Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kettlebell Class with a Double Kettlebell Complex

The secret is out!  You finally get to see my horrible hand writing.  Is it an excuse that I'm a lefty and hardly use my hand to write anymore?  Probably not!  Anyhow, this is a workout that my class and I did yesterday.  Directions below. 

We warmed up with alternating light Turkish Get Up for a total of 3 on each side, with some Down Dog, Up dog, and walk outs. 

Part A. Take two heavy bells you can Suitcase Deadlift for at least 5 times, then carry it for about 15-20 seconds. Then a tall kneeling press for 3-5 reps per side (squeeze those glutes)
Total 3-4 Rounds

Part B.  Perform 5-8 stiff one arm rows.  Pelvis is drawn to ribcage, just like the top of the swing.  You are SLOWLY descending on the one arm rows keeping your lats engage as long as possible. 
Single Leg Squats can be done on a bench, using a TRX, or just straight Pistol if you can do 5 on each side that is what is suggested.  Only PERFECT reps please!

Part C.  Just as my beautiful handwriting says.  You must use the same bells for all the exercises in the complex, UNLESS you have 8kg's.  If you do the Renegade Rows you must use at least 12kg's, then you can quickly switch.  Follow the rep scheme as you and your partner pace each other.  It's only 12 reps all together when you are done with everything. 

Part D.  I took my class through a fun circuit with Ropes, TRX core work, and some other explosive body weight drills TABATA style.  It was an advanced group so we definitely did more than I'd recommend the general fitness population to do.  

Hope you enjoy this as much as we did!  Stay tuned for more workouts that I'll be sharing.  We have many more as well and will continue to post. You can view them up on the tab above that says Free Kettlebell Workouts. 

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