Showing posts with label kettlebells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kettlebells. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Tabata training rocks and it's a very simple and easy way to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic system in as little as 4 minutes a day! I know, it's almost too good to be true. 

Here's how it works! All you have to do is pick between 1-4 exercises to perform a 20 second interval of hard work with a 10 second interval of rest. The chosen exercise or exercises should be intense enough to truly challenge you. The coolest part of Tabata training is you're done in 4 minutes! That's right just 4 minutes of training can get you incredible results with an increased metabolism, cardiovascular and muscular system!

Quick History of where Tabata came from

Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist, along with his research team from the National Insist of Fitness Sports in Tokyo discovered tabata training. They conducted a research study with two groups. Group 1 worked out at a moderate intensity level for one hour 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Group 2 worked out at a high intensity level for 4 minutes with intervals of 20 seconds of work to 10 seconds of rest. 

Results for Group 1 - moderate intensity level 1 hour workout
- Only increased cardiovascular system but showed no increase in the anaerobic system (muscular) system.

Results for Group 2 - High intensity interval - 4 minute workouts
- Increased the cardiovascular (aerobic system) and increased the anaerobic muscular system by 28%. 

This is a workout choice proving that quality beats quantity. This is why the workouts I've released over the years through my live classes, Kettlebell DVD's, programs and online classes include a ton of interval training. People have complained in the past about taking rests because the mindset of resting sounds lazy. Studies have proven over and over again that rest is required to take your aerobic AND anaerobic system to the next level!

To read more information about the study you can see it right here

Now for the FUN details on how to do the challenge.

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Directions: Pick a challenging exercise that you can go all out, safely, for 20 seconds or work to 10 seconds rest. You will perform 8 - 20 second work intervals with 10 second rest intervals. Below are sample Tabata's as well as a favorite Tabata of mine. 

Sample Tabata 1 - 4 sets for a total of 4 minutes

Jump Squats

Sample Tabata 2: - 2 sets for a total of 4 minutes

1 arm Swing
1 arm Swing
Jump Squats 

Sample Tabata 3: 8 sets for a total of 4 minutes

2 Hand Swings 

Sample Bodyweight Tabata 4: 

Bodyweight Squats
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Jump Squats

One of my Favorite Kettlebell Tabata Workouts

High Pull, Catch & Squat
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
1 Arm Snatch

Go through this 2 times through. If you're an over achiever do a double Tabata!


Great Exercises options for your TABATA workouts

Jump Rope
Body Weight Squats
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
High Pull, Catch & Squat
Jumping Jacks
Star Jumps

Share with us your tabata. Hashtag #tendaytabatachallenge 

Hope you have an amazing time with this challenge. This can be done any time and any place. You don't even need equipment just a timer. Feel free to post your challenge for the world to see. I'll share it if I find your hashtag or if you tag me. 
We also have a challenge group page on Facebook called Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge if you want to post your challenge privately here. 

Twitter:      @laurenbrooksfit

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Kimberly Baker - Beautiful & Strong at 42 yrs old - Mother of 3

"They have no idea the struggles I�ve gone through with my self-image and I�m so careful not to discuss weight or anything like that in front of them. I want them to love the body God gave them and be comfortable with who they are and not let society or anyone else change that for them."  Kimberly Baker

I'm always blown away when I learn more about my students, especially Kimberly, full time working mother of 3! Knowing Kimberly now for 7 years I had no idea she went through the self image struggles she has shared with all of you below. Kimberly has chosen to open up because she wants you to know that you're not alone! I can't tell you how many of my students have suffered from these exact battles with body image. Whether we are too thin, too big, too weak, not good enough, too this, too that... Kimberly has put this all in to perspective which is extremely inspiring. With Kimberly's full schedule she seems to still make time to show up for her short workout sessions. I always see her at school functions and she is a dedicated wife, friend, mother, and student. I hope Kimberly's raw and deep core story that she wrote inspires you to continue to find the path that brings you strength and joy in your life. 

