Showing posts with label diastasis recti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diastasis recti. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Quadruped Rock - Perfect exercise to activate your Abs

Quadruped Rock - Ab Exercise
by Lauren Brooks
My new favorite ab exercise

Here is an exercise that completely fires up your abs and quadriceps. I was crawling around in my backyard one day and paused for a brief moment to begin rocking. I began rocking back and forth. I tucked my pelvis towards my rib cage to see how my abs would feel as I was hovering in the crawl position. Quads were already on fire. Now my pelvic floor muscles along with my Rectus and Transverse abdominus began to shake. As a woman who�s experienced a couple C-sections and helps others with core dysfunction, I�m always looking for great ways to fire up the deep core muscles. I loved it so much I called it the Quad Rock. I now use the Quad Rock with my students as part of a warm up or followed by a few strength exercises within a set. They claim this is one of the exercises they feel their abs and quads the most. It's also been quite cool because no one feels any lower back pain.  I made a quick video under 2 minutes that will show you how. Let me know how y'all feel after giving this a whirl.

How To Do The Amazing Quad Rock:

  1. Get on the ground barefoot in the quadruped position. 
  2. Lift your knees off the ground as if you�re going to crawl. Make sure your toes are tucked under and pushing in to the floor.
  3. Push the ground away from you and allow your hips and knees to hinge back on to your heels. 
  4. Rock back and forth several times to feel the gentle rocking motion on your body and vestibular system. 
  5. Pause at the top of the quadruped position and tuck your pelvis towards your chest. (For a more intense ab exercise hold this position for 3-5 seconds before rocking back on to your heels. 
  6. Repeat this rocking pattern for a 10-15 reps. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proper Push-ups (post pregnancy, c-sections and/or core dysfunction)

Are you struggling with your push ups? I have to admit most people who come to see me for a session, including men, do not perform their push-ups correctly. In fact many people are causing more damage with the way they are currently doing push-ups. May as well avoid them altogether if you're not doing them correctly.

Common mistakes:

  • Hands are too wide
  • Lower back sags 
  • Elbows flare out way to far
  • Zero lat engagement throughout
  • Neck and shoulders take over
  • Incorrect head positioning
  • abs completely shut off and not functioning
  • Leading with the head and neck

Here is a quick video I put together on what a proper push-up is suppose to look like along with an easy progression. Even if you know what one looks like, you may be incapable to perform a solid push-up on the floor until you increase your core activation, trunk stability, and overall core strength.  For the ladies who have had kids, C-sections, suffered from diastasis recti or any sort of abdominal surger, will need to retrain your brain on how to hold a plank properly. Once you can hold a solid plank, you can then work on the moving planks (which I cover in the video) on a higher surface.  Once you can perform 6-10 on the surface you are practicing on, you can then move to a slightly lower surface. If you have a sloppy push-up on the floor all you'll do is injure yourself.  Humble yourself and begin your push-ups higher up until you can eventually go lower and lower over time.  Be patient, there is no rush!

 I will be releasing many more tutorials that will enhance your overall training, including kettlebell training, now that I've found a pretty cool editor for my little videos. ;)

Note: If you are unable to move properly through an elevated push-up, please start with this Mini Plank video instead here

I filmed this push-up video on my youngest daughters 5th birthday. Here is how I looked exactly 5 years ago to remind all of you. I know, I looked so enthusiastic at 9 months pregnant! :)

Photo 1: Ready to pop with baby #2
Photo 2&3: Filmed UBSC Vol. 2 DVD 6 months after Chloe was born, via C-section. (still nursing)

You can go to my main youtube channel to subscribe and get the updates for the next videos to come here.  

p.s. To workout with me on a regular basis check out my new online classes designed for all levels. I even have a beginner section. Learn more about Lauren's Playground here