouts. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kettlebell Press Challenge (21 Days)

It's time for another challenge. This challenge can be done in conjunction with other training programs. It's designed so you can go through this protocol in a very calm and relaxed way. If you do this properly watch your pressing strength go up significantly in just 21 days!

Not everyone is designed to press a bell over head. If you can not lock your elbow and maintain a straight arm over head, chances are,  pressing over your head may not be a safe option for you. The majority of my students who are unable to press heavy over head or press anything properly over head, switch to a very LIGHT Bottoms Up carry or Bottoms up press bell.  Like with any challenge or new workout regimen make sure you check with your doctor first, proceed with caution and use good judgement. Then have a great time! Details below with video!

Pressing options:

Kettlebell Press 

Tall Kneeling Press

Bottoms Up Press

 The Kettlebell Press Challenge 
(21 days)
#KettlebellPressChallenge  #TheKettlebellPressChallenge

DIRECTIONS: Choose a pressing pattern and size bell that works well with your body and your current fitness level. You may use the same size bell each day or use a heavier bell as the reps become lower. For example Day 1 Press 4 times each side with a 12kg bells. Take a 30-120 second rest and use the 12kg bells for 3 times per side. Take a 30-120 second rest and use a 16kg bell for 2 per side and so on. Only go up if you KNOW you can safely get the bell over head WITHOUT a push press.

Rest suggestion: take a minute rest before moving to the next rep range. If you're using a heavier weight than normal take a 2 minute rest. If you need more rest that's ok too! Just get them done within the day!

Note - The 1 rep that is indicated is not meant for you to work with your 1 rep max, You should be able to do 2 consecutive reps with the bell you are using for 1 rep.

The suggest rep are indicated for EACH side.

Day 1     5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 2     4, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 3     4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Day 4     3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 5     2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 6    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 7     Rest

Day 8    3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Day 9    3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Day 10  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 11  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 12  3, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 13  3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 14  Rest

Day 15  2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Day 16  2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 17  2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 18  2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 19  2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 20  Rest
Day 21  Test your 1 REP MAX at the end 2, 1, 1 rep scheme Congratulations!

To check out all of our other past fitness challenges view here.

To join our private facebook group where you can stay motivated and join other people doing the challenges ask to join here.  

If you really want to get involved, receive new workouts, videos, recipes monthly check out our exclusive Lauren's Playground

We encourage a bit of video, photo, or posts of when you participate! No pressure of course!    #TheKettlebellPressChallenge #KettlebellPressChallenge

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kettlebell Incinerator Workout DVD


PRE-ORDER* your copy here for $10 off! TO CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY Take 40% off all of our other DVD's when you Pre-order this DVD. Code: 40off for our other DVD's
*DVD's estimated ship time is about 3 weeks

Lauren does it again with her star students who have literally transformed, stronger than ever before and are walking testimonies of Lauren�s training system.
  • 6 Follow along Intense Fat-burning Workouts
  • Warmup Included
  • 2 DISC collection
  • 6 Week Rotation Program for all levels included in the case

PRE-ORDER* your copy here for $10 off! TO CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY Take 40% off  our other popular DVD's when you Pre-order this DVD. Code: 40off for our other DVD's


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge - Deadlifts for 28 Days

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge
 Deadlifts for 28 days (recommended for Beginners)


Directions: Choose a safe weight to begin your challenge with. Suggested reps indicated are for EACH SIDE** ONLY if performing Single Leg Deadlifts. 
Example: Day 1: 5 reps for 2 sets. Day 2: 5 reps per leg for 3 sets. Add weight each week if you�re ready. 

LADDER DAYS: Perform the suggested reps per side. Example 5 reps per side. Then 4 reps per side, then 3 reps etc... Take as much rest as needed or incorporate this ladder within your current training program.  You may also use a heavier bell on a the LOWER rep ladder area IF you feel you've earned it and had enough rest in between. On the final ladder GRADUATION DAY, if your form is perfect and you're feeling strong, use a heavier bell as you go DOWN the ladder. 

Safety: Break the reps up in to multiple sets to feel fresh. Never go to failure!