Kimberly's Story - Full Time Working Mother of 3 
written by Kimberly Baker

7 years ago�that�s when my journey with Lauren to a healthier, stronger me began. At the time my oldest daughter was 8, my middle daughter was 3 and my youngest had just turned 1. I�ve always been active, mostly a runner, but wanted to build strength. I�ll be honest�I really wanted nice abs! I remember my sister in law, who lived in Tucson at the time, was talking about this new workout she was doing�kettlebells. I had never heard of it, but I could see the results she was getting. So, like anything that I want to learn more about, I turned to the internet. I couldn�t believe it�one of the best instructors was living right in my backyard. I read about Lauren, looked at all her photos, and was in love with how her body looked. She was tone, but still feminine looking. That�s exactly what I wanted and the more I read about the kettlebells�the more I thought�"I could do this." 
I called Lauren and set up an appointment to meet with her and �talk� more about this workout and how it could work for me. Lauren must have spent a good 15 minutes on the initial phone call with me answering questions and getting to know me before I ever met her in person. When I finally did make it to her house, with my littlest one in tow, I felt like I had known her forever. She just had this warmth about her that made me feel right at home. Any fears or doubts about doing kettlebells went right out the window. She gave me such confidence!  Something I have to say that I haven�t always had when it came to my body. 

The History and Struggles

I guess I should take you back�way back�to high school. I was your typical girl�social, athletic, good in school, but I had body image issues. I swam on the swim team for 3 years so I was pretty fit�I had to be right? But at the time I didn�t think I was.  When I was in college I suffered a bit from Anorexia, but I would never admit it. This is the first time I have actually said that out loud. I remember I would go an entire day without eating or just eat a couple crackers. My stomach was always upset and bloated, but I couldn�t understand why so I just wouldn�t eat because I thought that would make it worse. I was actually starving myself and my stomach was trying to tell me that. I remember my parents being worried and sending me to the doctor and I would make up stories about just being stressed, but that I ate and they were just overreacting. After all I was in college, I was an adult, and I thought I looked good�I was thin.

 A few years passed and I started to become healthier, I would eat but I would really watch everything that I put into my mouth. It was so unhealthy I can�t even explain it. This habit went on for years. I eventually married, had a daughter, moved crossed country, got divorced, and moved back home. Still with my unhealthy habits�constantly watching what I ate, working out at the gym, running, limiting myself, and skipping meals. How I could even workout with how little I was eating is beyond my comprehension. I needed to start to rebuild my life with my daughter. I started working full time, which meant I really had to work out because sitting in a chair all day was going to make me fat, right?

I rekindled a friendship with my high school sweetheart.  We started dating and to make a long story short we got married. I was happier than I had ever been�life was great and I was right where I wanted to be.  Mind you still with my unhealthy habits. My husband, Cord, could never wrap his head around it.  He would always tell me how great I looked and how beautiful I was, �but he had to say that, right?� he was my husband after all.  Now just to clarify, I was unhealthy in my eating, but when I was pregnant I never deprived myself of meals. It was the warped way in which my mind worked. I�m not worth eating for, but I will do it for my babies. It wasn�t until my 30�s, looking back at an old swim meet video before I noticed what great shape I was actually in and really had been my entire life. Had I really gone this far in life thinking I was fat? Never being able to take a compliment? Thinking people were just trying to be nice by saying I looked great for having 3 kids? WOW!  What a waste of those years and truly being able to enjoy my body and the shape I was in. 

My Life Changing Experience

Fast forward to the day I met Lauren. She changed everything for me. Granted she�s not a psychologist or a doctor or a life coach, but she is a strong, healthy, beautiful woman, who exudes confidence, oh and by the way, happens to be one of the best kettlebell instructor around. Have I mentioned that? When I first started training with Lauren I couldn�t even do a push up�not one, but she never once made me feel less because I couldn�t do it. She kept encouraging me to keep going and that it would take time to see results, but that I would get there. For me that was the hardest part�.waiting for the results, but I stuck with it and continued to work hard. How could I not?�if I stopped now I would let myself down and her�and I wasn�t about to do that. I�ve had to take a break here and there due to work and children, but luckily my husband is very supportive of me working out because he sees how healthy it makes me�not only physically, but mentally. I can honestly say that kettlebells has made me a better person, a stronger person, a better mom and wife. As a full-time working mom of 3 and a wife, it�s not easy to carve out the time for myself. Sometimes I feel guilty that I go off to kettlebells 2-3 times a week, but it makes me so confident that I come home thinking I can handle anything life throws at me�and with 3 girls�a lot gets thrown at my husband and me!


