Showing posts with label gluten free recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten free recipes. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Simple Egg Muffins for Kids and Grown Up Kids (Gluten Free)

I must admit going from 2 kids to having 4 kids was not a breeze. Especially when each of them are picky eaters. Sometimes I find myself making 4 different dishes. Oy vey! I know I could just send them to bed hungry if they don't eat the one dish I make. But I can be a softy at times. I want to find what the kids enjoy!

Now I'm finding dishes that are healthy that will sustain them for a few solid hours!

The simple egg muffins have become a staple in our house. Our pickiest eaters want them. They  keep well and you just reheat in moments and bam you've got an incredible breakfast or snack on the go.

We began this journey with making an egg muffin with organic cheese, organic cooked turkey bacon and organic free range eggs.

Lyla and Chloe wanted to make these for everyone so here is how it's done! I tried to keep this around 2 minutes so there are portions sped up. I find it super cute, but again they're my kids. Don't expect you to. :) Maybe this will inspire your kids to get more involved in the kitchen.

Simple Egg Muffins for Kids and Grown Up Kids

Makes 12 Egg Muffins

12 Eggs
1 pack of Turkey Bacon
A few pinches of salt
Organic Cheese - 1 T added to each tin

1. Coat tins with non stick spray
2. Cook bacon and chop in to pieces
3. Preheat over to 350
4. Beat eggs and add salt
5. Pour eggs in each muffin tin 3/4 of way full
6. Add bacon pieces to each muffin tin
7. Add 1 T of cheese to each muffin
8. Put in oven for 15-20 minutes

Eat up!!

FOR A HEALTHY ADULT RECIPE that is similar try this  - Personal Egg Quiche -Check it out HERE

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Delicious Easy Egg Bake

This Egg bake did not last long in my house. My poor husband was drooling and waiting ever so patiently while I was taking a few photos. I've never seen him so patient while hungry. He knew it was good and wanted to me to share this with the world.

This dish is super easy to make. You can use any veggies and cheese you want. I used Goat Cheese but prior to this egg bake I made mini egg, turkey bacon and cheddar cheese bakes using muffin tins that the kids loved. I used a 5 cup Pyrex dish because it was just for my husband and me. You can double the recipe if you're making it for a larger group.


8 Organic Large Eggs (whisked)
1 cup of chopped broccoli
1/2 cup of Goat Cheese
Handful of arugula
2 chopped jalape�os
1 chopped green onion
10 cherry tomatoes cut in half
 1 tsp of Vital Salt - Black Truffle Sesame Salt


Preheat oven to 350.
Place all the chopped veggies evenly in a 5 cup 1.2L dish.
Pour the eggs  evenly over the vegetables.
Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the eggs
Cook for 30-40 minutes depending on how the size of your egg bake.

The inside will be moist but not wet when ready. Enjoy with fresh arugula and some hot sauce if you like it spicy.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Healthy Gluten Free Oatmeal and Almond Flour Pancakes

These delicious pancakes have been a Sunday tradition with my little girls for years.  Over time I've made them in slightly different ways.  I may have finally mastered a recipe that truly suits everyones tastes.  The good thing about these pancakes is I don't have to feel guilty eating them. I'm able to have loads of energy afterwards and it's on track with my clean eating philosophies.

Oh and did I tell you making them is easy and painless?  


This recipe makes about 2 servings

1/2 cup Organic Gluten Free Oatmeal
1/2 cup Almond Flour
2 Organic Free Range Eggs
1/2 cup Almond, Coconut OR hemp milk
1 Tbs Organic Coconut Sugar *
1tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of blueberries or any fruit of choice*


My girl is not included.  She insisted on being in the photo since these Pancakes are her Fav!!!


Grind the oatmeal in a food processor or blender. (I personally use a blender for this recipe.)
Once ground to a powder add all the dry ingredients and stir or blend.  Add the liquid ingredients and blend or beat until smooth. 

Heat coconut or olive oil on medium to high heat.  Pour batter in to small circles on heated grill, pan or skillet.  Flip when small bubbles begin to form. 

On special occasions I will have a touch of whip cream to the girls pancakes.  I personally enjoy them plain or with a dab of Organic dark maple syrup.

Let me know how you do!  I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve any recipe I share.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Banana Chocolate Chunk Bread (Gluten Free, Low Sugar)

After making a delicious pumpkin bread yesterday that went very quickly, I decided it was time to start experimenting.  I had some dark chocolate bars from Trader Joe's and a very ripe banana.  I use the last bit of honey I had from yesterdays Pumpkin bread, but had some organic raw Agave that needed to be used.  I knew this would be a different bread.  Within one hour of mixing and crushing a chocolate bar, I had probably the most delicious bread, other than my apple cinnamon bread.  Kids like this even better.

