Showing posts with label Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kettlebell Press Challenge (21 Days)

It's time for another challenge. This challenge can be done in conjunction with other training programs. It's designed so you can go through this protocol in a very calm and relaxed way. If you do this properly watch your pressing strength go up significantly in just 21 days!

Not everyone is designed to press a bell over head. If you can not lock your elbow and maintain a straight arm over head, chances are,  pressing over your head may not be a safe option for you. The majority of my students who are unable to press heavy over head or press anything properly over head, switch to a very LIGHT Bottoms Up carry or Bottoms up press bell.  Like with any challenge or new workout regimen make sure you check with your doctor first, proceed with caution and use good judgement. Then have a great time! Details below with video!

Pressing options:

Kettlebell Press 

Tall Kneeling Press

Bottoms Up Press

 The Kettlebell Press Challenge 
(21 days)
#KettlebellPressChallenge  #TheKettlebellPressChallenge

DIRECTIONS: Choose a pressing pattern and size bell that works well with your body and your current fitness level. You may use the same size bell each day or use a heavier bell as the reps become lower. For example Day 1 Press 4 times each side with a 12kg bells. Take a 30-120 second rest and use the 12kg bells for 3 times per side. Take a 30-120 second rest and use a 16kg bell for 2 per side and so on. Only go up if you KNOW you can safely get the bell over head WITHOUT a push press.

Rest suggestion: take a minute rest before moving to the next rep range. If you're using a heavier weight than normal take a 2 minute rest. If you need more rest that's ok too! Just get them done within the day!

Note - The 1 rep that is indicated is not meant for you to work with your 1 rep max, You should be able to do 2 consecutive reps with the bell you are using for 1 rep.

The suggest rep are indicated for EACH side.

Day 1     5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 2     4, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 3     4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Day 4     3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 5     2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 6    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 7     Rest

Day 8    3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Day 9    3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Day 10  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 11  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 12  3, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 13  3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 14  Rest

Day 15  2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Day 16  2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 17  2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 18  2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 19  2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 20  Rest
Day 21  Test your 1 REP MAX at the end 2, 1, 1 rep scheme Congratulations!

To check out all of our other past fitness challenges view here.

To join our private facebook group where you can stay motivated and join other people doing the challenges ask to join here.  

If you really want to get involved, receive new workouts, videos, recipes monthly check out our exclusive Lauren's Playground

We encourage a bit of video, photo, or posts of when you participate! No pressure of course!    #TheKettlebellPressChallenge #KettlebellPressChallenge

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Tabata training rocks and it's a very simple and easy way to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic system in as little as 4 minutes a day! I know, it's almost too good to be true. 

Here's how it works! All you have to do is pick between 1-4 exercises to perform a 20 second interval of hard work with a 10 second interval of rest. The chosen exercise or exercises should be intense enough to truly challenge you. The coolest part of Tabata training is you're done in 4 minutes! That's right just 4 minutes of training can get you incredible results with an increased metabolism, cardiovascular and muscular system!

Quick History of where Tabata came from

Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist, along with his research team from the National Insist of Fitness Sports in Tokyo discovered tabata training. They conducted a research study with two groups. Group 1 worked out at a moderate intensity level for one hour 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Group 2 worked out at a high intensity level for 4 minutes with intervals of 20 seconds of work to 10 seconds of rest. 

Results for Group 1 - moderate intensity level 1 hour workout
- Only increased cardiovascular system but showed no increase in the anaerobic system (muscular) system.

Results for Group 2 - High intensity interval - 4 minute workouts
- Increased the cardiovascular (aerobic system) and increased the anaerobic muscular system by 28%. 

This is a workout choice proving that quality beats quantity. This is why the workouts I've released over the years through my live classes, Kettlebell DVD's, programs and online classes include a ton of interval training. People have complained in the past about taking rests because the mindset of resting sounds lazy. Studies have proven over and over again that rest is required to take your aerobic AND anaerobic system to the next level!

To read more information about the study you can see it right here

Now for the FUN details on how to do the challenge.

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Directions: Pick a challenging exercise that you can go all out, safely, for 20 seconds or work to 10 seconds rest. You will perform 8 - 20 second work intervals with 10 second rest intervals. Below are sample Tabata's as well as a favorite Tabata of mine. 

Sample Tabata 1 - 4 sets for a total of 4 minutes

Jump Squats

Sample Tabata 2: - 2 sets for a total of 4 minutes

1 arm Swing
1 arm Swing
Jump Squats 

Sample Tabata 3: 8 sets for a total of 4 minutes

2 Hand Swings 

Sample Bodyweight Tabata 4: 

Bodyweight Squats
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Jump Squats

One of my Favorite Kettlebell Tabata Workouts

High Pull, Catch & Squat
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
1 Arm Snatch

Go through this 2 times through. If you're an over achiever do a double Tabata!


