Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Importance of Accountability

Accountability is an absolute game changer. With no accountability you can have the best intention on the planet to improve your health/lifestyle, but if you can't follow through, your intentions mean nothing. Your intentions become a pipe dream.

Studies show in real life people are more likely to succeed when they are held accountable. There are people out there that are naturally self motivated and have enough accoutantiblity within themsleves. If you're in the rare breed of being so driven that nothing comes between you and your training or healthy nutrition, more power to you! This isn't the case for most people!

You can have all of the tools in your tool box. Understand the exact path of how to create the perfect nutrition and training lifestyle. You can even have it all at your finger tips. But if you just can't find a reason to commit or have the drive inside, then it sounds like you need an extra push, a bit of a kick in the ole' arse, with motivation and accountability. ??

How does it work? First off you need to put something valuable on the line. Time, effort, your word and money are all good ways to ensure more success with a commitment. You also need to feel as if you will lose something if you don't follow through.

I want to share with you a couple of testimonials that came out of the last WINNER CIRCLE we just wrapped up. I didn't ask them for feedback. They wrote this during their last check-in and I thought it would be appropriate to share with you. Especially if you were considering signing up for the new one. 

Good new! I just opened the doors to registration today for the public. Due to the fact that we have more than a handful of people continuing from the last Winner Circle, I'm only taking a few more people. Because I will be speaking with each of you on the phone or skype and offering feedback to your check-ins, I have to keep the group intimate. 

SNAG your spot here to be apart of the 12 WEEK Accountability Group ---> WINNER CIRCLE 

A few words from experience:

Michelle Berger Arts
 On one hand it is hard to believe our 16 weeks are up and yet on the other hand the person I was 16 weeks ago is so different from the person I am today! Deciding to join the Winner Circle was one of the best decision I have ever made! In the past 16 weeks I have lost 20lbs, dropped several clothing sizes, gained strength and confidence. Lauren with your guidance and support I am now a very clean eating confident vegan. I learned proper kettlebell technique and countless new moves. My muscle tone and body composition have undergone a complete transformation! I learned to find the time and make myself a priority. I committed to myself, my health and my training. I also learned that sometime life throws curves and no matter how committed a person is to training somedays it just may not happen. I also have the foundation to pickup where I left off and keep going. Lauren Brooks your knowledge, support, encouragement and understanding are incredible! To all of the ladies in this group I have enjoyed taking this journey along with you. We each have different goals, lifestyles, nutrition and training programs but that did not prevent any of us from supporting and cheering one another along our respective journeys. I am so grateful for this opportunity and the impact it has had on my life! At this point I am a little bird trying to decide if I have learned enough to fly on my own or if I still need the comfort and support of the nest. I wish you all the greatest of success in the future. These 16 weeks will always hold a special place in my heart!

I can't believe that this is the last check is truly amazing how quickly the 16 weeks have gone! I am very thankful for this group and especially to you Lauren. Your support is exactly what I needed to help me manage my busy work and baking schedule and mostly all of the injuries. Under the circumstances, it would have been very easy for me to make a million excuses as to why I could not exercise but this group kept me motivated to find the time to get something in the majority of days during the week. And as a result, my injuries improved and I have gotten much stronger and regained some of my confidence. The nutrition coaching has been so helpful and my stomach problems are improving as well. Not every week was perfect but I found ways to make it work and to support others in the group. And, most of all, it is nice to know that there are other people out there with a similar interest that have busy lives that interfere, and we are all trying to do our best to carve out some time to motivate each other to live happier and stronger lives! I am very excited to continue and look forward to seeing alot of familiar faces here and in the playground!!

SNAG your spot here to be apart of the 12 WEEK Accountability Group ---> WINNER CIRCLE   2 spots left.... We have an installment plan option here as well

Friday, July 15, 2016

Lemon Ginger Cinnamon Elixir - A refreshing beverage that helps with weight loss and inflammation

This is one of the recipes you will find "In The Kitchen" which is our newest nutrition recipe video section in Lauren's Playground.

Today I'm going to show you how to make a delicious beverage that has completely helped me shed the last 5 pounds. The ingredients in this quick and easy elixir not only help you feel a burst of energy but it helps keep your hunger under control while easing any bloating you may have. This also helps with digestion and is filmed with anti-inflammatory properties. It's a magical medicinal drink that everyone should try at least once. For more video recipes check out Lauren's Playground.

12-16 oz cold water
lemon (without the peel)
inch of fresh ginger root
cinnamon 1 tsp
1-2 T of honey or coconut sugar

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

REAL Results from Kettlebell Incinerator - 6lbs of fat lost in less than 4 weeks!

