Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Monday, February 2, 2015


�There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.� - Paulo Coelho

It�s a bloody shame that in today�s world so many dreams stay just that - a dream. Ideas and hopes are born in a person�s mind, yet don�t have the chance to actually live. How will you know if you can ever accomplish something if you don�t take a risk and put yourself out there? 

What Gets in the Way of Our Dreams?

So what is it that stops people from taking the risk and pursuing their dreams? Is it the fear of failure? The fear of being judged? The negative self-talk telling you to just settle and keep your aspirations as a distant unrealistic thought?

Keep reading on the Breaking Muscle site here

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fighting For His Life

Today I'm sharing a letter written to me from Robert, a dedicated husband and father, diagnosed with one of the deadliest cancers, Pancreatic cancer. Robert has been fighting for his life the moment he found out that he was diagnosed with this deadly disease. I was lucky enough to be able to meet him during his fight and offer him some help. All I could do was offer him support and help him develop a stronger body during his chemo and radiation treatments. Please take some time to read his letter. He is a true soldier and I'm proud to know him and call him a friend.  His letter below is inspiring and could offer a glimmer of hope to someone else facing something life threatening. This letter brought tears to my eyes as well as my family.  Robert is one of the most upbeat positive people I've ever met.  Thank you Robert for sharing this with the world. Thank you for being such an amazing role model to all of us. We love you!


I wanted to thank you for all you have done. I have benefited greatly from your no nonsense advice, encouragement and friendship. You are a very caring and wonderful person that has made a positive difference in my life and I am very fortunate to have you by my side, since I was diagnosed with having pancreatic cancer back in April 2014. 

Eight months ago I was laying on the bathroom floor overcome with nausea and severe cramping from my stomach to the front of my neck, hands, arms, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. First it started slowly, the day before Superbowl Sunday (February 2, 2014), at the rate of about three times a week, but then the frequency increased during the next two months until it came to a crescendo every night for five days straight. The 20 - 25 mile group bicycle rides the week prior didn't help my cause either. When our daughter Lauren's child care provider, Katy, (who is also a very good friend of ours) called me at 5:15pm to ask me if I was going to come pick up Lauren, I wasn't able to speak coherently. Realizing this, (she knew that I was currently being treated by my GP for a potential 'stomach virus' and getting no where) Katy immediately told me she was going to drive me to the ER. It was only a few minutes until Katy was at my front door, and reluctantly, I climbed into her car for the short drive to the ER. I was admitted to the ER and that's when my struggle for survival began.

Robert and his daughter Lauren
At the ER, I was treated for severe dehydration that was causing damage to my kidney and liver. I was on the verge of life threatening kidney and liver failure and I was lucky to have gone to the ER when I did. The doctors also told me that the CT scans showed my intestines, for some unknown reason, were kinked. The kink was causing a blockage below my stomach that prevented any food and water from being absorbed into my system and an endoscopy along with additional scans were needed. I didn't know at the time how much I was in dire straights - I was dying slowly and didn�t know it. But all I ever wanted to do was what I did everyday and that was to be a father and 'grow old' with my wife - as Liz would say. I just wanted to get back to my normal routine and that was to drop my six year old son Tyler off at school and my two year old daughter Lauren off at Katy's, then go to work only to leave work early to pick them up and spend more time with them again and again. That was my weekly routine and I did it well. I didn't know I would spend half of April in two different ERs and three hospitals. I was eventually diagnosed with cancer and I went from cancer to chemo in just six days � I took the fast track.

Robert and his son Tyler

I was finally discharged on my son's sixth birthday - a very happy day indeed. But, I was prescribed an additional six months regimen of chemotherapy to take place every ten days, which would progress to every seven days after the second month. Then afterwards, I would undergo 1.5 months of simultaneous oral chemotherapy and radiation. All that, in hopes to shrink the tumor before I could have surgery, which was targeted for November - that is if I met each and every hurdle so to speak. I remember my oncologist said that maybe I could get the tumor removed as an early Christmas present.

