Showing posts with label mental challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Todays Workout - Heartbreak Hotel

1 minute Sandbag Overhead Press
1 minute Sandbag Front Squats
1 minute Sandbag High Pulls
1 minute Sandbag Good Mornings
1 minute Sandbag Walking Lunges (Front rack position)

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds, with a running clock between all exercises and rounds.

Record your total repetitions for each exercise.

Train hard!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Todays Workout - Best Laid Plans

100 Sandbag Floor Press,
60 Sandbag Cleans,
40 Sandbag Shoulder Get Ups (20 each side).

Complete as fast as you can.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Todays Workout - Big Trouble in Little Sandbags

100 Sandbag High Pulls,
100 Sandbag Thrusters,
100 Sandbag Zercher Squats,
100 Sandbag Round-the-Worlds (in each direction).

Complete as fast as you can with a light to moderate weight sandbag.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Todays Workout - Skips 'n' Stuff

100 Sandbag Overhead Press.

Each time you need to rest you get a 100 Skip penalty (50 if you opt for Double Unders). A rest is classified as any time the sandbag drops below chest height or leaves the Front Rack position.

Men should aim for a sandbag at approximately 40% of bodyweight, women 30%.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Todays Workout - Death By Sandbag Clean & Press

Perform 1 Heavy Sandbag Clean & Press in the 1st minute, 2 Heavy Sandbag Clean & Press in the 2nd minute and so on. The workout finishes when you can no longer complete the required number of repetitions within the specific timeframe.

Complete as many rounds as possible.

*If you manage to complete 15 rounds with a sandbag at 50% of your bodyweight then you win! Just send me a link to a video of you completing the challenge and then you can choose a free ebook version of any of the books here.*

Record your score.

Train hard!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Free Sandbag Training Course

When Does the Course Start?

The free Sandbag Training Mastery Course starts on December 1st. We'll send you 1 lesson per week for a total of 6 weeks. In each lesson you'll learn vital skills that will enable you to build your own highly effective sandbag training programme.

What You'll Learn on the Course

This course is designed specifically for one reason - to get you fitter and stronger. We take tried and tested methods and, using sandbags, help you to build an effective training programme that:
  • Will help you burn body fat
  • Will help you build muscle, strength and power
  • Will make you a better athlete
  • Will improve your overall health and wellbeing
  • Will bring back a sense of fun to your workouts!

Who is This Course For?

Anyone who wants to improve their strength, conditioning and general health. The course is completely free and we invite anyone to sign up for it. You can sign up until the 30th November but enrolment closes immediately after that date with no options to join the course afterwards. I might not offer this course again.

Share the Love!

Do you know anyone who would like to know about this? Please share this page with them immediately! Remember, enrolment closes soon so you don't want them to miss out.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Meet Our First Sandbag Challenge Winner! Could you do it?

Gabriel from Madrid, Spain recently completed the Sandbag Fitness Bronze Challenge and won 2 of my ebooks. Plus, the honour of being the first person on the Wall of Fame! Do you think you could match or beat his performance?

This challenge is to be completed with the following sandbag weight:

Males - 40% of your bodyweight.

Females - 25% of your bodyweight.

For example, a 200lb man would need to use a sandbag weighing 80lbs (200 divided by 100 x 40).

Sandbag Deadlift x 20 reps
Sandbag Back Squat x 20 reps
Shouldering x 20 reps
Sandbag High Pull x 15 reps
Overhead Press x 15 reps
Sandbag Floor Press x 15 reps
Sandbag Walking Lunge (sandbag at chest height) x 20 reps
Sandbag Shoulder Get Up x 5 reps each side

More info about our challenges here

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Todays Workout - Fight the Power

Complete as many heavy Ground-to-Overhead sandbag lifts as you can within a 15 minute time period.

Record both the weight of your sandbag and the number of repetitions you perform.

Train hard!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Todays Workout - No Easy Way Out

Complete 100 Sandbag Ground-to-Overheads.

Each time you drop the sandbag (you can rest while holding it) there's a 20 Press Up penalty.

Complete the workout as fast as you can and record your time.

Train hard!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Todays Workout - Master Blaster

20 Ground-to-Overhead with a heavy sandbag. The bag must rest on the ground between reps and your should go to full extension overhead.

Aim for a sandbag that challenges you on the very first rep.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Todays Workout - Get it Done Son!

Run 1km,
20 Sandbag Zercher Squats,
20 Sandbag Push Press,
20 Sandbag Shoulder Squats,
20 Sandbag Bent-over-rows,
20 Sandbag Back Squats,
Run 1km.

Record your time.

Choose a sandbag weight that challenges you.

Train hard!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Just Lift Some Heavy Shit And Shut Up

Take the heaviest sandbag you can handle (preferably without handles) and lift it from ground-to-overhead for 20 reps. If you get the loading right you should start to struggle around 5 or 6 reps and probably end up dumping the bag after some unsuccessful reps later on in the set.

Record the weight of your bag and the time it takes you to complete the 20 reps.

Men and women should aim for a bodyweight sandbag.

Train hard!