I'd like to share an email with you that I received out of the blue. I know many people would like to feel comfortable in their own skin. It's ok to have goals for yourself. After all, you only get one body. I've always been a huge advocate for strength and mobility, but let's face it, people want to feel good in their own skin. Training with Kettlebell Incinerator - the super quick workouts gave Rhonda these results. She's super busy full time working mom and she was able to squeeze this in, in less than 4 weeks. Here's her email and how she did it! 

Hi Lauren,

I finished the Incinerator Advanced Rotation program and wanted to share some thoughts :-)

Amazing. Just amazing. I waited for this cutting program since I finished BeSlam2 and it was even better than I imagined. As you know, I have been on a journey to get comfortable in my skin again. I keep slipping in the areas that matter most, namely nutrition and generally from stress. I have also had some periods of time that I got so frustrated from lack of progress while 'behaving' that I threw away weeks/months of work by over indulging for too many days/weeks. This is what happened to me this past spring. I got to an ok place and plateaued for almost 2 months. This led to a backward slide costing about 10lbs.

I have found that when I have an exact program to follow and commit to an exact eating plan, that I can stay on track for those blocks of time. Yes, I will need to learn how to live in maintenance mode, but first I have to get there! The 4 week Incinerator Advanced Rotation was a perfect program for me- short, focused, and the right length of time to hold true to the program. The workouts were hard! But because they were short I really pushed myself and used my fitbit to urge me to hit peak zone for as long as I could each workout. I removed grains, dairy, alcohol and sugar from my diet. I made a point to walk 20 minutes each day and generally move more.  All this and here are my results:

May 30 2016- June 27 2016
real deal! not photoshopped

I lost 6 lbs, but definelty look like it was a lot more. I am so angry I didn't take measurements! Also, I think my posture even improved.

I took 2 days 'off' and am using this week to visit some of my favorite workouts from your videos. Then I plan to follow your Lean Body program in the Playground. I think that is meant for someone with my goals?  I am going to allow some complex carbs back in, and will only drink sparingly on weekends, if at all- it's summer and BBQ's are aplenty! 

I figured that since Kettlebell Incinerator is a new DVD and program that you may want some real world results from your average followers to see how big of a difference you make to us. Thank you!

Rhonda H.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Tabata training rocks and it's a very simple and easy way to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic system in as little as 4 minutes a day! I know, it's almost too good to be true. 

Here's how it works! All you have to do is pick between 1-4 exercises to perform a 20 second interval of hard work with a 10 second interval of rest. The chosen exercise or exercises should be intense enough to truly challenge you. The coolest part of Tabata training is you're done in 4 minutes! That's right just 4 minutes of training can get you incredible results with an increased metabolism, cardiovascular and muscular system!

Quick History of where Tabata came from

Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist, along with his research team from the National Insist of Fitness Sports in Tokyo discovered tabata training. They conducted a research study with two groups. Group 1 worked out at a moderate intensity level for one hour 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Group 2 worked out at a high intensity level for 4 minutes with intervals of 20 seconds of work to 10 seconds of rest. 

Results for Group 1 - moderate intensity level 1 hour workout
- Only increased cardiovascular system but showed no increase in the anaerobic system (muscular) system.

Results for Group 2 - High intensity interval - 4 minute workouts
- Increased the cardiovascular (aerobic system) and increased the anaerobic muscular system by 28%. 

This is a workout choice proving that quality beats quantity. This is why the workouts I've released over the years through my live classes, Kettlebell DVD's, programs and online classes include a ton of interval training. People have complained in the past about taking rests because the mindset of resting sounds lazy. Studies have proven over and over again that rest is required to take your aerobic AND anaerobic system to the next level!

To read more information about the study you can see it right here

Now for the FUN details on how to do the challenge.

Ten Day Tabata Challenge

Directions: Pick a challenging exercise that you can go all out, safely, for 20 seconds or work to 10 seconds rest. You will perform 8 - 20 second work intervals with 10 second rest intervals. Below are sample Tabata's as well as a favorite Tabata of mine. 

Sample Tabata 1 - 4 sets for a total of 4 minutes

Jump Squats

Sample Tabata 2: - 2 sets for a total of 4 minutes

1 arm Swing
1 arm Swing
Jump Squats 

Sample Tabata 3: 8 sets for a total of 4 minutes

2 Hand Swings 

Sample Bodyweight Tabata 4: 

Bodyweight Squats
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Jump Squats

One of my Favorite Kettlebell Tabata Workouts

High Pull, Catch & Squat
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
1 Arm Snatch

Go through this 2 times through. If you're an over achiever do a double Tabata!