After I got home and recovered from my initial hospital stay I found myself weak and unable to care for my children, as I didn't have the energy or strength to walk, carry and play with them like used to. I started rehab on my own while undergoing the full course of treatment for my disease and so I did what I knew best. I started bicycling 10 - 20 miles a day - a mere glimmer of what I'm used to. I even biked with the portable chemo pump tucked away in a backpack doing its thing - pumping poison into my system at a steady cadence for 48 hours straight. As an avid and competitive cyclist, I used to ride 100 - 230 miles a week and I've been know to be chased by the local cycling club (starting 70 miles into a +100 mile century ride) on Hwy 67 coming out of Ramona, never to be caught. But cycling wasn't getting me anywhere, it wasn't building my core strength and I was spending many hours on the bike and time was the one thing I really didn't have much of anymore. 

That day when you skateboarded down my street, it was a godsend. We talked and you offered to help. I remember you saying you were pretty good at what you do, so I decided to accept your unselfish offer to help me gain strength to live. The past five months, you focused my energy in short slices of time (50 minutes a day) redirecting my focus to perform more functional exercises as I undergo chemotherapy for my disease. The exercises were hard and difficult at first, but my body eventually responded and got stronger. I started lifting heavier weight, being careful to not over do it as per my doctor's recommendation. I enjoyed the workouts so much that I would get my blood work in the mornings for my oncologist to review (he would look at my red and white blood cell count among other indicators to determine if I was healthy enough to withstand that weeks chemo therapy session), but it usually took him an hour to get the results and make the decision. So, in the meantime, I would leave the treatment center with the needle still stuck in my port (on my chest) to make your 9:30am work out. 

When the work out was over, I would drive (if I didn't bike that day) back to the treatment facility for chemo. Sometimes, the treatment would fall on the same day as the Tuesday or Thursday PM class. And in that case, I would show up for your workout just hours after completing chemo. My mind, body and spirit responded in a way that I could never have imagined and for that I'm forever grateful and indebted to you and you ask for nothing in return. My core is as strong as ever and I've been able to lose body fat and build muscle in a very safe and controlled environment. I've never been good at doing pull ups and now all I want to do is pull ups on the new pull up bar I anchored to the ceiling of my garage. A few weeks ago, I was able to do a set of single leg squats.

The tumor is located in the part of my body that is responsible for generating the necessary enzymes needed to digest the food I eat and so it's very important what I put into my body. I took your recommendation to supplement with a pea protein shake (along with hemp seeds, almond milk, banana and ice) and in a few days, my gastrointestinal system calmed down and I no longer have the issues I was having throughout chemo therapy. Your workouts actually increased my energy levels and alleviated the side-effects of the chemo therapy and radiation. I was healthy enough to have met all but one of my scheduled chemo therapy and radiation sessions and towards the end of my chemo/radiation therapy, my blood work started an uptrend when a downward trend was expected due to the suppression of red and white blood cells which is one of the side effects of chemo therapy.

Six months ago when you heard I was sick, you offered me hope - that I would get stronger physically and mentally and that I would make it to surgery. My final CT scans came back negative for metastatic disease (spreading of cancer) in my abdomen, pelvis, chest and lungs. Yesterday, my surgeon gave the go ahead to proceed to surgery on November 19th - just six days from now. My main goal was to get to surgery and get the tumor removed from my body as that is the best chance for survival when one has pancreatic cancer - one of the world's deadliest cancers. The last eight months, I've been poked and prodded more times than I can count. I've been injected with not only six different chemotherapy drugs, but also the usual anti nausea and steroids that are paired with these drugs. I've also been bombarded with radiation every weekday for five and a half weeks and subjected to weekly blood tests and the required chest x-rays and CT scans. But I made it through, thanks to you and this wonderful community we live in. I made a promise to myself to wage hope and advocate for the fight against pancreatic cancer - no matter what it takes. Just as you provided inspiration and offered me hope, I will try to inspire others to change the course of this terrible disease.