Week 1 - starting weight
Day 1: 10 
Day 2: 15
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: 20
Day 5: 25
Day 6: Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 7: Rest

Week 2 - add weight
Day 8: 10
Day 9: 15
Day 10: Rest
Day 11: 20
Day 12: 25
Day 13 Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 14: Rest

Week 3 - add weight
Day 15: 10
Day 16: 15
Day 17: Rest
Day 18: 20
Day 19: 25
Day 20: Ladder Day 5/4/3/2
Day 21: Rest

Week 4 - add weight
Day 22: 10
Day 23  15
Day 24 Rest
Day 25  20
Day 26  25
Day 27: Rest

Day 28: Graduation Ladder 4/3/2 - test your strength - Use heavier bells as you lower your reps!!!


I'm also doing a HUGE GIVEAWAY for one of the lucky participants in the deadlift challenge. In order for us to know you're participating and see you actively doing the challenge here are ways to WIN!
Winner of the challenge will get $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!!!!  Who's in???  

1.  Share and tag your friends to Challenge them to get them involved. 
2.  Hashtag #deadliftsfor28days  and #laurenbrooksfitness so we can find you .
3. Tell us when you do your single leg deadlifts or deadlifts on Facebook, twitterinstagram, or pinterest. Tag and hashtag so we can find you! Check out our Facebook challenge post for the easy way to participate.

ONE LUCKY WINNER will WIN  $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!


PREREQUISITE AND WARNING: You must be able to do a traditional weighted deadlift before moving to one leg. Do not attempt Single-Leg Deadlifts with load until you�ve mastered the movement without weights. Practice the Single-Leg Deadlift
movement pattern prior to adding load. This is not an explosive movement. Rushing this exercise will only cause you to lose balance and injure yourself. View video below for proper instruction. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.  

 PHOTOS below are from The Kettlebell For Women book. � Rapt Productions/from Kettlebells for Women (Ulysses Press)

CHOOSE AN OPTION FOR YOUR CHALLENGE - try them and go with the one that feels the BEST on your body for the first week. 

Weight on the outside of the working leg
"Unilateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed on the inside of the working leg
"Contralateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed in the front of the working leg
note: my least favorite
"Front Single Leg Deadlifts"

Even weights placed on both sides - my personal favorite
"Double Single Leg Deadlifts"

Modified Single Leg Deadlift - back leg is your kickstand. 






JOIN HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, MAKE CONNECTIONS, AND SHARE YOUR PROGRESS WITH THE WORLD! Hundreds of awesome people just like you are participating in these challenges. Sharing your sessions with us along with your experiences is paramount for your growth as well as everyone else's growth.  You have people that are waiting to support you. Share with your friends and family to inspire them. Get them excited about fitness! We can track your progress all over with these hashtags.  Feel free to tag me if you want me to see what you're doing. 

If you want to be a part of our free Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge Facebook group you can join here. This is where many people share with one another what they're doing with the challenge. Team up with someone. Make a friend and get in on this together!

#deadliftsfor28day #laurenbrooksfitness 

Sign up for our newsletter to get a free gift in our featured workout section which includes Workout 1 from our most popular Shut Up and Train video, top notch workout informationand nutrition information.

Join us on Facebook 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Did you know workouts lasting under six minutes can benefit you in more ways than one? Many of you may already know how fabulous snagging a short session can be for not only your mind, but also for the physical body.

If you are bogged down at work all day with hardly a moment to breathe, then having the opportunity to sneak away for six minutes is much more likely than finding an hour or two.

What the Research Says

Research has found that just a few short sessions throughout the day can improve overall stress, blood pressure, and weight control. Shorter intense training sessions can be even more effective in boosting your metabolism than a long drawn-out session. And this research doesn�t just stop at adults. One study in PLos One showed that exercise sessions of as little as five minutes improved adolescents and children's overall health. Pretty amazing, don�t you think?

KEEP READING AND watch the 4 FREE 6 minutes WORKOUT VIDEOS I made just for BREAKING MUSCLE right here

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Turkish Get Up - Part 4

The Get Up
Part 4 (Final Lesson)
and final portion of the full body incredible exercise The Get Up. Please let me know how you do!

To view the other sections scroll down on my blog or go to this playlist via youtube. 

Here's a super simple tutorial of how stand up effectively and reverse the steps on the way down for an effective Get Up.  Covers proper head positioning.  You will find this exercise utilized in the popular Be SLAM program, Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning part 2 and the new Kettlebell Body DVD.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Turkish Get Up Tutorial - Part 3 (windshield wiper)

Here is Part 3 of the awesome Get Up. One of the most effective all around amazing strength and mobility improving exercise that exists.  These tutorials have helped make the Get Up easy and user friendly, along with increasing the bell size with ease.

