Thursday, January 16, 2014

Todays Workout - Around the Block

Run 200m,
20 Push Ups,
20 Sandbag Back Squats,
20 Sandbag Round-the-Worlds (each side).

Complete 5 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Healthy Gluten Free Oatmeal and Almond Flour Pancakes

These delicious pancakes have been a Sunday tradition with my little girls for years.  Over time I've made them in slightly different ways.  I may have finally mastered a recipe that truly suits everyones tastes.  The good thing about these pancakes is I don't have to feel guilty eating them. I'm able to have loads of energy afterwards and it's on track with my clean eating philosophies.

Oh and did I tell you making them is easy and painless?  


This recipe makes about 2 servings

1/2 cup Organic Gluten Free Oatmeal
1/2 cup Almond Flour
2 Organic Free Range Eggs
1/2 cup Almond, Coconut OR hemp milk
1 Tbs Organic Coconut Sugar *
1tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of blueberries or any fruit of choice*


My girl is not included.  She insisted on being in the photo since these Pancakes are her Fav!!!


Grind the oatmeal in a food processor or blender. (I personally use a blender for this recipe.)
Once ground to a powder add all the dry ingredients and stir or blend.  Add the liquid ingredients and blend or beat until smooth. 

Heat coconut or olive oil on medium to high heat.  Pour batter in to small circles on heated grill, pan or skillet.  Flip when small bubbles begin to form. 

On special occasions I will have a touch of whip cream to the girls pancakes.  I personally enjoy them plain or with a dab of Organic dark maple syrup.

Let me know how you do!  I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve any recipe I share.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

LOVE getting these emails

I'm always so touched when I get these beautiful emails!  Here are some snippets. 

"Hi Lauren,

I discovered your first DVD about three or four years ago now and have been following you ever since.  While I haven't consistently worked out all of this time, I learned that I LOVE kettlebells.  I want to thank you for sharing your passion with the world.  You are an inspiration.  I have all but three of your DVD's (KB Body is my new fav!), your app, your book, and today I just ordered Be SLAM!  Long overdue since I don't always want to fire up the DVD player.

You have been a reminder to me that I can improve my life by taking good care of myself.  That I should do what excites me and that I need to enjoy the process of what I am doing, not just the results!  Most importantly, you speak to the fact that we all have different bodies and we need to appreciate the one we are in no matter our age, size, or abilities.  A thousand times thank you.

Well, I downloaded Be SLAM and immediately got to work organizing my schedule (a compulsion) which included setting up an excel spreadsheet so that I can upload it to my google calendar.  You are so generous with your time and expertise, even for those of us who are remote that I wanted to give you something back. 

My personal results so far?  I am down from 267 lbs and not being able to do a burpee to 240 lbs and squat thrusts being one of my favorite exercises!  This since getting serious this past spring (maybe April).  I still have (approximately) 90 lbs to go.  I can't wait to see the strength and conditioning gains I experience from Be SLAM.  I'll keep you posted.  Have a blessed holiday season, and again, thank you for all that you do and who you are in the world, it is a better place because of you.

Hugs and many blessings,
Chante Fields"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kat's Kettlebell Journey From the Philippines (Mom of 2 and inspiration)

Two days ago I received such a warm hearted motivating email. I'm always touched when people choose to write to thank me for their what inspired and motivates them for becoming the strong! 

Kat (AKA Mamakat) wrote me several emails on what she has done to achieve a beautiful strong and lean body (6 pack) with kettlebell training and clean eating. 

Thank you Kat for sharing this with me and allowing me to share it with the world.  I hope people find you on instagram and follow your transformation!  ----> mamakathere

Here are a few clips of her email and photos that she has sent over.  

Greetings from your #1 fan in the Phillippines.

Hi Lauren, 

I'm Kat a mother of two. I got hooked into kettlebells when I leaned out a few months after giving birth. I heard about you from our kettlebell instructor marc. He is the only certified ktb instructor here in Manila. I'm lucky to be trained by him. I am a part time model and perfume maker, but my passion for health and fitness is beyond, im a big time ufc fan... Meisha tate has been my long time idol. My goal this year is to spread the beauty of kettlebell training! There are moms here who cannot afford fancy gym and trainers... I want to share how kettlebell training transformed the body I have.... Im 5'9 100 lbs... My energy is insane!  I eat well and never a fan of diets.  I am still nursing.  

I able to double swing, clean and press a 35 pounds bell... Never in my dreams I thought I could ever lift 1/4 of my weight! You are an inspiration! I keep watching your videos over and over for motivation!

Anyway my dream is to meet you."



Oh by the way I'm a mother to a special child, my eldest has autism and one of the reasons why we went kettlebell training is that we had no time for fancy gyms last husband is the one who got me into this...He never resorted to any kind of diet.. He ate well but went on working with kettlebells as he leaned out. I documented my transformation on instagram under mamakathere when I started 6mos ago.  There you will see how I got ab cuts with my 14 pound bell. I wish to spread the beauty of kettlebells to all mothers here. That is the very reason why I am training with Marc. I wish to be a blessing to others.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Todays Workout - Three is a Magic Number

3 Pull Ups,
6 Sandbag High Pulls,
9 Push Ups.

10 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Todays Workout - A Bit of Everything

10 Sandbag Deadlifts,
10 Sandbag Thrusters,
10 Push Ups,
10 Sandbag High Pulls.

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Todays Workout - Pushin'

Get over the holiday with this simple but challenging workout.

100 Skips,
20 Sandbag Thrusters.

5 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train hard!