Though my journey is just beginning, every time I am able to play, swing my kids and have the energy to finally do the things I used to be able to do, I will think of you. Especially now when the next chapter of my life is about to begin, I'm confident that I am fully prepared for the battle ahead. It will not be easy, it will be filled with ups and downs, but I know in the meantime, I'm living again and for that I thank you.

----- Robert -----

Let us send him prayers, good vibes, love and strength to help him through this next chapter of his life. He will be going in to surgery today. We will continue to keep you updated with the next part of his journey.

If you'd like to contact Robert to send him letters of support or any type of donation to help his family, you can email him at

More about pancreatic cancer:

The 5-year survival rate for those with pancreatic cancer is only 6% which is the lowest relative survival rate of all major cancers. That said, I'm very fortunate to be in the 20% of patients to survive longer than 4 - 6 months after being diagnosed (I'm for fortunate to have been diagnosed early) and extremely lucky to progress to surgery as surgery offers the best realistic CHANCE for survival - approximately 15% of patients with pancreatic cancer can have surgery. For year 2014, 46,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and more than 39,500 will die from the disease.  Pancreatic cancer is currently, the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the US, and anticipated to become the second in six years. As I write this, today is Pancreatic Cancer Day. Despite being one of the most deadliest forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer receives less than 2% of overall cancer research funding.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Next Chapter Begins.......

The Next Chapter
Life after divorce

I write this knowingly that I may be judged harshly by some. I am writing this to share something very deep and personal to my readers. In the early stages of my writing I was an open book with my life and I shared somewhat more personal stories. In many posts I spoke about a range of topics including my fears of pregnancy and getting my fitness shape back after having C-sections and other significant events in my life. I've made some shifts the last couple of years with my writing. I chose to use more of an informative and dryer tone sticking to subjects regarding strength training, kettlebell tutorials, and inspirational students or recipes. I'm finally ready to take the risk to open up to everyone and share with you a glimpse of my new life.

Ending A Marriage

A couple of years ago my marriage ended and I became a single parent. The moment we separated I felt as if I jumped off the highest bridge and dove head first into rough muddy waters. As a result, I experienced difficulty breathing, nausea, extreme highs and lows, and a considerable number of crying spells. I wasn't a crier before, so I felt I lost control. The tears of pain were filled with a frantic amount of guilt and fear. I felt utterly confused and crippled as to why a "strong" woman like me was having these low points of feeling so weak.

Processing the Stages

I'd like to highlight and make it known that ending a marriage, especially one with kids, is not the easy way out. It's hard on everyone. The only way I was able to cope was by visualizing and knowing that I'd be happier on the other side. As I swam water upstream and nearly drowned in the storm, I continued to focus on the beautiful island, the rainbow that awaited: The island of happiness, independence, balance, peace and harmony. Luckily with an incredibly supportive family and with friends who stuck by me, I was able to move through each stage. I want to deeply thank my friends that reached out to me without judgment and supported me during that time.

Discovering Self

After my separation/divorce, I didn't know who I was anymore. I felt like a scared little girl. All I knew is that I was a mom and business owner. I had forgotten what it's like to be me. I felt as if I'd entered a new dimension like the twilight zone. My confidence was low and it was hard not to experience feelings of vulnerability. My judgment felt impaired at times and I didn't trust my own decisions. After some trial and error, I eventually discovered who I could trust along the way and the people I chose to surround myself with. Isn't that just part of life anyway?

Being Away from My Kids

As an overprotective and hands-on mom, just thinking about not being continually with my kids made me panic. When they were born I changed my whole career structure to be able to be around them as much as possible. Just the thought of not being able to kiss them every night before bed or be there when they woke up became a harsh reality. I found this to be the most painful part of all. I discovered during my time with my kids, the quality time that was spent was taken to another level.

