Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Todays Workout - If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

Huge apologies for the gap between posts here on Sandbag Fitness - work and other projects have been stupidly busy. I've still been training though and I hope you have too.

5 Heavy Sandbag Thrusters
50m Sandbag Load Carry
10 Heavy Sandbag Shoulders

Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

28kg Get Up vs. 116lb Lauren Brooks

Turkish Get Up - One of the best kettlebell exercises for your entire body!

If you want to learn the beginning of a Turkish Get Up, grab your copy of The Kettlebell Body� today.

Or you can see our FREE Get Up TUTORIAL STEP 1 HERE

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Straight to the Bar Gymchat

The guys over at Straight to the Bar kindly invited me to one of their Gymchats yesterday. Check it out:

You can also take a look at the recent article I wrote for them about Sandbag Training Protocols here:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Todays Workout - Heatwave

It's hot here. Really bloody hot. Especially when you train in what is essentially a metal box during the hottest part of the day.

10 Heavy Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
10 Sandbag High Pulls

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Todays Workout - Atlas

This workout is courtesy of longtime Sandbag Fitness follower Josh (i.e. you can blame him). It's called Atlas, presumably because after you finish it you'll feel like you've just spent the past few rounds lifting the moon. It's a real shoulder-killer.

15 Shoulder-to-Shoulder Sandbag Presses
10 Sandbag High Pulls
5 Handstand Push Ups

10 rounds as fast as possible.

Men aim for a 40kg sandbag; women aim for 20kg.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mom of 3 Gets Her Life Back After A Motorcycle Accident

A touching story of inspiration.   Robyn, a single mother of 3 children, was in a horrible motorcycle accident. She was flown 40 yards from the back of a motorcycle.  Her life has never been the same.  Read how she powered through her struggles, needed multiple surgeries and rehab for her broken Femur.  She used kettlebells to make her comeback.  She has shown that there are truly no excuses!

"Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!" --- Robyn

 Hi Lauren,  
don't know if you remember me but I wrote you a little over a year ago because I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident.  I had fractured my femur and had no idea what to expect about recovery.... It was a dark and scary point in my life.  I was in very good shape before the accident and used kettlebells daily, even the morning of the accident.  I remember laying in the hospital bed and all I could do was Russian twists and push presses in the beginning after the accident but it was my only hope at knowing that one day I would regain the strength in my leg to once again do what I had done once before.  You could not give me much guidance because it was so early on and just told me to keep my faith up (and to stay in touch, which I was bad about!). 

To recap what happened...on memorial day 2012 the accident happened. I was a rider on the back of a motorcycle and a car turned in front of us.  I was flown 40 yards from the scene.  I fractured my femur.  I had surgery that night to place a rod in my leg from hip to knee and a screw at hip and two at my knee.  I underwent 20 physical therapy sessions (till my insurance stopped covering) then took what I knew on my own from kettlebells and a stationary bike I found for $35 on Craigslist. 

I did this all as a divorced mom of 3 kids under 8 years old. With a full time job.  I woke up at 3:30am every morning to workout. No excuses.  In October, I had to have surgery again to remove screw at hip.  I took off 4 days of work and went right back to working out.  This past April, after almost a year of my femur non healing I had to have surgery again.  This time bone graft.  I told my employer and they let me go the next day.  :(.  So, the last week of April I had surgery to try to get this leg has now been 8 weeks and my last X-rays (last week) show that it is working!! During this last year I have kept my faith during some of the most difficult times of my life! I have worked out daily...even when most people would want to cry from pain (and I have cried during many workouts too! Ha!) but, working out has always been my release. I have set so many goals and some I've reached and some I have not but I have never gave up. 

8 weeks after Robyn's Leg Surgery
 Mom of 3 small children

I've watched your DVDs, read your book, and read over your blog over and over adding things into my workouts as I could physically do them! 8 weeks out from this last surgery and I'm now swinging my 35lb kb, can do presses, snatches, dead lifts, Russian twists. Yes, I'm using this to brag about where I've been (ha) but I'm also bragging because I'm YOUR student.  I would not have been able to come out of this accident had it not been from what I learned watching your videos.  You saved my life. I still have a long way to go but every moment I'm able to take a walk around the block with my kids I am THANKFUL for the blessings that kettlebells and you brought into my life years ago! 

Thank you for everything... Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!

Thank you always!!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Todays Workout - Master Blaster

20 Ground-to-Overhead with a heavy sandbag. The bag must rest on the ground between reps and your should go to full extension overhead.

Aim for a sandbag that challenges you on the very first rep.

Record your time.

Train hard!