Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ladder Fun (Kettlebell Workout)

Here is a workout we did at On The Edge Fitness the other day.  It's probably one of my favorite workouts so far.  Warm up with light Turkish Get Ups or/and Joint Mobility

I posted this last month over at the On The Edge Fitness Facebook page, but thought I'd make it easier to find and put it on under the kettlebell workouts label of my blog.


A. Begin by doing 8 reps for each exercise in this section. Then do a hip flexor stretch and begin back at 7 reps, until you make it down to 1.  If you are just starting begin at 5 or 6 reps.   Pace yourself and take breaks as needed.  It's not a race.

B. Go through each exercise for this section and perform 5-6 reps each.  Rest and repeat for 3 rounds.  Make sure you are challenging yourself since the reps are low.

C. Cool down on your own

D.   ENJOY and let me know how you do!

Photo: Super fun, yet intense ladder workout on this fine Monday morning. My class did awesome with this.  Go ahead and try it! If you are newer start your ladder at 5 reps.  Enjoy!!

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