The Storm

Dissolving a marriage is one of the most emotional and draining experiences for anyone. Just like when someone loses someone, there can be major grieving periods. In rare circumstances, I've heard of very peaceful and amicable parting of ways, which is the ideal. A true test of strength for me was being able to create a bubble of happiness around me, without it being punctured during the emotional hurricane. When each mini cyclone passed, I made an effort to have small victory celebrations. Celebrating love and happiness became my religion.

During the process of adjusting to my new life, my career took a huge dive. Creative skills and writing were nonexistent and I was completely drained. I used any energy I had to sustain the art of juggling kids, paying a slew of bills, and training my students. Writing and filming took the back seat. Luckily my students were very understanding during this major transitional time.

The Kettlebell Body fitness DVD was born during this time.  I was still in the middle of the storm, but felt pulled to create this DVD. The workouts were very empowering for me. I was beginning to get my strength back and my stress levels started to diminish. This was the start of regaining myself and physique. The 4 generations of powerful women that were featured all had gone through hardships in their lives, yet overcame them. 

Dating Myself

I created a new relationship with myself as I began to feel more whole and complete. Initially I was incapable of doing this. I was carrying bitterness around and banned the thought of ever getting married again. Dating myself was a very gratifying experience. Being alone forced me to rely on myself and develop a new level of independence. Relationships with my friends became stronger and much deeper during. My happiness levels became less of a roller coaster ride and much more consistent. I was beginning to feel like I could accomplish anything. Looking back over the years I realized more and more that discovering who I am again, was a gift from God.

Whole Again

Becoming whole again took time, along with the practice of letting go. Letting go of the past and guilt, while moving through a stagnant limbo state, became the key to feeling more complete. Doing it all on my own was an invigorating feeling. It was at this time my physical strength was at it's all time high. It was almost supernatural how physically strong I became and honestly I didn't even try that hard. I even wrote an article about it here. The most important part of all is that my precious girls were happy and were adjusting. They continued to thrive in school and make lots of friends. Knowing they had so much love surrounding them allowed me to move past the guilt I was carrying.

Opening My Heart

 I finally felt as if I became a strong woman inside and out with control of my feelings. Several months in to my new sense of wholeness, the impossible happened to me. I didn't ask for it. In fact, I didn't even want it, nor did I trust it. I sure as hell wasn't ready to feel vulnerable or dependent on someone. I was afraid of being hurt and didn't want to chance losing my sense of being whole. I had just healed, recovered from being in the frying pan and was finally enjoying ME!

Falling for someone that was on a very similar path as me, was the last thing I expected to happen. It was as if we had been riding tandem on the same wave and finally collided. I admit, I broke the student and teacher relationship rule, for the first time.  It wasn't until months in to his training journey, while the transformational process was in effect, did we form a friendship outside of training.

Our lives were revitalized in more ways than one. This is where Kettlebell Revelation stems from. My 8th DVD, represents a new beginning and a new chapter with my new partner.

Well...... The rest is history.....

Blessed to have more to love

Friday, July 25, 2014

Featuring Ida: Amazing Weight Loss Story and NOW Beautiful Fit Kettlebell Instructor.

Always extremely touched and honored with testimonials and success stories such as this one!  Here's a story of a woman that was severely overweight, had babies via C-section and suffered from hormonal issues. Fast forward to today she is now a kettlebell instructor getting her Strong First Kettlebell Certification (SFG). Read her story that she wrote to me. If you needed some inspiration this is the real deal!

Hi Lauren -

A little over 5 years ago I found your name as I was researching how to recover core strength after having a c-section.  At that time, I was severely overweight due to general poor diet, hormonal issues, pregnancy, and hormonal medications I had to take to become pregnant. I had always been physically active, but still overweight. I weighed 216 pounds. I am 5'2".

