Showing posts with label gluten free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten free. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Delicious Easy Egg Bake

This Egg bake did not last long in my house. My poor husband was drooling and waiting ever so patiently while I was taking a few photos. I've never seen him so patient while hungry. He knew it was good and wanted to me to share this with the world.

This dish is super easy to make. You can use any veggies and cheese you want. I used Goat Cheese but prior to this egg bake I made mini egg, turkey bacon and cheddar cheese bakes using muffin tins that the kids loved. I used a 5 cup Pyrex dish because it was just for my husband and me. You can double the recipe if you're making it for a larger group.


8 Organic Large Eggs (whisked)
1 cup of chopped broccoli
1/2 cup of Goat Cheese
Handful of arugula
2 chopped jalape�os
1 chopped green onion
10 cherry tomatoes cut in half
 1 tsp of Vital Salt - Black Truffle Sesame Salt


Preheat oven to 350.
Place all the chopped veggies evenly in a 5 cup 1.2L dish.
Pour the eggs  evenly over the vegetables.
Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the eggs
Cook for 30-40 minutes depending on how the size of your egg bake.

The inside will be moist but not wet when ready. Enjoy with fresh arugula and some hot sauce if you like it spicy.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Healthy Gluten Free Oatmeal and Almond Flour Pancakes

These delicious pancakes have been a Sunday tradition with my little girls for years.  Over time I've made them in slightly different ways.  I may have finally mastered a recipe that truly suits everyones tastes.  The good thing about these pancakes is I don't have to feel guilty eating them. I'm able to have loads of energy afterwards and it's on track with my clean eating philosophies.

Oh and did I tell you making them is easy and painless?  


This recipe makes about 2 servings

1/2 cup Organic Gluten Free Oatmeal
1/2 cup Almond Flour
2 Organic Free Range Eggs
1/2 cup Almond, Coconut OR hemp milk
1 Tbs Organic Coconut Sugar *
1tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of blueberries or any fruit of choice*


My girl is not included.  She insisted on being in the photo since these Pancakes are her Fav!!!


Grind the oatmeal in a food processor or blender. (I personally use a blender for this recipe.)
Once ground to a powder add all the dry ingredients and stir or blend.  Add the liquid ingredients and blend or beat until smooth. 

Heat coconut or olive oil on medium to high heat.  Pour batter in to small circles on heated grill, pan or skillet.  Flip when small bubbles begin to form. 

On special occasions I will have a touch of whip cream to the girls pancakes.  I personally enjoy them plain or with a dab of Organic dark maple syrup.

Let me know how you do!  I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve any recipe I share.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bomb Kale Salad in Under 5 Minutes (Vegan Friendly)

This bomb ass kale salad is delicious and healthy. I believe in a healthy high fat diet with super foods and this just about covers it with a quickness. Due to Trader Joe's being one of the most convenient and fun places for me to shop, every single ingredient in this recipe can be found there. There are only 5 (now 6) ingredients so it makes it super easy and convenient, which is imperative for a busy working mom that rather spend quality time with her kids than taking extra time in the kitchen that's not always necessary.

Updating this to 6 ingredients thanks to the awesome comments below.  Adding fresh lemon juice to the tahini sauce to thin it out is such an excellent idea!!

Tahini Kale Salad

2-3 cups Organic Kale (I used Lacinto)
2-3 whopping Tbs of Tahini Sauce (add fresh lemon juice and water to thin it out to the consistency of your liking)
1/2 chopped Avocado
Handful of raw cashews
Several slices of Red onion to taste

Directions: (Brace yourself since it's very complicated ;P) Toss kale and tahini mixture together until blended well. Add the rest of ingredients and serve.  PHEW, that was tough.  (that's my sarcasm)

Meat eaters can add several ounces organic free range chicken for extra protein or some shrimp.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!