Great Exercises options for your TABATA workouts

Jump Rope
Body Weight Squats
Kettlebell Swings
1 Arm Snatch
High Pull, Catch & Squat
Jumping Jacks
Star Jumps

Share with us your tabata. Hashtag #tendaytabatachallenge 

Hope you have an amazing time with this challenge. This can be done any time and any place. You don't even need equipment just a timer. Feel free to post your challenge for the world to see. I'll share it if I find your hashtag or if you tag me. 
We also have a challenge group page on Facebook called Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge if you want to post your challenge privately here. 

Twitter:      @laurenbrooksfit

Thursday, June 9, 2016

How Martha Got Her Life Back

This is a true story about Martha, an attorney and mother of 2. Martha suffered from debilitating postpartum depression, 50+ pound weight gain during and after her pregnancy, and many injuries to go with it. 

Martha came to me 8 weeks after giving birth to her 2nd baby.  She could  hardly get back up from an assisted Squat or do a push-up against a wall. Fast forward today, she is  squatting with 80+ pounds for reps and can knock out over 15 reps of hard core real MAN pushups.  She can perform a Get Up with a 44lb bell, Double Press the 35lb bells and Double Deadlift 88lb's in each hand. This didn't come easy for her. 

Please take the time to read her incredible story. I have now renamed Martha "Martha the Machine". You will see Martha in the Power, Strength & Burn Series in the online class community - Lauren's Playground. She has earned her stripes and has made one of the most incredible transformations I've ever witnessed both inside and out!

How Martha Got Her Life Back 
The COMPLETE Transformation of Martha the Machine 

In 2009, I became pregnant with my first child. I stuck to a strict diet of milkshakes and cookies. I was eating for 2, right?! I ended up gaining 70 pounds, which is 40 more pounds than recommended. 

In April 2010, I gave birth to a 9 pound 3 ounce baby. I really wasn�t worried about the extra weight because everyone told me that it would just �melt away� if I chose to breastfeed. What no one tells you is that breastfeeding makes you incredibly hungry � hungrier than during pregnancy because you are STILL feeding two people: yourself and your growing baby.  

Instead of the pounds �melting away,� as I was promised, I packed on an additional 40 pounds. I was back up and over my pre-pregnancy weight! In addition, I had some post pregnancy complications and it was painful to even walk. My inability to exercise coupled with my additional weight gain was the perfect recipe for post-partum depression. 

I am an attorney and went back to work after 4 months. After my maternity leave, I transitioned in a job where I was doing mostly appellate work, so my supervisor allowed me to work from home. It sounds like a great set up, but it led to a feeling of isolation and kept the post-partum depression fires burning bright

After about 2 months back at work, we moved across the country from Atlanta to San Diego. We knew only one person here, and the thought of really getting out there and meeting new friends terrified me. I wasn�t feeling or looking my best � what would I wear? Nothing fit! It was a taste of social anxiety that I had never experienced in the past.

I had exercised on and off throughout my life. I suffered a knee injury from a skiing accident in 2002, which required surgery, and in 2004, I fractured my tibia. Because of those injuries, I was apprehensive about exercising. I didn�t want to get injured again! I decided that I absolutely had to start exercising, so I went to a strip mall pilates studio. I ended up losing around 70 pounds. I wasn�t yet back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I was eager to lose the weight. 

My progress came to a dead halt when I tore my hip flexor. I left the studio limping and the instructor told me to stretch my hip flexor that evening and before class the next day (I was going 5-6 days/week on average). I wasn�t sure what was wrong but I trusted that the instructor knew what he was talking about, so I followed his advice and went back to class. The next time I went, however, I could barely walk. After I went to the doctor and heard the diagnosis, I suspected that the pilates instructor didn�t have the training that I thought he did. In an effort to avoid surgery, I went to several months of physical therapy and my physical therapist recommended that I give acupuncture a try. 

I became pregnant with my second child and was still trying to heal my hip flexor with acupuncture. I knew that this time around, I couldn�t be on the milkshake and cookie diet and couldn�t gain so much weight.  As my belly grew, it became difficult to walk � my hip kept dislocating because of the way the baby was positioned. It also became painful for me to even sit. I ended up taking leave from work. I had a high-risk pregnancy, and I was really unable to complete an 8 hour workday. Despite my best efforts, I gained 50 pounds. In March 2014, I gave birth to a 9 pound 15 ounce baby.