Today, I�m almost 42, I�m the healthiest and strongest I�ve ever been and can honestly say that, for the first time, I am comfortable in my own skin. I�m currently training for my second half marathon�let�s just say my first had a less than desirable ending and I want to prove to myself that I can do it.  I�m hoping I get there, but what I can tell you is how kettlebells has positively impacted my training. Now, I have to build up my lung endurance, but my legs and body are stronger than ever. I remember going out for my first run in almost 2 years and was shocked at the strength in my legs. That was the moment I knew kettlebells was definitely working for me�not to mention I can do regular push-ups back to back. That to me is motivation to keep going, to keep training with kettlebells, and become stronger and healthier. I also feel it�s a good role model for my girls. They have no idea the struggles I�ve gone through with my self-image and I�m so careful not to discuss weight or anything like that in front of them. I want them to love the body God gave them and be comfortable with who they are and not let society or anyone else change that for them. What I love seeing is how they want to run with me or do sit ups or planks alongside me at home. Several times I�ve brought them to class with me, because I couldn�t leave them home, and they love watching. I find that to be the best way I can teach them�leading by example. If they see me do it, at almost 42, then they know they can do almost anything! I never thought I would be in better shape today than I was at 25, especially after having 3 children. However, I feel amazing, healthy and strong and I thank God every day for bringing Lauren and kettlebells into my life when he did.  

Quick words from me:

Thank you so much Kimberly for sharing your deep personal story with us. I know many women of all ages will find this extremely inspiring. Kimberly also has a little side business of sewing and photography. She's quite talented and you can check her out here.
At the end of the day it's imperative for you to never feel guilty to carve out a small chunk of the day to take care of yourself. This will make you a stronger rock for your loved ones and they will appreciate it in more ways than one.  YOU GO GIRL! Keep rocking and motivating those around you. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Did you know workouts lasting under six minutes can benefit you in more ways than one? Many of you may already know how fabulous snagging a short session can be for not only your mind, but also for the physical body.

If you are bogged down at work all day with hardly a moment to breathe, then having the opportunity to sneak away for six minutes is much more likely than finding an hour or two.

What the Research Says

Research has found that just a few short sessions throughout the day can improve overall stress, blood pressure, and weight control. Shorter intense training sessions can be even more effective in boosting your metabolism than a long drawn-out session. And this research doesn�t just stop at adults. One study in PLos One showed that exercise sessions of as little as five minutes improved adolescents and children's overall health. Pretty amazing, don�t you think?

KEEP READING AND watch the 4 FREE 6 minutes WORKOUT VIDEOS I made just for BREAKING MUSCLE right here

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why Every Woman Should Be Doing Pull-ups

"I never thought at age 43, I would be strong enough to be able to do even one pull-up, let alone six."

Kari doing Chin-ups

Kari doing Pull-ups

Today is Kari Miller's 43rd birthday!  I felt it was time to highlight Kari, 43 yr old mom of 2, success in achieving her pull-up goal. Kari's determination and dedication has been infectious to our entire group.  She's a beautiful woman inside and out and we truly love her.  

Here is Kari's Story:

I started my kettlebell journey with Lauren Brooks last December.  I went to Lauren because I wanted to take my training to the next level.  I didn�t just want to be kettlebell strong,  I wanted to be Lauren Brooks strong.

I witnessed just how strong Lauren is when she did a set of pull-ups (too many to count) during a Friday group session.  I decided that day I wanted to be strong enough to do just one.

I started using the assistance band in class to help me with my pull-ups.  With the strength I was gaining from attending Lauren's classes three times a week and consistently working on pull-ups, Lauren suggested I try a pull-up without a band.  I tried and I did my first pull-up.  I was so excited and I became obsessed with wanting to do more.  Lucky for me my husband had installed a pull-up bar in the house a few years back. I was doing pull-ups at home and in class.  The one turned into two, the two turned into four and the four turned into six.  I am now working on chin-ups, pulls-ups, mix grips and weighted pull-ups.  My ultimate goal is to be able to do ten in a row with any grip I choose.

I never thought at age 43, I would be strong enough to be able to do even one pull-up, let alone six.  It's a huge testament to Lauren and her strength training programs!
Thank you so much Lauren!!

THANK YOU KARI! You've inspired the entire group to get up on the pull-up bar and more females in their 40's are beginning their pull-up journey because of you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARI!

