Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Perfect Push-Up Challenge with Lauren Brooks

About the PERFECT Push-up Challenge

I've seen a lot of push-ups in my day. Unfortunately most of them end of looking a bit like this photo below. This is not a perfect push-up. In fact it's an injury waiting to happen. To avoid having a push-up that looks like this, it's very important to understand what a push-up is first. I was asked by many people to run a push-up challenge, however, I hesitated for months. I've finally decided to put one on but under one condition  They must be lower reps and perfect! 

Having a strong PERFECT push-up is truly an important factor. When done properly you'll find it an incredible exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles, triceps, deltoids, serratus anterior, pecs, lats and did I say core? The abs alone become powerful when push-ups are practiced properly. You will also build some lean muscle mass which will end up increasing your metabolism. The coolest part of these is you can basically do them anywhere and any time! 

How Can I Get Started? I can't seem to do even ONE push-up!

Here are two ways to start that I'm going to show you in the videos below

Push-Up Progressions and Getting Started
(Especially for post pregnancy and C-sections)

The Assisted Perfect Push-Up

I'm a MASTER at Push-Ups - How can I challenge myself?

Congratulations on having a perfect push-up on the floor! If traditional push ups are too easy you can make them harder in many ways! A few examples are
  •  Put your feet on a higher surface
  • Place hands on a suspension trainer 
  • Add an explosive component with a clap 
  • One arm push ups and progressions. 

The PERFECT Push-up Challenge

INSTRUCTIONS: Find the position or surface that allows you to perform a perfect push up for your level. Break down the push up in as many sets as you need to maintain PERFECT alignment and form. In the challenge I broke down a safe way to get better at your push up goals with low reps. 

Remember, if your lower back sags and your neck and traps are doing the work, then this is not considered a push up. In fact you're teaching yourself a pattern that will hurt you more than help you down the road. Those reps do not count!

As you begin to feel STRONGER and can complete your perfect push up, you can change your surface for something lower or find a more challenging push up progression that forces you to only practice several perfect reps at a time. Just like the squat challenge, break up the reps in to as many sets as you need. 

"Easy" Push-up Progression week (example: higher surface or thick band)

Day 1 - 4/3/3/2 =12
Day 2 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 3 - 5/5/4/2 =16
Day 4 - rest
Day 5 - 6/5/5/3 = 19
Day 6 - 7/6/5/3 = 21
Day 7 - Rest

More Challenging Progression Push-up week (example: lower surface or thinner band)

Day 8 - 4/3/3/2 = 12
Day 9 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 10 -5/5/4/2 =16
Day 11 - Rest
Day 12 - 5/5/5/4 =19
Day 13 - 6/5/5/4 = 20
Day 14 - Rest

Challenging Progression Push-up Week (example: even lower surface than week before or thinner band)

Day 15 - 4/3/2/1 = 10
Day 16 - 4/3/2/2 = 11
Day 17 - 4/3/3/2 = 12
Day 18 - Rest
Day 19 - 5/4/3/2 = 14
Day 20 - Rest
Day 21 - Test your push up rep goal with what you started with OR see if you can get your "progression" goal. (example 30 reps of push ups in a row OR 1-2 reps One arm push ups per side)

#PerfectPushUpChallenge  Ask to Join our private Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group community for free here

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kettlebell Figure 8's and Figure 8's to Hold - Quick Video Tutorial

"Kettlebell Figure 8's" and "Figure 8's to Hold" Quick Tutorial

Yes I chopped my hair off but that's not what this is about! :) The first video is a tutorial of the Figure 8 Kettlebell exercise. The next video is a tutorial for the Figure 8's to hold. Both great for coordination, core, hand 2 hand practice, warm up or part of a training session. These exercises are utilized well in the brand new DVD Kettlebell Incinerator

- Use a very light bell when first starting with these.

- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell swing

- Pass the bell back between your legs to your other hand and swing it away from your knee cap and around your leg. 

- Have FUN and don't forget to breathe.

Figure 8's to Hold 

Last week I went over the Kettlebell Figure 8's. I'm now building on. This takes it to the hold position. We do this in our upcoming DVD Kettlebell Incinerator. 