Look out for our brand new DVD coming soon Kettlebell Revelation�, where you can use this drill in the workouts. In the mean time you can use this in Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells (Volume 2), Be SLAM program and The Kettlebell Body�.  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Turkish Get Up Part 2 - Mastering the sweep thru.

The Get Up 
Step 2

Here's a super simple tutorial of how to sweep your leg through ending in the proper position. You will find this exercise utilized in the popular Be SLAM program, Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning part 2 and the new Kettlebell Body DVD.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Turkish Get Up Tutorial Part 1 - Lauren Brooks

Part 1 of my favorite exercise - The Turkish Get Up

Practice this before moving on to the next sections. Next step coming soon....

For more free videos and tutorials subscribe to my youtube channel right here 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Way to Results Without Spending Your Life in a Gym... by Regina H.

What an honor to receive this testimonial/review. Thank you Regina Hurley for sharing this. I hope this inspires others to add this type of life changing training in to their lives. 

"It is possible for anyone � young, old, men, women, anywhere in the world, and cancer survivors and those affected by thyroid disease like me."  --- Regina H. Connecticut

The Way to Results Without Spending Your Life in a Gym.

I did what I was told for 21 days, cardio and weights in a circuit on machines. I did lose 5 lbs but I didn�t feel any stronger, or better. The trainer was quick to say � to make the cardio harder walk up hill and put the weights on the lightest possible and said � �you don�t want to get bulky.� then was somehow disappointed with me that I didn�t achieve in 21 days � lower fat percentage, inches off my waist and hips. The trainer repeated that I need to make the cardio harder, work longer, spend more than an hour in the gym. I didn�t have that kind of time and even if I did, physically I don�t have it in me to spend hours at a gym.  I began to feel discouraged.  

However, while sitting at my desk. I saw Lauren�s book Kettlebells for Women

I opened up Kettlebells for Women and reread the first line �Have you been discouraged from lifting weights or resistance training due to the fear of becoming big and bulky?�  It was like a light bulb had been turned on.  That was definitely what had just happened.  Right then and there, I decided to reread her book. I had read the book back in 2012 when it first came out. Yet the last 7 years I have battled serious health issues.  

In 2007, after a bout with pneumonia, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was put on generic thyroid meds but I did not improve. From 2007 to 2013, I had gained 70 lbs about 12 lbs a year. In 2010 after a routine mammogram, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was caught early enough and I am cancer free. 

In 2013, I finally found the right doctor for my thyroid condition.  It was his diagnosis that I most likely had Hashimoto's disease, which went untreated from 2007, and so I progressed to hypothyroidism.  My endocrinologist explained that I have been in a constant state of stress for the last 7 years and I needed a break from workouts. In March 2014, I was finally cleared to start workouts again. 

I already know Lauren to be a bad ass when it came to Kettlebells.  She is not in any way bulky or big, and has maintained a level of strength that most men don�t even have, while raising her own children, and running her own business, kettlebell classes, working with her clients, making videos, DVDs etc.  I also know her to be one of the strongest, most affective, intelligent, efficient, caring, compassionate strength coach, kettlebell instructor and fitness professional. Lauren Brooks truly wants results for her clients and works tirelessly to see to it that it happens and this book clearly shows this. 

Her book reminded me to work smarter not harder that results were achievable without spending hours in the gym. Most importantly this book helped me realize that getting strong and lean isn�t some big secret or complicated workout program.  It is possible for anyone � young, old, men, women, anywhere in the world, and cancer survivors and those affected by thyroid disease like me.   Lauren has provided simple straightforward exercises that are very effective in an easy to follow format. Kettlebells for Women also gives valuable nutrition information. Kettlebells for Women provides detailed instructions and photos about various exercises and how they benefit you.  Lastly, the book provides you with workouts for any level of fitness to help you get started and achieve results. 

More importantly, she never asked me to write this review. I contacted her and told her this was the least I could do to show my gratitude. This book changed my life for the better as it brought me from feeling discouraged, tired, out of shape to empower me with optimism and what is possible when I commit to the work. I would recommend Lauren Brooks's Kettlebells for Women to anyone looking to get strong, lean, sculpted and sexy.  Lauren Brooks truly believes that anyone can get those results and now so do I.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proper Push-ups (post pregnancy, c-sections and/or core dysfunction)

Are you struggling with your push ups? I have to admit most people who come to see me for a session, including men, do not perform their push-ups correctly. In fact many people are causing more damage with the way they are currently doing push-ups. May as well avoid them altogether if you're not doing them correctly.