Her and her husband own a popular sports bar and restaurant called Miller's Field down in Pacific Beach (San Diego), California.  Be sure to check it out if you're in the area. Special healthy menu as well!


Here is a link to some suggested bands to begin your pull- up journey. In addition to the bands I would also look in to making sure your body is strong with our tried and true programs.  Be SLAM and Kettlebell Body would be the perfect way to enhance this. Like, Comment, and Subscribe to get more tips on how  to reach your pull-up goals. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

On The Edge Fitness KETTLEBELL Giveaway.

Fresh starts can be very purifying. Today I'm celebrating a new phase with my website/business. As the collection in educational material grows, it's time to take my site platform to the next level. I still have several projects in the works but we are ready to celebrate this upgrade. We are GIVING a KETTLEBELL away. One person will WIN our most popular new Metrixx Elite� Precision E-Coat Kettlebell. People are raving about how smooth this one is and enjoying the size of the handle.  

 Enter the kettlebell giveaway here.

16kg Metrixx Elite� Precision E-Coat Kettlebell

WE ARE CELEBRATING AN UPGRADED NEW WEBSITE LAUNCH. On The Edge Fitness website has taken it to the next level. We have redesigned the entire site and are now offering the highest technology when it comes to streaming our popular follow along workouts and education material.  You can still order our tried and true hard copy DVDs and books as well. Look out for our newest addition about to join us as well in weeks to come.  For a limited time take $10 off our hard copy DVD's Code: 10offdvd

Second place wins our brand new soon to be released Kettlebell Revelation� DVD

For my loyal friends and followers who have been with me for years, you can also enter to win even if you receive my newsletters. So much more to come! I thank you for all your support and I look forward to releasing more educational training materials! Second place winner will win a copy of our brand new DVD Kettlebell Revelation�, which has not yet been released! Sign up below. Please share if you feel someone can benefit from these programs. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kettlebell TOWEL Swing

Kettlebell Towel Swing

This is the absolute BEST exercise to practice to help you with the Kettlebell Swing. Practice this after the hip hinge and Dead Lift exercise. Watch your Kettlebell Swing improve dramatically with this exercise. Let me know how you do!

Practice your swing in some of our most popular DVD's and look out for our upcoming DVD Kettlebell Revelation�.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Turkish Get Up Part 2 - Mastering the sweep thru.

The Get Up 
Step 2

Here's a super simple tutorial of how to sweep your leg through ending in the proper position. You will find this exercise utilized in the popular Be SLAM program, Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning part 2 and the new Kettlebell Body DVD.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Featuring Ida: Amazing Weight Loss Story and NOW Beautiful Fit Kettlebell Instructor.

Always extremely touched and honored with testimonials and success stories such as this one!  Here's a story of a woman that was severely overweight, had babies via C-section and suffered from hormonal issues. Fast forward to today she is now a kettlebell instructor getting her Strong First Kettlebell Certification (SFG). Read her story that she wrote to me. If you needed some inspiration this is the real deal!

Hi Lauren -

A little over 5 years ago I found your name as I was researching how to recover core strength after having a c-section.  At that time, I was severely overweight due to general poor diet, hormonal issues, pregnancy, and hormonal medications I had to take to become pregnant. I had always been physically active, but still overweight. I weighed 216 pounds. I am 5'2".

Your research led me to kettlebells, and my very first kettlebell workout was with your DVD The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells. I studied your YouTube videos and your blog to make sure my form was good and to make sure I was using the kettlebells correctly.  With your email advice, I started with an 18 pound kettlebell.

After that c-section in 2008, I had another in 2011 and recovered so quickly because I continued to use kettlebells during that pregnancy. Even my doctor was impressed!

Fast forward to today. Using your DVDs as a springboard, I started using kettlebells as my primary form of exercise. Eventually, I started training at FIRE-BELLZ and then with Zar Horton, Master SFG.

I am now a ketttlebell instructor at FIRE-BELLZ. (I also have a professional career, so kettlebells are my part-time passion!) I will be attending the October SFG I cert in San Diego this year.  My weight hovers between 140 and 145 pounds, and has for almost 3 years. I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. My normal swinging bell is either a 20kg or 24kg bell. I turn 40 this year, and feel the best I have ever felt in my life. 

I continue to follow your blog and do your workouts. You are an inspiration to me and many many others. 