Your research led me to kettlebells, and my very first kettlebell workout was with your DVD The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells. I studied your YouTube videos and your blog to make sure my form was good and to make sure I was using the kettlebells correctly.  With your email advice, I started with an 18 pound kettlebell.

After that c-section in 2008, I had another in 2011 and recovered so quickly because I continued to use kettlebells during that pregnancy. Even my doctor was impressed!

Fast forward to today. Using your DVDs as a springboard, I started using kettlebells as my primary form of exercise. Eventually, I started training at FIRE-BELLZ and then with Zar Horton, Master SFG.

I am now a ketttlebell instructor at FIRE-BELLZ. (I also have a professional career, so kettlebells are my part-time passion!) I will be attending the October SFG I cert in San Diego this year.  My weight hovers between 140 and 145 pounds, and has for almost 3 years. I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. My normal swinging bell is either a 20kg or 24kg bell. I turn 40 this year, and feel the best I have ever felt in my life. 

I continue to follow your blog and do your workouts. You are an inspiration to me and many many others. 

Even though I train now with Zar and at FIRE-BELLZ.
 I will always credit you for starting me on this path. When I signed up for the cert, I knew I had to reach out to you and share my story. You started this! And I thank you so very much for doing so!

So, if you happen to be at the October cert and see a short, dark curly haired chic running up to you to give you a big hug, do not be afraid. It's just me!!!

With lots of thanks and tons of kettlebell love,

Ida Hernandez 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Featuring Todd... a Dad... Almost 40 yrs old!

Pic on the right is  Todd 3 months after starting unconventional training.
I'm very proud to feature one of my newer students, Todd Graham. Todd is almost 40 years old and is a hard working father. Like most stories of why someone put on extra weight, "life" got in the way. Todd was an incredible high school athlete and continued to keep his conventional training regimen even through his stressful demanding career. Todd, being a motivated person and sometimes an over achiever, continued to "workout" 3-4 times a week. His workouts consisted of conventional barbell training and lots of running.  However, the weight continued to creep on.  He did what he thought was the right thing to do regarding his pre/post workouts. He'd down MuscleMilks in a pinch and head to the gym.

When Todd began training with me at On The Edge Fitness, his glutes weren't firing properly and he could hardly swing a 25lb kettlebell.  It was not a surprise that with no glute activation that he suffered from chronic back pain and extremely tight hamstrings. His core was also dysfunctional which added to his continuous back pain.

Todd was very skeptical about interfering with his training regimen he had been doing at his local gym. His first words to me when he walked in to my outdoor gym were "I'm here to try you out." After attending a combination of private sessions, semi-privates and group classes with me, he dropped 20 pounds and he longer has back pain. Todd trains less now than he use to and no longer runs.

Let's find out how Todd did it. I asked him a few questions. 
Todd 3 months after training

Lauren:  I asked you to stop running due to your back pain. Do you miss it?
Todd: I now get to enjoy sprinting so that helps and back pain is completely gone. Between kettlebell swings and battling ropes it takes care of all I need.

L: What's your proudest moment since adding this type training to your lifestyle?
T: Achieving an 88lb Turkish Get Up and of course the body composition changes! :)

L: What changes other than the new training did you implement to achieve these incredible results?
T: Nutrition has been such a big part of it. With the nutrition advice you've given me it's made it an easy lifestyle change. I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. 

L: Now that we had to toss Muscle Milk in the trash, what kind of protein shakes do you consume?
T: I use two different protein shakes and my kids love them. I interchange the Grass Fed Whey Protein FIT 365 and the Organic Raw Pea Protein
L: Didn't you just learn a very hard sport that most soon to be 40 year olds would give up after one day? You must be a very determined guy.
T: Yes I learned how to snowboard.  Thanks to the training that got me ready for it and having a really good snowboard instructor was the ticket.  ;)
Lauren: What a lucky guy. To have both a great coach and a snowboard instructor. :) Would love to meet this person. Thanks for providing us with some photos. 