Pumpkin Banana Chocolate Chunk Bread (Gluten Free, Low Sugar)


2 Cups Almond Flour from HoneyVille
1 Very ripe Banana Smashed
1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree
1 small bar of Dark Chocolate Bar 72% Crushed and broken (or 1/4 cup of Dark Choc chips)
2 Jumbo or Extra Large Organic Free Range Eggs
2 Tbs of Organic Raw Agave (if you like very sweet bread add more)
2 tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp of Cinnamon
3/4 tsp Baking Soda

Directions:  Mix dry ingredients, except for chocolate pieces in a separate bowl. Mix wet ingredients plus the Chocolate pieces.   Then combine dry and wet in a large mixer bowl and blend or stir very well.   Place in a loaf tin.  Bake at 350 for 45-50  minutes.  This one stuck to my tin so you may want to spray non stick spay on yours.  It should come out very moist and taste awesome!   Let me know how it goes!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

No Guilt Pumpkin Bread (Low Sugar, Gluten Free, Grain Free)

Now that Fall is here I get in the baking mood.  Especially when it comes to using Pumpkin. After all who doesn't like Pumpkin?  This was the first time attempting Pumpkin Bread. I've made pumpkin muffins before, but this was different since I only had a limited amount of ingredients.  It's one of the lowest sugar and high protein pumpkin breads I think I could make without actually adding protein.  I don't like to cook with protein powders.  Almond flour is packed with protein, fiber, and good fats.


1/2 cup Organic Pumpkin Puree
2 cups Almond Flour
1/4 cup Honey
2 Large Organic Free Range Eggs
2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
3/4 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Directions:  Mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately very well.  I recommend using a mixer to blend all the ingredients together nicely.  It will be a thicker batter.  Put in a loaf tin.  Bake at 350 for 30-40  minutes.  I took mine out at 40 minutes.  I personally like my breads very moist so I think it could have come out 5 minutes earlier.  I will make these again soon and take it out earlier or add an extra egg.  I also may add 1 Tbs of Coconut Oil and see what happens. I love to experiment!  Either way, the pumpkin bread is a hit and the fact that the entire loaf has half the honey than most recipes call for, is awesome.   I love being able to get away with less sweetener!  The healthier the better!

I'm always open for suggestions.  If you make this let me know how yours turns out.  If you love sweet breads, then make sure to add more honey or use Agave instead.  You can also check out my new pumpkin banana chocolate chunk bread.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mini Healthy Egg Bites (For Kids and Big Kids)

First of all my kids won't stop asking me to make these.  They devoured them in minutes!  These mini egg bites or egg muffins were inspired from my friend Allison who found this on Pinterest.  Of course I immediately went to her board and had to repin it.  Allison is a mom of 2, almost 3 kids, who I truly admire.  She always has the coolest ideas from anything to recipes, costumes, to home organization.  As a working mom of 2 kids myself, I truly don't know how she does it all!  

Originally I wanted to use the large muffin tins that these are designed for.  However, due to our home flooding a few weeks ago, I currently don't have a kitchen.  Our kitchen supplies were quickly packed in boxes and it's hiding in one of the 40 boxes that were packed by the emergency flood workers.  The only muffin tins I could find were my mini muffin tins.  The positive side of using mini muffin tins is they take just 10 minutes to bake and they truly are bite size.  The not so positive side is they are gone in 5 minutes!!  My kids couldn't get enough of them!  You can make these egg bites many different ways.  I experimented by only using one of our muffin tins.  Next time I'll fill both up and add grilled onions, chives, and mushrooms. For the kids I wanted to keep it simple.  

Time to Prepare: 6 Minutes
Time to Cook: 10 - 12 Minutes

3 Extra Large Organic Free Range Eggs
6 Tbs Almond Flour
Small Handful of chopped Arugula or chopped cooked broccoli (optional) (Any topping you desire.  Keep it small since they really are very small)
2-3 Tbs of Grass Fed Chedder Cheese 

Spray the muffin tin with nonstick Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 300 degrees

Beat eggs together,  then add the Almond Flour.  Beat again.  Then sprinkle the cheese and veggie mixture in and mix well.   You can add the cheese last and sprinkle on top if you prefer.  
Pour in each mini muffin tin 3/4 of the way.  They will bubble and rise past the top in the oven, but will flatten out  once you take it out.    Let cool for 5-10 minutes.  Spoon them out and serve. 

Hope you like these super cute mini egg bites as much my kids and I did.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Frozen Coconut Banana Protein Smoothie

Don't you dare throw your coconut flesh away! 

When I was pregnant with my first baby 6 years ago, I some how stumbled upon fresh young coconuts.  The market near my house would actually open them for you if you requested it.  They would stick a straw in the top and I would drink the coconut water as I walked around shopping.  Well by the time I was done shopping I had already finished it and was craving another one.  The fresh coconut water that came out of these amazing coconuts were pure heaven to me and extremely hydrating.  I was extremely thirsty during my pregnancy to the point even water wouldn't satisfy me.  Now many times I would eat the flesh, but sometimes my stomach wouldn't be in the mood for it.  I actually use to just throw the coconut away. BIG MISTAKE!  Scoop the flesh out and put it in the freezer for homemade smoothies and ice cream treats.

Here is a smoothie I just made this morning before my strength and conditioning workout for optimal energy



8 oz of Unsweetened Almond Milk or Water
Frozen Coconut Flesh from 1 Young Coconut
1 Frozen Banana
1 scoop of Vanilla FIT 365 or a Raw Vanilla Vegan Protein
1 tsp Maca Powder (optional and will change the taste)
1 tsp of Green Powder (optional and will change the taste)
1/2 tsp of a liquid Max B (optional and can change the taste)

Directions: Combine ingredients abovePress milkshake on your blender and the most creamy white amazing tasty smoothie comes out.  Perfect amount of fats, carbs, and protein for an awesome workout.  Those who are obsessed with protein feel free to add an extra scoop of protein powder.