- Use a light bell
- Maintain a flat back, like you would with the Kettlebell Swing
- Pass the bell back between your legs to the other hand and swing it away from your knee and up towards your opposite shoulder.
- Catch the bell in the palm of your free hand while maintaining the grip hold on the bell. 
- Push the bell away and back through your legs with the hand gripping the bell.
- Have Fun!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kettlebell Incinerator Workout DVD


PRE-ORDER* your copy here for $10 off! TO CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY Take 40% off all of our other DVD's when you Pre-order this DVD. Code: 40off for our other DVD's
*DVD's estimated ship time is about 3 weeks

Lauren does it again with her star students who have literally transformed, stronger than ever before and are walking testimonies of Lauren�s training system.
  • 6 Follow along Intense Fat-burning Workouts
  • Warmup Included
  • 2 DISC collection
  • 6 Week Rotation Program for all levels included in the case

PRE-ORDER* your copy here for $10 off! TO CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY Take 40% off  our other popular DVD's when you Pre-order this DVD. Code: 40off for our other DVD's


Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Snatch Challenge (or 1 Arm Swing)



DIRECTIONS: Follow the ladder performing each rep per side. Pick a comfortable size kettlebell. The challenge will be an increase in reps by the end. For example Week 1, day 1,  5 reps per side, 4 reps per side, 3 reps per side, 2 reps per side, 1 reps per side etc... View video sample below with instructions. You can set the bell down in between or you can complete all of the reps in one go. 

POST your progress using hashtag #thesnatchchallenge. Video, text, photo. You can also post privately in the Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group. Let the fun begin!


Day 1 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 = 30

Day 2 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 = 40

Day 3  7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 50


Day 5  8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 = 60

Day 6  9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 70



Day 1  6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 = 42

Day 2  7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 = 54

Day 3  8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 66

Day 4         MOBILITY/REST

Day 5  9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 = 78

Day 6 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 90

Day 7          MOBILITY/REST


Day 1 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2  = 54

Day 2 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 66

Day 3 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4  = 78


Day 5  10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 90

Day 6 10 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 = 100



 Snatch Instructions (clip from Kettlebell Workshop DVD)


POST your progress using hashtag #thesnatchchallenge. Video, text, photo. You can also post privately in the Lauren Brooks Fitness challenge Facebook group. Let the fun begin!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Simple Pull Up Guide For Women

Pull Up Guide For Women (ebook and video guide)
Many females have the misconception that women don't have the upper body strength to achieve a pull up. I'm here to tell you that mind set is a bunch of baloney. I've taught thousands of women, distant and in person, how to achieve and master pull ups. To my amazement many begin in their 40's, 50's and even 60's successfully reaching their very first chin/pull up. There is no reason you have to fear the bar. There is no reason you can't begin your pull up journey. 
If you're looking for a guide that has a magical gimmick and will promise you pull ups in 30 days without any work, this is not the guide for you. Although some people can get pull ups in less than 30 days, that is not a realistic time frame. Everyone achieves a pull up at their own pace. If you're looking for a realistic path that lays out appropriate stepping stones that will literally build you a pull up strong body by building your pull up foundation, then you have found your pull up guide.

This pull up guide is an ebook with digital videos. It's a full course that will take you to the path of achieving your dream of a pull up. As a busy mom of 4, has had 2 C-sections, I've started from scratch each time to get my own pull up back.I've worked with women of every fitness level daily on the bar for 15 years. With trial and error and tons of experience, I've created the most user friendly simple approach that will get you comfortable with the bar which eventually will get you doing reps of chin/pull ups!
I'm going to cut right to the chase. To achieve a pull up it takes determination, consistency and intelligent training. If you're not willing to do the work, then don't waste your money. Practice a little bit almost every day as shown in the guide and you will be well on your way to that pull up. 


Here is what you will get in The Simple Pull Up Guide For Women (or men)


Pre-req to Begin the Pull up Program - Videos and Tips
Mobility Warm Up video for a stronger pull-up. 
Do's and Don't's videos and tips
4 Week Foundation Building Program (for the absolute BEGINNER)
8 Week No Fluff Pull-up Program
12 Progression Exercises with video demonstrations
10 Assistant Exercise - with video demonstrations
Real Success Stories

Equipment Needs

You must have access to a bar or rings to master a chin/pull up. I use these terms interchangeablely because in my opinion a women doing a chin up or pull up are both equally amazing. Yes, technically a chin up is when your palms are facing towards your face and a pull up is when your palms are facing away from you. Now let's stop talking and start pulling! Ready.... Set... Go!!!! Sign up here and get started NOW

Take $10 off for a limited time with code: pullups

Saturday, March 5, 2016