Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sandbag Fitness AMA #1 - Why I started, Sandbag Training for MMA and Bodyweight Callisthenics

Todays Workout - Obstacle Course Racer Strength & Endurance

I recently received a message from Rob asking what a good sandbag training session for an obstacle race athlete would look like. While it's a challenge to provide a one-size-fits all approach for any athletes I wanted to provide a few ideas surrounding some key elements:

1. Your strength and conditioning training should be focused on compound movements - big multi joint movements that use lots of muscles. A healthy dose of non-gym specific movements are also great for OCR athletes. Carries, throws, crawls and climbs will serve you well. The grind required to get through this type of movement is not always developed with regular exercises like Presses, Pulls and Squats.

2. Your strength and conditioning training should support your event specific training, and not detract from it.

3. Where possible you should aim to replicate the physical demands of the specific race you are competing in. Don't overthink this. You can do a lot worse than basing your training program around the actual obstacles that you'll be facing on the day. If you don't know exactly what you'll be facing then check back on previous races for a good idea.

You should never get to race day hoping that an obstacle that you are bad at comes up. If there is something that you struggle with, like Rope Climbing, then your strength and conditioning programme should prepare you for it. Adding in some Lat Pulldowns and saying "it works the same muscles" is a waste of your time. Just do some damn Rope Climbs.

4. Where necessary, supplement your strength and conditioning training with some exercises designed to support recovery and/or injury prevention. Mobility, stabilisation and flexibility training can be used to safeguard against injury.

The following workout was originally featured in Outdoor Fitness magazine in an article about Tough Mudder:

Complete 5 rounds of the following sequence:

1 Sandbag Hill Sprint (top to bottom),
10 Sandbag Thrusters,
10 Sandbag High Pulls,
10 Sandbag Chest Throws.

Use a sandbag weight that challenges you to complete all 5 rounds.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Todays Workout - Get Up, Stand Up

20 T-Push Ups,
10 Sandbag Front Squats,
5 Sandbag Shoulder/Hand Get-Ups (each side).

Complete 10 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Turkish Get Up - Modified for Sensitive Knees

Modified Turkish Get Ups became my best friend in 2010 when I tore my ACL during a Krav Maga test. Naturally I was completely distraught when this happened. Luckily during a CK-FMS certification, I was shown by Jeff O'Connor, former Master RKC, how to work around this injury. I brought this back to California after that weekend excited to show my students and colleagues this modification. Many people loved it and began using it with their students too! My clients with very tender and sensitive knees were finally able to do the Get Up pain free. I usually do this style Get Up with lighter bells. Hope this helps you as much as it has helped me and my students over the years! 

Clip taken directly from The Kettlebell Revelation video

Monday, May 18, 2015

Todays Workout - Fit To Fight

This workout comes from Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports but it's suitable for anyone that wants to develop their athletic performance.

Sandbag Sprint for 20m,
Sandbag Shoulder Get Up x 1/1,
Sandbag Sprint for 20m.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 5-10 rounds.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Kettlebell Bottoms Up Clean Video

Bottoms up kettlebell work is under utilized. The benefits are incredible. I recommend bottoms up work at least once a week. If you feel you've grown out of your kettlebells that you own, turn them upside down and this will change your mind. Bottoms up kettlebell exercises not only increase your grip strength like no other, which carries over in to a ton of strength exercises, it builds significant core strength, teaches you tension and relaxation, while achieving more athleticism! Try this! You will not be sorry. 

This is a small clip from the Kettlebell Revelation video and DVD.

Or view here

Todays Workout - Push, Pull, Squat

10 Sandbag Push Press,
10 Sandbag High Pull,
10 Sandbag Zercher Squats.

Complete 5 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train Hard!