Great Exercises options for your TABATA workouts

Jump Rope
Body Weight Squats
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
High Pull, Catch & Squat
Jumping Jacks
Star Jumps

Share with us your tabata. Hashtag #tendaytabatachallenge 

Hope you have an amazing time with this challenge. This can be done any time and any place. You don't even need equipment just a timer. Feel free to post your challenge for the world to see. I'll share it if I find your hashtag or if you tag me. 
We also have a challenge group page on Facebook called Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge if you want to post your challenge privately here. 

Twitter:      @laurenbrooksfit

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Perfect Push-Up Challenge with Lauren Brooks

About the PERFECT Push-up Challenge

I've seen a lot of push-ups in my day. Unfortunately most of them end of looking a bit like this photo below. This is not a perfect push-up. In fact it's an injury waiting to happen. To avoid having a push-up that looks like this, it's very important to understand what a push-up is first. I was asked by many people to run a push-up challenge, however, I hesitated for months. I've finally decided to put one on but under one condition  They must be lower reps and perfect! 

Having a strong PERFECT push-up is truly an important factor. When done properly you'll find it an incredible exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles, triceps, deltoids, serratus anterior, pecs, lats and did I say core? The abs alone become powerful when push-ups are practiced properly. You will also build some lean muscle mass which will end up increasing your metabolism. The coolest part of these is you can basically do them anywhere and any time! 

How Can I Get Started? I can't seem to do even ONE push-up!

Here are two ways to start that I'm going to show you in the videos below

Push-Up Progressions and Getting Started
(Especially for post pregnancy and C-sections)

The Assisted Perfect Push-Up

I'm a MASTER at Push-Ups - How can I challenge myself?

Congratulations on having a perfect push-up on the floor! If traditional push ups are too easy you can make them harder in many ways! A few examples are
  •  Put your feet on a higher surface
  • Place hands on a suspension trainer 
  • Add an explosive component with a clap 
  • One arm push ups and progressions. 

The PERFECT Push-up Challenge

INSTRUCTIONS: Find the position or surface that allows you to perform a perfect push up for your level. Break down the push up in as many sets as you need to maintain PERFECT alignment and form. In the challenge I broke down a safe way to get better at your push up goals with low reps. 

Remember, if your lower back sags and your neck and traps are doing the work, then this is not considered a push up. In fact you're teaching yourself a pattern that will hurt you more than help you down the road. Those reps do not count!

As you begin to feel STRONGER and can complete your perfect push up, you can change your surface for something lower or find a more challenging push up progression that forces you to only practice several perfect reps at a time. Just like the squat challenge, break up the reps in to as many sets as you need. 

"Easy" Push-up Progression week (example: higher surface or thick band)

Day 1 - 4/3/3/2 =12
Day 2 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 3 - 5/5/4/2 =16
Day 4 - rest
Day 5 - 6/5/5/3 = 19
Day 6 - 7/6/5/3 = 21
Day 7 - Rest

More Challenging Progression Push-up week (example: lower surface or thinner band)

Day 8 - 4/3/3/2 = 12
Day 9 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 10 -5/5/4/2 =16
Day 11 - Rest
Day 12 - 5/5/5/4 =19
Day 13 - 6/5/5/4 = 20
Day 14 - Rest

Challenging Progression Push-up Week (example: even lower surface than week before or thinner band)

Day 15 - 4/3/2/1 = 10
Day 16 - 4/3/2/2 = 11
Day 17 - 4/3/3/2 = 12
Day 18 - Rest
Day 19 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 20 - Rest
Day 21 - Test your push up rep goal with what you started with OR see if you can get your "progression" goal. (example 30 reps of push ups in a row OR 1-2 reps One arm push ups per side)

#PerfectPushUpChallenge  Ask to Join our private Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group community for free here

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Snatch Challenge (or 1 Arm Swing)



DIRECTIONS: Follow the ladder performing each rep per side. Pick a comfortable size kettlebell. The challenge will be an increase in reps by the end. For example Week 1, day 1,  5 reps per side, 4 reps per side, 3 reps per side, 2 reps per side, 1 reps per side etc... View video sample below with instructions. You can set the bell down in between or you can complete all of the reps in one go. 

POST your progress using hashtag #thesnatchchallenge. Video, text, photo. You can also post privately in the Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group. Let the fun begin!


Day 1 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 = 30

Day 2 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 = 40

Day 3  7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 50


Day 5  8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 = 60

Day 6  9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 70



Day 1  6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 = 42

Day 2  7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 = 54

Day 3  8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 66

Day 4         MOBILITY/REST

Day 5  9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 = 78

Day 6 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 90

Day 7          MOBILITY/REST


Day 1 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2  = 54

Day 2 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 66

Day 3 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4  = 78


Day 5  10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 90

Day 6 10 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 = 100



 Snatch Instructions (clip from Kettlebell Workshop DVD)


POST your progress using hashtag #thesnatchchallenge. Video, text, photo. You can also post privately in the Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group. Let the fun begin!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

21 Day Get Up Challenge - New Challenge

Due to popular demand and great success with the last two challenges, I present to you our 3rd challenge. If you are interested in checking out any of our other popular challenges visit the Lauren Brooks Challenge tab to view all of our free challenges. 

