Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kettlebell Figure 8's and Figure 8's to Hold - Quick Video Tutorial

"Kettlebell Figure 8's" and "Figure 8's to Hold" Quick Tutorial

Yes I chopped my hair off but that's not what this is about! :) The first video is a tutorial of the Figure 8 Kettlebell exercise. The next video is a tutorial for the Figure 8's to hold. Both great for coordination, core, hand 2 hand practice, warm up or part of a training session. These exercises are utilized well in the brand new DVD Kettlebell Incinerator

- Use a very light bell when first starting with these.

- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell swing

- Pass the bell back between your legs to your other hand and swing it away from your knee cap and around your leg. 

- Have FUN and don't forget to breathe.

Figure 8's to Hold 

Last week I went over the Kettlebell Figure 8's. I'm now building on. This takes it to the hold position. We do this in our upcoming DVD Kettlebell Incinerator. 

- Use a light bell
- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell Swing
- Pass the bell back between your legs to the other hand and swing it away from your knee and up towards your opposite shoulder.
- Catch the bell in the palm of your free hand while maintaining the grip hold on the bell. 
- Push the bell away and back through your legs with the hand gripping the bell.
- Have Fun!

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