Friday, October 26, 2012

Why Kettlebells are Perfect For Mommies (Especially the New Ones)

Here is an oldie but goodie.  I wrote this for several years ago.  Thought it was time to bring to attention on my blog.  More and more new moms are continuing to use this tried and true method.  You can of proof over on our inspiration page. I'm living proof as well! I've had 2 C-sections and my babies were huge!

Kettlebells for women with children

Why Kettlebells are Perfect for Mommies
(Especially the New Ones)
Whether you just had a baby or have been enjoying motherhood for many years, we all have something in common. We put our children first and tend to neglect ourselves. The biggest complaints I hear from moms are, �I can�t seem to get the fat off my midsection,� �I just don�t have two hours a day to spend in the gym.�
Well, I�m here to give you some wonderful news.  You don�t have to spend hours in the gym to get rid of the fat that you accumulated during your pregnancies. You can start by training with kettlebells which takes no time at all.  Here are some of the reasons why kettlebell training is perfect for a mom.
Kettlebells kill two birds with one stone
With kettlebell exercises you are able to get your heart....

Read the rest of the article HERE

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