Even though I train now with Zar and at FIRE-BELLZ.
 I will always credit you for starting me on this path. When I signed up for the cert, I knew I had to reach out to you and share my story. You started this! And I thank you so very much for doing so!

So, if you happen to be at the October cert and see a short, dark curly haired chic running up to you to give you a big hug, do not be afraid. It's just me!!!

With lots of thanks and tons of kettlebell love,

Ida Hernandez 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Featuring Todd... a Dad... Almost 40 yrs old!

Pic on the right is  Todd 3 months after starting unconventional training.
I'm very proud to feature one of my newer students, Todd Graham. Todd is almost 40 years old and is a hard working father. Like most stories of why someone put on extra weight, "life" got in the way. Todd was an incredible high school athlete and continued to keep his conventional training regimen even through his stressful demanding career. Todd, being a motivated person and sometimes an over achiever, continued to "workout" 3-4 times a week. His workouts consisted of conventional barbell training and lots of running.  However, the weight continued to creep on.  He did what he thought was the right thing to do regarding his pre/post workouts. He'd down MuscleMilks in a pinch and head to the gym.

When Todd began training with me at On The Edge Fitness, his glutes weren't firing properly and he could hardly swing a 25lb kettlebell.  It was not a surprise that with no glute activation that he suffered from chronic back pain and extremely tight hamstrings. His core was also dysfunctional which added to his continuous back pain.

Todd was very skeptical about interfering with his training regimen he had been doing at his local gym. His first words to me when he walked in to my outdoor gym were "I'm here to try you out." After attending a combination of private sessions, semi-privates and group classes with me, he dropped 20 pounds and he longer has back pain. Todd trains less now than he use to and no longer runs.

Let's find out how Todd did it. I asked him a few questions. 
Todd 3 months after training

Lauren:  I asked you to stop running due to your back pain. Do you miss it?
Todd: I now get to enjoy sprinting so that helps and back pain is completely gone. Between kettlebell swings and battling ropes it takes care of all I need.

L: What's your proudest moment since adding this type training to your lifestyle?
T: Achieving an 88lb Turkish Get Up and of course the body composition changes! :)

L: What changes other than the new training did you implement to achieve these incredible results?
T: Nutrition has been such a big part of it. With the nutrition advice you've given me it's made it an easy lifestyle change. I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. 

L: Now that we had to toss Muscle Milk in the trash, what kind of protein shakes do you consume?
T: I use two different protein shakes and my kids love them. I interchange the Grass Fed Whey Protein FIT 365 and the Organic Raw Pea Protein
L: Didn't you just learn a very hard sport that most soon to be 40 year olds would give up after one day? You must be a very determined guy.
T: Yes I learned how to snowboard.  Thanks to the training that got me ready for it and having a really good snowboard instructor was the ticket.  ;)
Lauren: What a lucky guy. To have both a great coach and a snowboard instructor. :) Would love to meet this person. Thanks for providing us with some photos. 

Todd snowboarding at Canyons Resort near Park City, Utah
Todd and his snowboard instructor

L: What would you say to other men in your position or dads about getting started with this  type of training and nutrition lifestyle?
T: "It's never too late. Get out there and do it. Make the first step. Results will be there. I'm hooked."

L: What about to those that don't live near On The Edge Fitness or anywhere local?

T: "My 65 year old mom that lives all the way in Texas is now hooked on all the DVD's and read your book cover to cover. She is feeling better than ever and looking great. I'd recommend everyone check out your DVD's and videos for guidance and get some distant coaching from, especially if there is no local certified instructors in their area. 

A few more words from Todd

"I workout less than I did before, my back pain is GONE, more flexible, mobility improved and I'm STRONGER!. Maintaining this lifestyle is easy with the amazing group and camaraderie that On The Edge Fitness provides. 

Thanks a bunch to Todd for sharing his story and being such an amazing role model for men. I look forward to seeing more strength gains and athletic endeavors to come. I'm glad he decided to "try me out" (his words). Who knows.... maybe he will even be in the next DVD!  ;)

Left Photo: Todd with his gorgeous sister, taken right before he began his unconventional training.
Right Photo: Todd several months in to his training/nutrition changes, with his snowboard instructor ;)


Now 6 months after this BLOG post check out how far Todd has come.  He even made it to the new DVD!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proper Push-ups (post pregnancy, c-sections and/or core dysfunction)

Are you struggling with your push ups? I have to admit most people who come to see me for a session, including men, do not perform their push-ups correctly. In fact many people are causing more damage with the way they are currently doing push-ups. May as well avoid them altogether if you're not doing them correctly.