Todd snowboarding at Canyons Resort near Park City, Utah
Todd and his snowboard instructor

L: What would you say to other men in your position or dads about getting started with this  type of training and nutrition lifestyle?
T: "It's never too late. Get out there and do it. Make the first step. Results will be there. I'm hooked."

L: What about to those that don't live near On The Edge Fitness or anywhere local?

T: "My 65 year old mom that lives all the way in Texas is now hooked on all the DVD's and read your book cover to cover. She is feeling better than ever and looking great. I'd recommend everyone check out your DVD's and videos for guidance and get some distant coaching from, especially if there is no local certified instructors in their area. 

A few more words from Todd

"I workout less than I did before, my back pain is GONE, more flexible, mobility improved and I'm STRONGER!. Maintaining this lifestyle is easy with the amazing group and camaraderie that On The Edge Fitness provides. 

Thanks a bunch to Todd for sharing his story and being such an amazing role model for men. I look forward to seeing more strength gains and athletic endeavors to come. I'm glad he decided to "try me out" (his words). Who knows.... maybe he will even be in the next DVD!  ;)

Left Photo: Todd with his gorgeous sister, taken right before he began his unconventional training.
Right Photo: Todd several months in to his training/nutrition changes, with his snowboard instructor ;)


Now 6 months after this BLOG post check out how far Todd has come.  He even made it to the new DVD!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Kettlebells for Injuries?

For the last several years I've shifted my training focus on rehabilitating people. When I first got in to the fitness industry 15 years ago, my main focus was on fat loss, strength, getting lean etc... While it still is a large part, I've learned that I don't have to focus just on those aspects. In fact, by zoning in on real life movement patterns and injury prevention exercises, the fat loss and strength still HAPPEN! My point is, rather than merely train for physical appearance, people are thriving consistently by sticking to their programs to reverse the aging clock, stay injury free and enjoy a new found quality of life. This has been proving to be much more rewarding!  If you suffer from back pain and injuries it does not mean it's the end for you.    I just received this beautiful testimonial from one of my students, mother of 2, who suffered a major back injury, that no one could diagnose.  Proper patterning and strength, along with kettlebells saved the day for Kathryn!  I'm sharing this to inspire you to find someone that understands how the body works and to strengthen any dysfunction that you may suffer from.  Even if you feel perfect, train with a purpose.
Here is what she said:
Lauren is simply amazing, as a trainer and person.  When I first started kettlebells eight months ago I could not lift a bag of groceries, container of cat litter, or my six year old.  I had a very painful lower back injury that no one could quite diagnose or fix (I had seen doctors and pain specialists and I tried acupuncture, massage, pain medication, ointments, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories, heat, and cold--nothing was making me feel any stronger). When I first started working out with Lauren I refused to swing a tiny 2 � kilo bell I was so scared of the pain in my back.  Well, Lauren fixed that.  She was patient but she encouraged me to try many different strengthening exercises (go deadlifts).  She also helped me work through moderate pain and discomfort by facing it in carefully controlled circumstances. Lauren has amazing expertise and the uncanny skill of knowing exactly how much you are capable of doing without pushing it past the breaking point. Within a couple of months I was swinging 16 kilo bells and have graduated from there.  I am so much stronger and I no longer fear the pain in my back because there is no more pain.  I can lift multiple bags of groceries and the cat litter. Best of all, two weeks ago I lifted my six year old for the first time (in a year and a half) without fear.  She said to me, �mommy, you can do this every day now.� And you know what, I can.  Thank you Lauren, for everything.  I am so grateful.
Dr. Statler  -  Encinitas, California

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kat's Kettlebell Journey From the Philippines (Mom of 2 and inspiration)

Two days ago I received such a warm hearted motivating email. I'm always touched when people choose to write to thank me for their what inspired and motivates them for becoming the strong! 

Kat (AKA Mamakat) wrote me several emails on what she has done to achieve a beautiful strong and lean body (6 pack) with kettlebell training and clean eating. 