I wanted to do everything I could to prevent post-partum depression this time, and I knew that I needed a plan. I was terrified of yet another injury, and I knew that I needed to find someone that wasn�t just a pretty face! I needed someone who knew her stuff and could prevent me from getting an injury. 

Left to my own devices, I would be completely lost when exercising. Gyms are intimidating when you can�t tell the machines apart and have no idea what they do anyway. I knew that I didn�t want to be limited to the elliptical machine or the treadmill (the only two machines I knew how to use) or a spinning class. I needed direction and accountability. 

I contacted Lauren and started training with her 8 weeks after giving birth, which was as soon as my doctor cleared me for exercise. I planned to train 2-3 days a week, after my husband was home from work and could be home to watch the kids. To be home in time for me to leave, my husband had to change his schedule around and work from home after the kids were in bed. Because I knew that he was making such an effort for me to do this, there was no way I could back out! 

When I first started training with Lauren, a wall push up was challenging. Similarly, it was a challenge to swing an 8 kg bell. I was afraid that when I was doing squats, I wouldn�t be able to get back up, so I did squats with the assistance of the TRX. Lauren made all sorts of modifications for me to allow me to really ease into things so that I wouldn�t get injured. I would see other people doing pull ups, push ups, presses, squats holding kettlebells, and performing other feats of strength, and I thought that I would never be able to do those things. Honestly, I didn�t care to do those things at the time, either; my goal was simple: I wanted to be less fat.

Although I was making strength gains, while I was breastfeeding, I saw minimal weight loss. Each time I would cut my calories, my milk supply would dramatically decrease, so I decided to wait until I was finished breastfeeding before really examining my diet. Eventually, and with Lauren�s guidance, I made significant changes to my diet. 

Lauren has such a gentle and non-judgmental manner towards her students. She is so knowledgeable about what she does and doesn�t have a �one-size-fits-all� approach. She will push you and motivate you to push yourself. She has created a supportive environment (both online and in person) where your accomplishments are celebrated. 

I have lost all of the pregnancy weight and MORE. I have more energy, and I am stronger than I have ever been. I am not out of breath when I am running around with the kids, my joints don�t hurt, and I can actually enjoy being active. I love hiking and riding my bike now. I have my own collection of kettlebells at home, a suspension trainer, and a pull up bar. In short, my lifestyle has completely changed. I have new goals now, and none of it would have been possible without Lauren. I will forever be thankful that I found her!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lauren's Playground - Bringing you Online Classes, Programs, and Recipes in the Raw!

The place where you'll never do anything half glutes�

TRAIN WITH LAUREN BROOKS anywhere in the world!

After many years of working hard to come up with a solution that can bring new and fresh workouts to you anywhere in the world with access 24 hours a day... I'm proud and excited to announce the solution is finally here!  

Custom live classes can now be easily accessed to you any time or any place in the world. I'm ecstatic to finally be able to deliver you something in the raw that can work for anyone! I call it "Lauren's Playground" because I feel like I'm playing when I'm training. I want you to feel like you're playing too! 

In this playground we will continue to release great deal of content which will include follow along workouts, instructional videos, written workouts which coincides with the videos in an OnDemand delivery system. PLUS there will be a new program brought to you each and ever month with surprise goodies along the way. ;) 

We are excited to grow with you and have a blast along the way! This will hopefully bring you a fresh new feel and a new found love for your training. It's going to be an ever evolving platform of community, education, support, workouts, discussions and yes we will be open to your requests.  

 Once you sign up you'll be grandfathered in at your current rate. Even as we grow your price will stay the same while you're an active member. 

She will take you straight to her personal gym where you will be educated and learn how to turn your body in to a powerful machine, without injuring yourself. This is not like her DVD�s. This will be filmed in the raw.
Lauren is known for helping people all over the world become stronger, leaner, and more mobile without pain!
The training you will receive from her playground will be detailed and easy to follow. Whether you are a visual or audio learner, beginner or advanced, Lauren will have you covered. Once you become a member you will have the option to join her private facebook group to discuss the training you�re doing among the community members. 

What's in the playground now?

We just added some great recipes in our "In The Kitchen" section.

Members you can log in right here 
Not a member yet? Sign up here

What's in the Playground now?

Basics Fundamentals for our brand new Kettlebell enthusiasts - 6 weeks

Basics Sculpt - for the next level 

Power, Strength & Burn classes - 5 week program 

Lean Body Series - 5 week video and written program to go with it 

NEW Slightly Conventionala 6 week program focused on building lean muscle mass. If you're worried about hypertrophy I've got you covered and will have slightly different sets laid out for you. In addition to this program worth $99 on its own. We also have a many programs up and running available for our members such as: All include follow along videos and written program that you can take with you any where.

