Showing posts with label kid friendly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kid friendly. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Simple Egg Muffins for Kids and Grown Up Kids (Gluten Free)

I must admit going from 2 kids to having 4 kids was not a breeze. Especially when each of them are picky eaters. Sometimes I find myself making 4 different dishes. Oy vey! I know I could just send them to bed hungry if they don't eat the one dish I make. But I can be a softy at times. I want to find what the kids enjoy!

Now I'm finding dishes that are healthy that will sustain them for a few solid hours!

The simple egg muffins have become a staple in our house. Our pickiest eaters want them. They  keep well and you just reheat in moments and bam you've got an incredible breakfast or snack on the go.

We began this journey with making an egg muffin with organic cheese, organic cooked turkey bacon and organic free range eggs.

Lyla and Chloe wanted to make these for everyone so here is how it's done! I tried to keep this around 2 minutes so there are portions sped up. I find it super cute, but again they're my kids. Don't expect you to. :) Maybe this will inspire your kids to get more involved in the kitchen.

Simple Egg Muffins for Kids and Grown Up Kids

Makes 12 Egg Muffins

12 Eggs
1 pack of Turkey Bacon
A few pinches of salt
Organic Cheese - 1 T added to each tin

1. Coat tins with non stick spray
2. Cook bacon and chop in to pieces
3. Preheat over to 350
4. Beat eggs and add salt
5. Pour eggs in each muffin tin 3/4 of way full
6. Add bacon pieces to each muffin tin
7. Add 1 T of cheese to each muffin
8. Put in oven for 15-20 minutes

Eat up!!

FOR A HEALTHY ADULT RECIPE that is similar try this  - Personal Egg Quiche -Check it out HERE

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Healthy Gluten Free Oatmeal and Almond Flour Pancakes

These delicious pancakes have been a Sunday tradition with my little girls for years.  Over time I've made them in slightly different ways.  I may have finally mastered a recipe that truly suits everyones tastes.  The good thing about these pancakes is I don't have to feel guilty eating them. I'm able to have loads of energy afterwards and it's on track with my clean eating philosophies.

Oh and did I tell you making them is easy and painless?  


This recipe makes about 2 servings

1/2 cup Organic Gluten Free Oatmeal
1/2 cup Almond Flour
2 Organic Free Range Eggs
1/2 cup Almond, Coconut OR hemp milk
1 Tbs Organic Coconut Sugar *
1tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of blueberries or any fruit of choice*


My girl is not included.  She insisted on being in the photo since these Pancakes are her Fav!!!


Grind the oatmeal in a food processor or blender. (I personally use a blender for this recipe.)
Once ground to a powder add all the dry ingredients and stir or blend.  Add the liquid ingredients and blend or beat until smooth. 

Heat coconut or olive oil on medium to high heat.  Pour batter in to small circles on heated grill, pan or skillet.  Flip when small bubbles begin to form. 

On special occasions I will have a touch of whip cream to the girls pancakes.  I personally enjoy them plain or with a dab of Organic dark maple syrup.

Let me know how you do!  I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve any recipe I share.