Get Up Video Play List will also teach you the proper steps on achieving a solid and SAFE Get Up

Get Up Styles and Variations to choose from that work best for YOUR LEVEL AND BODY TYPE

Get Up to the Tall Sit (recommended for beginners)

Full Get Up (Traditional Turkish Get Up)
Part 1 - 4

Get Up for "Shoulder/Thoracic Mobility Restrictions"

Modified Get Up (great for sensitive knees)

Hashtag #GetUpFor21days so we can find you every time you share with us that you did your Get Ups. Post descriptions, photos, and/or videos!

You can also ask to join our free Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge group right here where we have 400+ people doing the challenges with you!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge - Deadlifts for 28 Days

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge
 Deadlifts for 28 days (recommended for Beginners)


Directions: Choose a safe weight to begin your challenge with. Suggested reps indicated are for EACH SIDE** ONLY if performing Single Leg Deadlifts. 
Example: Day 1: 5 reps for 2 sets. Day 2: 5 reps per leg for 3 sets. Add weight each week if you�re ready. 

LADDER DAYS: Perform the suggested reps per side. Example 5 reps per side. Then 4 reps per side, then 3 reps etc... Take as much rest as needed or incorporate this ladder within your current training program.  You may also use a heavier bell on a the LOWER rep ladder area IF you feel you've earned it and had enough rest in between. On the final ladder GRADUATION DAY, if your form is perfect and you're feeling strong, use a heavier bell as you go DOWN the ladder. 

Safety: Break the reps up in to multiple sets to feel fresh. Never go to failure!

Week 1 - starting weight
Day 1: 10 
Day 2: 15
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: 20
Day 5: 25
Day 6: Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 7: Rest

Week 2 - add weight
Day 8: 10
Day 9: 15
Day 10: Rest
Day 11: 20
Day 12: 25
Day 13 Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 14: Rest

Week 3 - add weight
Day 15: 10
Day 16: 15
Day 17: Rest
Day 18: 20
Day 19: 25
Day 20: Ladder Day 5/4/3/2
Day 21: Rest

Week 4 - add weight
Day 22: 10
Day 23  15
Day 24 Rest
Day 25  20
Day 26  25
Day 27: Rest

Day 28: Graduation Ladder 4/3/2 - test your strength - Use heavier bells as you lower your reps!!!


I'm also doing a HUGE GIVEAWAY for one of the lucky participants in the deadlift challenge. In order for us to know you're participating and see you actively doing the challenge here are ways to WIN!
Winner of the challenge will get $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!!!!  Who's in???  

1.  Share and tag your friends to Challenge them to get them involved. 
2.  Hashtag #deadliftsfor28days  and #laurenbrooksfitness so we can find you .
3. Tell us when you do your single leg deadlifts or deadlifts on Facebook, twitterinstagram, or pinterest. Tag and hashtag so we can find you! Check out our Facebook challenge post for the easy way to participate.

ONE LUCKY WINNER will WIN  $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!


PREREQUISITE AND WARNING: You must be able to do a traditional weighted deadlift before moving to one leg. Do not attempt Single-Leg Deadlifts with load until you�ve mastered the movement without weights. Practice the Single-Leg Deadlift
movement pattern prior to adding load. This is not an explosive movement. Rushing this exercise will only cause you to lose balance and injure yourself. View video below for proper instruction. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.  

 PHOTOS below are from The Kettlebell For Women book. � Rapt Productions/from Kettlebells for Women (Ulysses Press)

CHOOSE AN OPTION FOR YOUR CHALLENGE - try them and go with the one that feels the BEST on your body for the first week. 

Weight on the outside of the working leg
"Unilateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed on the inside of the working leg
"Contralateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed in the front of the working leg
note: my least favorite
"Front Single Leg Deadlifts"

Even weights placed on both sides - my personal favorite
"Double Single Leg Deadlifts"

Modified Single Leg Deadlift - back leg is your kickstand. 






JOIN HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, MAKE CONNECTIONS, AND SHARE YOUR PROGRESS WITH THE WORLD! Hundreds of awesome people just like you are participating in these challenges. Sharing your sessions with us along with your experiences is paramount for your growth as well as everyone else's growth.  You have people that are waiting to support you. Share with your friends and family to inspire them. Get them excited about fitness! We can track your progress all over with these hashtags.  Feel free to tag me if you want me to see what you're doing. 

If you want to be a part of our free Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge Facebook group you can join here. This is where many people share with one another what they're doing with the challenge. Team up with someone. Make a friend and get in on this together!

#deadliftsfor28day #laurenbrooksfitness 

Sign up for our newsletter to get a free gift in our featured workout section which includes Workout 1 from our most popular Shut Up and Train video, top notch workout informationand nutrition information.

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