Bonus quick workout section 

Demonstration Library 

In The Kitchen

Members you can log in right here 

Not a member yet? Sign up here. no contract. Cancel anytime.

We've only just begun. You can download all of the written programs and pay for just one month if you really wanted to do that. ?? However, this material is worth a lot more and just keeps growing! We will be raising our price soon since we can't just give it all away. If you wanted to get in at our lower price before we revamp the whole front end to look even snazzier get on it now. ?????? Accountability, motivation and even member discounts are what's waiting for you inside. 

To Yours In Strength,


The programs and content will grow as we grow and eventually the price will be go up! We have priced this low right now because we are starting small. You will be grandfathered in at this price and we will never change your rate while you�re a part of our special community.

Now is the time to join Lauren's Playground, an online training program with Lauren Brooks! Lauren�s Playground is offering a special subscription rate that is less than 99 cents a day! There is absolutely no contract and you can cancel anytime!

on the playground where YOU'LL NEVER DO ANYTHING HALF GLUTES� We go full glutes around here!

half glutes� courtesy OF TODD GRAHAM



The best program Review by Abra
Lauren's programs are the best around and this is no exception. Not only are her programs high quality but she personally answers questions and cares about the health and wellness of her clients.  
Great addition to my workout resources Review by adrirez
First, let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Lauren. I have most of her kettlebell dvds and have had fitness and nutrition coaching from her. She is an amazing teacher and coach. Now to the offers numerous streaming workouts for any level. It has a great variety of kettlebell workouts. Each workout gives different variations to meet the needs of any person and their skills. Whether you are looking for conditioning, fat burning, strength or all of will find them here. There is new content monthly and bonuses along the way. I can't recommend this enough.  
great kettlebell programs! Review by Jen
I joined Lauren's Playground only 2 weeks ago and I already feel the results from following the programs she has given in the playground! You get both access to videos and written out programs which I love! Lauren teaches the proper way to do kettlebells and I just love her teaching style! This is the first online platform of classes I've found on kettlebells and I'm so thankful to have such great programs to follow in my own home whenever I have the time!

Lauren's Playground is the best one since grade school and dodgeball.  Review by Denice
Kettlebells are so great because with a small investment working out from home is possible, saving money and time. Having a program that you know is taking you in a forward progression really helps keep the motivation high. The Playground is just that. Programming, schedules telling you exactly how to use the programs, tips for beginners and experienced users, and it keeps growing! Now there is a recipe area for Lauren's healthful and unique recipes. I can't say enough about how fantastic I think this creation of Lauren's and Todd's is. We are all so lucky to have such a powerful tool at such a great price.  (Posted on 7/30/2016)
Love this program!!! Review by Rema 
Love the playground. All the different choices. And the variety of "programs". Its great that you include the schedule as well. That is huge to me! The workouts are sneaky. Somehow the programming seems set up to where I am getting a good workout but it doesn't "kill me". Yet the next day I often feel sore which tells me I def did work those muscles! I Love that! I also like that you break down your students for those who not as advanced and they have an example to watch!  (Posted on 7/28/2016)
AWESOME! Review by K.Rose
The Playground is so much fun! It is a really wonderful community of people that share my obsession with kettlebells :)

So happy I joined! Review by Martha

I have almost all Laurens dvds and I love them. But I would only work out off and on for the past 3 years. So when the playground came out I told my husband let me just try it out for one month, I cant pass up signing up because I have to see everything Lauren puts out. The other day I told him, just so you know I'm never cancelling this membership! It truly has made me a different person. I am determined, I work out regularly, I am way stronger in just the time that Incinerator and playground came out. I am in love with everything on the playground. It exceeded my expectations by a mile.

A couple things that impresses me is 1) that the written workout is right on the side of the video (please don't ever change that) it helps me see whats ahead and allows me to get my bells setup. 2) the coaching Lauren does throughout the video, the little things like take a sip of water, remember to tighten the glutes, relax shoulder and neck, breathe, engage the lat, if your not shaking your plank is not active and so on and so on - these are all things we know but as we are working out we cant remember everything so the reminders help me keep the proper form.

The only thing I can think of to add is a tip section, just like the in the kitchen has recipes, the helpful tips section would be any great knowledge we could use to aid us in losing weight and gaining strength.  
My Thoughts on the Playground [as it is right now] Review by Livvy
What I think of the playground so far.

This is really great. if you are used to Lauren you'll fit right in - if you are new to Lauren, you can pick it up right away. