Showing posts with label Free kettlebell workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free kettlebell workouts. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Prying Goblet Squats - Try this incredible warm up exercise

Try this Prying Goblet Squat for an increase in your squat mobility. This exercise is great to do with a light bell before you do Goblet and Double Kettlebell Front Squats. 
Here is why we do them. 

- opens up your adductors and groin area.
- creates a deeper squat
- grooves a more efficient Goblet or Double Front Squat
- activates your abductors 

- grab a very light bell by the horns
- Stand about shoulder width apart.
- INHALE, then pull yourself down in to a comfortable squat with your elbows touching the insides of your knees
-make sure heels and toes stay on the floor without coming up.
- Gently push your elbows in to your knees to pry them apart to open your squat wider which will gently stretch your groin and adductors.
- Drop your hips down further, once you've opened up, and take deep breaths at the very bottom.
- Try to keep your chest up and tall without collapsing your shoulders.
- HISS and EXHALE to stand up safely. Very important that you use your breathe on the way up. 
*note the depth you'll get with the prying squat is lower than a loaded goblet or double front squat. You only relax in to a stretch with this type of squat when you have a VERY light bell or no bell at all.
Try this and let me know what you think!

VIEW video HERE on Facebook if you don't have Instagram or view on Youtube here.

Try this Prying Goblet Squat for an increase in your squat mobility. This exercise is great to do with a light bell before you do Goblet and Double Kettlebell Front Squats. Here is why we do them. - opens up your adductors and groin area. - creates a deeper squat - grooves a more efficient Goblet or Double Front Squat - activates your abductors QUICK TIPS - grab a very light bell by the horns - Stand about shoulder width apart. - INHALE, then pull yourself down in to a comfortable squat with your elbows touching the inside of your knees -make sure heels and toes stay on the floor without coming up. - Gently push your elbows in to your knees to pry them open wider to gently stretch your groin and adductors. - Try to keep your chest up and tall without collapsing your shoulders. - Drop your hips down further, once you've opened up, and take deep breaths at the very bottom. - HISS and EXHALE to stand up safely. Very important that you use your breathe on your way up. *note the depth you'll get with the prying squat is lower than a loaded goblet or double front squat. You only relax in to a stretch with this type of squat when you have a VERY light bell or no bell at all. Try this and let me know what you think! #mobility #squats #laurensplayground #laurenbrooksfitness #dropitlikeasquat #deepsquats #strength
A video posted by Lauren Brooks (@laurenbrooksfitness) on

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kettlebell Figure 8's and Figure 8's to Hold - Quick Video Tutorial

"Kettlebell Figure 8's" and "Figure 8's to Hold" Quick Tutorial

Yes I chopped my hair off but that's not what this is about! :) The first video is a tutorial of the Figure 8 Kettlebell exercise. The next video is a tutorial for the Figure 8's to hold. Both great for coordination, core, hand 2 hand practice, warm up or part of a training session. These exercises are utilized well in the brand new DVD Kettlebell Incinerator

- Use a very light bell when first starting with these.

- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell swing

- Pass the bell back between your legs to your other hand and swing it away from your knee cap and around your leg. 

- Have FUN and don't forget to breathe.

Figure 8's to Hold 

Last week I went over the Kettlebell Figure 8's. I'm now building on. This takes it to the hold position. We do this in our upcoming DVD Kettlebell Incinerator. 

- Use a light bell
- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell Swing
- Pass the bell back between your legs to the other hand and swing it away from your knee and up towards your opposite shoulder.
- Catch the bell in the palm of your free hand while maintaining the grip hold on the bell. 
- Push the bell away and back through your legs with the hand gripping the bell.
- Have Fun!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Turkish Get Up - Part 4

The Get Up
Part 4 (Final Lesson)
and final portion of the full body incredible exercise The Get Up. Please let me know how you do!

To view the other sections scroll down on my blog or go to this playlist via youtube. 

Here's a super simple tutorial of how stand up effectively and reverse the steps on the way down for an effective Get Up.  Covers proper head positioning.  You will find this exercise utilized in the popular Be SLAM program, Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning part 2 and the new Kettlebell Body DVD.