Thank you Kat for sharing this with me and allowing me to share it with the world.  I hope people find you on instagram and follow your transformation!  ----> mamakathere

Here are a few clips of her email and photos that she has sent over.  

Greetings from your #1 fan in the Phillippines.

Hi Lauren, 

I'm Kat a mother of two. I got hooked into kettlebells when I leaned out a few months after giving birth. I heard about you from our kettlebell instructor marc. He is the only certified ktb instructor here in Manila. I'm lucky to be trained by him. I am a part time model and perfume maker, but my passion for health and fitness is beyond, im a big time ufc fan... Meisha tate has been my long time idol. My goal this year is to spread the beauty of kettlebell training! There are moms here who cannot afford fancy gym and trainers... I want to share how kettlebell training transformed the body I have.... Im 5'9 100 lbs... My energy is insane!  I eat well and never a fan of diets.  I am still nursing.  

I able to double swing, clean and press a 35 pounds bell... Never in my dreams I thought I could ever lift 1/4 of my weight! You are an inspiration! I keep watching your videos over and over for motivation!

Anyway my dream is to meet you."



Oh by the way I'm a mother to a special child, my eldest has autism and one of the reasons why we went kettlebell training is that we had no time for fancy gyms last husband is the one who got me into this...He never resorted to any kind of diet.. He ate well but went on working with kettlebells as he leaned out. I documented my transformation on instagram under mamakathere when I started 6mos ago.  There you will see how I got ab cuts with my 14 pound bell. I wish to spread the beauty of kettlebells to all mothers here. That is the very reason why I am training with Marc. I wish to be a blessing to others.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Stronger and Better after 50 thanks to Kettlebells!

Martha at 53 years old shares her motivating story of what it takes to be strong and feel good in your 50's. I met Martha through the private Be SLAM group we have for all the people using the program.  When she volunteered to share with us her success with the program and DVD's, I asked her if she can submit some pictures.  I'm blown away by her beauty within and out.  What an amazing role model that can inspire us all.  Thank you Martha for sharing and in response your last line, you are most welcome!

"At 53, I like this better and stronger version of myself!" says Martha

Kettlebells have truly changed my life and I'm excited to share my fitness journey with you. My interest in kettlebells and training with Lauren was a very happy accident. About 2 years ago was looking to try something new in fitness. I was always pretty active but was growing a little bored with traditional weight training.

As a cyclist I was looking for a full-body workout that would be less time-consuming than riding. I also wanted to gain strength, get toned and lose a few lbs. In 2011, I asked for and received a kettlebell as a gift for Christmas. I didn't really know how to work out with it, so I searched online for kettlebell DVDs, and I stumbled on Lauren's website. After reading some very positive reviews I ordered her DVD, "The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells." I was very impressed with Lauren and her workouts, in addition to her choice of Robin Duncan as her workout partner. Robin was also beautiful, strong, and looked incredible for a woman of ANY age (she also happened to be in her fifties as I am). So Robin (and of course, Lauren) became my new fitness role models!

I also ordered Lauren's other DVDs and enjoyed working with them for another year or so, but what really took my training to the next level was joining the 12-week workout program Be SLAM. Prior to that I was never one to follow programs or schedules, but joining Be SLAM showed me I could push past self-made boundaries and get even stronger.
Through the encouragement of the other ladies on the Be SLAM facebook page and working at my own pace, I was able to increase my weights and move up gradually. Everyone in the group was so positive and helpful and we really encouraged each other, which was a huge motivating factor. The other women were great teachers too, since they had tons of experience to share. During the program I saw tremendous strength gains and also body composition changes that I didn't think were possible 'for someone my age. I was also inspired to clean up my diet and get honest with myself about what I was actually putting in my mouth! I still enjoy an occasional treat but I try to eat mainly fresh, unprocessed whole foods with a focus on vegetables, lean proteins, and good fats. The combination of consistent good eating and kettlebell training is a real powerhouse combination in getting lean and maintaining it! 
I am still a work in progress, but I'm interested to see where this kettlebell journey takes me. I also continue to cycle, ski, hike, and do anything outdoors. I really enjoy the quick, hard-hitting, no-nonsense kettlebell workouts, and getting my strength back has been a real confidence-booster. At 53, I like this better and stronger version of myself! Thank you so much Lauren, for designing these great programs that are truly life changing. Keep the great workouts coming!!