Common mistakes:

  • Hands are too wide
  • Lower back sags 
  • Elbows flare out way to far
  • Zero lat engagement throughout
  • Neck and shoulders take over
  • Incorrect head positioning
  • abs completely shut off and not functioning
  • Leading with the head and neck

Here is a quick video I put together on what a proper push-up is suppose to look like along with an easy progression. Even if you know what one looks like, you may be incapable to perform a solid push-up on the floor until you increase your core activation, trunk stability, and overall core strength.  For the ladies who have had kids, C-sections, suffered from diastasis recti or any sort of abdominal surger, will need to retrain your brain on how to hold a plank properly. Once you can hold a solid plank, you can then work on the moving planks (which I cover in the video) on a higher surface.  Once you can perform 6-10 on the surface you are practicing on, you can then move to a slightly lower surface. If you have a sloppy push-up on the floor all you'll do is injure yourself.  Humble yourself and begin your push-ups higher up until you can eventually go lower and lower over time.  Be patient, there is no rush!

 I will be releasing many more tutorials that will enhance your overall training, including kettlebell training, now that I've found a pretty cool editor for my little videos. ;)

Note: If you are unable to move properly through an elevated push-up, please start with this Mini Plank video instead here

I filmed this push-up video on my youngest daughters 5th birthday. Here is how I looked exactly 5 years ago to remind all of you. I know, I looked so enthusiastic at 9 months pregnant! :)

Photo 1: Ready to pop with baby #2
Photo 2&3: Filmed UBSC Vol. 2 DVD 6 months after Chloe was born, via C-section. (still nursing)

You can go to my main youtube channel to subscribe and get the updates for the next videos to come here.  

p.s. To workout with me on a regular basis check out my new online classes designed for all levels. I even have a beginner section. Learn more about Lauren's Playground here

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

LOVE getting these emails

I'm always so touched when I get these beautiful emails!  Here are some snippets. 

"Hi Lauren,

I discovered your first DVD about three or four years ago now and have been following you ever since.  While I haven't consistently worked out all of this time, I learned that I LOVE kettlebells.  I want to thank you for sharing your passion with the world.  You are an inspiration.  I have all but three of your DVD's (KB Body is my new fav!), your app, your book, and today I just ordered Be SLAM!  Long overdue since I don't always want to fire up the DVD player.

You have been a reminder to me that I can improve my life by taking good care of myself.  That I should do what excites me and that I need to enjoy the process of what I am doing, not just the results!  Most importantly, you speak to the fact that we all have different bodies and we need to appreciate the one we are in no matter our age, size, or abilities.  A thousand times thank you.

Well, I downloaded Be SLAM and immediately got to work organizing my schedule (a compulsion) which included setting up an excel spreadsheet so that I can upload it to my google calendar.  You are so generous with your time and expertise, even for those of us who are remote that I wanted to give you something back. 

My personal results so far?  I am down from 267 lbs and not being able to do a burpee to 240 lbs and squat thrusts being one of my favorite exercises!  This since getting serious this past spring (maybe April).  I still have (approximately) 90 lbs to go.  I can't wait to see the strength and conditioning gains I experience from Be SLAM.  I'll keep you posted.  Have a blessed holiday season, and again, thank you for all that you do and who you are in the world, it is a better place because of you.

Hugs and many blessings,
Chante Fields"

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mom of 3 Gets Her Life Back After A Motorcycle Accident

A touching story of inspiration.   Robyn, a single mother of 3 children, was in a horrible motorcycle accident. She was flown 40 yards from the back of a motorcycle.  Her life has never been the same.  Read how she powered through her struggles, needed multiple surgeries and rehab for her broken Femur.  She used kettlebells to make her comeback.  She has shown that there are truly no excuses!

"Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!" --- Robyn

 Hi Lauren,  
don't know if you remember me but I wrote you a little over a year ago because I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident.  I had fractured my femur and had no idea what to expect about recovery.... It was a dark and scary point in my life.  I was in very good shape before the accident and used kettlebells daily, even the morning of the accident.  I remember laying in the hospital bed and all I could do was Russian twists and push presses in the beginning after the accident but it was my only hope at knowing that one day I would regain the strength in my leg to once again do what I had done once before.  You could not give me much guidance because it was so early on and just told me to keep my faith up (and to stay in touch, which I was bad about!). 

