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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2014

On The Edge Fitness KETTLEBELL Giveaway.

Fresh starts can be very purifying. Today I'm celebrating a new phase with my website/business. As the collection in educational material grows, it's time to take my site platform to the next level. I still have several projects in the works but we are ready to celebrate this upgrade. We are GIVING a KETTLEBELL away. One person will WIN our most popular new Metrixx Elite� Precision E-Coat Kettlebell. People are raving about how smooth this one is and enjoying the size of the handle.  

 Enter the kettlebell giveaway here.

16kg Metrixx Elite� Precision E-Coat Kettlebell

WE ARE CELEBRATING AN UPGRADED NEW WEBSITE LAUNCH. On The Edge Fitness website has taken it to the next level. We have redesigned the entire site and are now offering the highest technology when it comes to streaming our popular follow along workouts and education material.  You can still order our tried and true hard copy DVDs and books as well. Look out for our newest addition about to join us as well in weeks to come.  For a limited time take $10 off our hard copy DVD's Code: 10offdvd

Second place wins our brand new soon to be released Kettlebell Revelation� DVD

For my loyal friends and followers who have been with me for years, you can also enter to win even if you receive my newsletters. So much more to come! I thank you for all your support and I look forward to releasing more educational training materials! Second place winner will win a copy of our brand new DVD Kettlebell Revelation�, which has not yet been released! Sign up below. Please share if you feel someone can benefit from these programs. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Turkish Get Up - Part 4

The Get Up
Part 4 (Final Lesson)
and final portion of the full body incredible exercise The Get Up. Please let me know how you do!

To view the other sections scroll down on my blog or go to this playlist via youtube. 

Here's a super simple tutorial of how stand up effectively and reverse the steps on the way down for an effective Get Up.  Covers proper head positioning.  You will find this exercise utilized in the popular Be SLAM program, Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning part 2 and the new Kettlebell Body DVD.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Turkish Get Up Tutorial - Part 3 (windshield wiper)

Here is Part 3 of the awesome Get Up. One of the most effective all around amazing strength and mobility improving exercise that exists.  These tutorials have helped make the Get Up easy and user friendly, along with increasing the bell size with ease.

Look out for our brand new DVD coming soon Kettlebell Revelation�, where you can use this drill in the workouts. In the mean time you can use this in Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells (Volume 2), Be SLAM program and The Kettlebell Body�.  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Kettlebells for Injuries?

For the last several years I've shifted my training focus on rehabilitating people. When I first got in to the fitness industry 15 years ago, my main focus was on fat loss, strength, getting lean etc... While it still is a large part, I've learned that I don't have to focus just on those aspects. In fact, by zoning in on real life movement patterns and injury prevention exercises, the fat loss and strength still HAPPEN! My point is, rather than merely train for physical appearance, people are thriving consistently by sticking to their programs to reverse the aging clock, stay injury free and enjoy a new found quality of life. This has been proving to be much more rewarding!  If you suffer from back pain and injuries it does not mean it's the end for you.    I just received this beautiful testimonial from one of my students, mother of 2, who suffered a major back injury, that no one could diagnose.  Proper patterning and strength, along with kettlebells saved the day for Kathryn!  I'm sharing this to inspire you to find someone that understands how the body works and to strengthen any dysfunction that you may suffer from.  Even if you feel perfect, train with a purpose.
Here is what she said:
Lauren is simply amazing, as a trainer and person.  When I first started kettlebells eight months ago I could not lift a bag of groceries, container of cat litter, or my six year old.  I had a very painful lower back injury that no one could quite diagnose or fix (I had seen doctors and pain specialists and I tried acupuncture, massage, pain medication, ointments, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories, heat, and cold--nothing was making me feel any stronger). When I first started working out with Lauren I refused to swing a tiny 2 � kilo bell I was so scared of the pain in my back.  Well, Lauren fixed that.  She was patient but she encouraged me to try many different strengthening exercises (go deadlifts).  She also helped me work through moderate pain and discomfort by facing it in carefully controlled circumstances. Lauren has amazing expertise and the uncanny skill of knowing exactly how much you are capable of doing without pushing it past the breaking point. Within a couple of months I was swinging 16 kilo bells and have graduated from there.  I am so much stronger and I no longer fear the pain in my back because there is no more pain.  I can lift multiple bags of groceries and the cat litter. Best of all, two weeks ago I lifted my six year old for the first time (in a year and a half) without fear.  She said to me, �mommy, you can do this every day now.� And you know what, I can.  Thank you Lauren, for everything.  I am so grateful.
Dr. Statler  -  Encinitas, California