p.s. To continue her training Martha is now participating in the new online streaming classes which has courses for beginners to advanced levels. You can learn more about Lauren's Playground here

Thursday, August 1, 2013

28kg Get Up vs. 116lb Lauren Brooks

Turkish Get Up - One of the best kettlebell exercises for your entire body!

If you want to learn the beginning of a Turkish Get Up, grab your copy of The Kettlebell Body� today.

Or you can see our FREE Get Up TUTORIAL STEP 1 HERE

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mom of 3 Gets Her Life Back After A Motorcycle Accident

A touching story of inspiration.   Robyn, a single mother of 3 children, was in a horrible motorcycle accident. She was flown 40 yards from the back of a motorcycle.  Her life has never been the same.  Read how she powered through her struggles, needed multiple surgeries and rehab for her broken Femur.  She used kettlebells to make her comeback.  She has shown that there are truly no excuses!

"Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!" --- Robyn

 Hi Lauren,  
don't know if you remember me but I wrote you a little over a year ago because I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident.  I had fractured my femur and had no idea what to expect about recovery.... It was a dark and scary point in my life.  I was in very good shape before the accident and used kettlebells daily, even the morning of the accident.  I remember laying in the hospital bed and all I could do was Russian twists and push presses in the beginning after the accident but it was my only hope at knowing that one day I would regain the strength in my leg to once again do what I had done once before.  You could not give me much guidance because it was so early on and just told me to keep my faith up (and to stay in touch, which I was bad about!). 

To recap what happened...on memorial day 2012 the accident happened. I was a rider on the back of a motorcycle and a car turned in front of us.  I was flown 40 yards from the scene.  I fractured my femur.  I had surgery that night to place a rod in my leg from hip to knee and a screw at hip and two at my knee.  I underwent 20 physical therapy sessions (till my insurance stopped covering) then took what I knew on my own from kettlebells and a stationary bike I found for $35 on Craigslist. 

I did this all as a divorced mom of 3 kids under 8 years old. With a full time job.  I woke up at 3:30am every morning to workout. No excuses.  In October, I had to have surgery again to remove screw at hip.  I took off 4 days of work and went right back to working out.  This past April, after almost a year of my femur non healing I had to have surgery again.  This time bone graft.  I told my employer and they let me go the next day.  :(.  So, the last week of April I had surgery to try to get this leg has now been 8 weeks and my last X-rays (last week) show that it is working!! During this last year I have kept my faith during some of the most difficult times of my life! I have worked out daily...even when most people would want to cry from pain (and I have cried during many workouts too! Ha!) but, working out has always been my release. I have set so many goals and some I've reached and some I have not but I have never gave up. 

8 weeks after Robyn's Leg Surgery
 Mom of 3 small children

I've watched your DVDs, read your book, and read over your blog over and over adding things into my workouts as I could physically do them! 8 weeks out from this last surgery and I'm now swinging my 35lb kb, can do presses, snatches, dead lifts, Russian twists. Yes, I'm using this to brag about where I've been (ha) but I'm also bragging because I'm YOUR student.  I would not have been able to come out of this accident had it not been from what I learned watching your videos.  You saved my life. I still have a long way to go but every moment I'm able to take a walk around the block with my kids I am THANKFUL for the blessings that kettlebells and you brought into my life years ago! 

Thank you for everything... Meant every word I have said.  Kettlebells and your videos have saved my life!

Thank you always!!