To recap what happened...on memorial day 2012 the accident happened. I was a rider on the back of a motorcycle and a car turned in front of us.  I was flown 40 yards from the scene.  I fractured my femur.  I had surgery that night to place a rod in my leg from hip to knee and a screw at hip and two at my knee.  I underwent 20 physical therapy sessions (till my insurance stopped covering) then took what I knew on my own from kettlebells and a stationary bike I found for $35 on Craigslist. 

I did this all as a divorced mom of 3 kids under 8 years old. With a full time job.  I woke up at 3:30am every morning to workout. No excuses.  In October, I had to have surgery again to remove screw at hip.  I took off 4 days of work and went right back to working out.  This past April, after almost a year of my femur non healing I had to have surgery again.  This time bone graft.  I told my employer and they let me go the next day.  :(.  So, the last week of April I had surgery to try to get this leg has now been 8 weeks and my last X-rays (last week) show that it is working!! During this last year I have kept my faith during some of the most difficult times of my life! I have worked out daily...even when most people would want to cry from pain (and I have cried during many workouts too! Ha!) but, working out has always been my release. I have set so many goals and some I've reached and some I have not but I have never gave up. 

8 weeks after Robyn's Leg Surgery
 Mom of 3 small children

I've watched your DVDs, read your book, and read over your blog over and over adding things into my workouts as I could physically do them! 8 weeks out from this last surgery and I'm now swinging my 35lb kb, can do presses, snatches, dead lifts, Russian twists. Yes, I'm using this to brag about where I've been (ha) but I'm also bragging because I'm YOUR student.  I would not have been able to come out of this accident had it not been from what I learned watching your videos.  You saved my life. I still have a long way to go but every moment I'm able to take a walk around the block with my kids I am THANKFUL for the blessings that kettlebells and you brought into my life years ago! 

Thank you for everything... Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!

Thank you always!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tribesports FUN Kettlebell Strength Challenge

Are you ready for the kettlebell challenge?

I'm excited to present to you this simple, yet challenging challenge.  The beauty of Tribesports is it allows you to check in and participate with people all over the world!  Strength gains are strength gains. Little or big, you earn it only one way.  SMART PRACTICE!  This challenge will help you with just that when you perform the exercises properly!  Keep track of what size kettlebells you begin with, to where you end up with, after you finish the suggested practice sessions.

In this challenge you will find 

A full list of instructions and rules to complete the Challenge
Guides to help you execute the moves properly if you click on the image

Click on the image below to participate for free in this fun challenge with people all over the world. 

One more thing! If this isn't enough fun there is more.  All participants who go through this strength workout 12 times will be entered in to a special giveaway worth $700.  Share it with your friends, have your friend post it in the challenge  and you will be entered in twice. Participate by the rules in the giveaway and you will thus have a 3rd entry!

Kettle Bell Strength Workout: Lauren Brooks' Kettlebell strength
Photograph of Lauren Brooks is sponsored by F3Nutrition

I have teamed up with to offer this.  Hope you enjoy!  Go directly to the challenge here

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Strength Through Females Eyes and 6 Week Strength Program

I had the honor of writing for Pavel Tsastouline's StrongFirst blog about what it takes to be a strong female.  How strong does a woman need to be to be considered "strong"?   Click on the image below and it will take you directly to the article.   "Masters" women which we refer to ages 50 and older, I will be providing some strength baselines in the comments. I really enjoyed writing this.  Hope you enjoy it! 

Continue reading here

p.s. For ongoing strength and conditioning classes and programs you can access any where  in the world visit Lauren's Playground

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Double Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning (Fat Blast)


Grab 2 Kettlebells and let's have some fun.
Follow along or set your timer for 15 seconds of hard work, 15 seconds of rest.

Nothing wrong with eating pumpkin pie and enjoying your favorite foods over the holidays.  Don't forget to have fun during this time with your workouts, move, invite the family to do an easier version, and again HAVE FUN!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from Della, Katie, and Lauren from On The Edge Fitness!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Workout


Hope you enjoy this workout as much as we did!

Go through the each exercise and do 1 rep.  Lateral Jumps  are an exception and will be 40 reps each time through.  Rest with a 4 Figure stretch or hip flexor stretch.  Then start again and do 2 reps for each exercise.  All the way until you finish 7 reps for each exercises.

FINISH the workout with 20 second of 100% all out work, to 10 seconds of rest for 2-3 rounds.  Grab a light bell for this! If you don't have Ropes, do 2 Handed Swings or Jump Squats instead!  Enjoy!!!