Common mistakes:

  • Hands are too wide
  • Lower back sags 
  • Elbows flare out way to far
  • Zero lat engagement throughout
  • Neck and shoulders take over
  • Incorrect head positioning
  • abs completely shut off and not functioning
  • Leading with the head and neck

Here is a quick video I put together on what a proper push-up is suppose to look like along with an easy progression. Even if you know what one looks like, you may be incapable to perform a solid push-up on the floor until you increase your core activation, trunk stability, and overall core strength.  For the ladies who have had kids, C-sections, suffered from diastasis recti or any sort of abdominal surger, will need to retrain your brain on how to hold a plank properly. Once you can hold a solid plank, you can then work on the moving planks (which I cover in the video) on a higher surface.  Once you can perform 6-10 on the surface you are practicing on, you can then move to a slightly lower surface. If you have a sloppy push-up on the floor all you'll do is injure yourself.  Humble yourself and begin your push-ups higher up until you can eventually go lower and lower over time.  Be patient, there is no rush!

 I will be releasing many more tutorials that will enhance your overall training, including kettlebell training, now that I've found a pretty cool editor for my little videos. ;)

Note: If you are unable to move properly through an elevated push-up, please start with this Mini Plank video instead here

I filmed this push-up video on my youngest daughters 5th birthday. Here is how I looked exactly 5 years ago to remind all of you. I know, I looked so enthusiastic at 9 months pregnant! :)

Photo 1: Ready to pop with baby #2
Photo 2&3: Filmed UBSC Vol. 2 DVD 6 months after Chloe was born, via C-section. (still nursing)

You can go to my main youtube channel to subscribe and get the updates for the next videos to come here.  

p.s. To workout with me on a regular basis check out my new online classes designed for all levels. I even have a beginner section. Learn more about Lauren's Playground here

Monday, February 10, 2014

Kettlebells for Injuries?

For the last several years I've shifted my training focus on rehabilitating people. When I first got in to the fitness industry 15 years ago, my main focus was on fat loss, strength, getting lean etc... While it still is a large part, I've learned that I don't have to focus just on those aspects. In fact, by zoning in on real life movement patterns and injury prevention exercises, the fat loss and strength still HAPPEN! My point is, rather than merely train for physical appearance, people are thriving consistently by sticking to their programs to reverse the aging clock, stay injury free and enjoy a new found quality of life. This has been proving to be much more rewarding!  If you suffer from back pain and injuries it does not mean it's the end for you.    I just received this beautiful testimonial from one of my students, mother of 2, who suffered a major back injury, that no one could diagnose.  Proper patterning and strength, along with kettlebells saved the day for Kathryn!  I'm sharing this to inspire you to find someone that understands how the body works and to strengthen any dysfunction that you may suffer from.  Even if you feel perfect, train with a purpose.
Here is what she said:
Lauren is simply amazing, as a trainer and person.  When I first started kettlebells eight months ago I could not lift a bag of groceries, container of cat litter, or my six year old.  I had a very painful lower back injury that no one could quite diagnose or fix (I had seen doctors and pain specialists and I tried acupuncture, massage, pain medication, ointments, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories, heat, and cold--nothing was making me feel any stronger). When I first started working out with Lauren I refused to swing a tiny 2 � kilo bell I was so scared of the pain in my back.  Well, Lauren fixed that.  She was patient but she encouraged me to try many different strengthening exercises (go deadlifts).  She also helped me work through moderate pain and discomfort by facing it in carefully controlled circumstances. Lauren has amazing expertise and the uncanny skill of knowing exactly how much you are capable of doing without pushing it past the breaking point. Within a couple of months I was swinging 16 kilo bells and have graduated from there.  I am so much stronger and I no longer fear the pain in my back because there is no more pain.  I can lift multiple bags of groceries and the cat litter. Best of all, two weeks ago I lifted my six year old for the first time (in a year and a half) without fear.  She said to me, �mommy, you can do this every day now.� And you know what, I can.  Thank you Lauren, for everything.  I am so grateful.
Dr. Statler  -  Encinitas, California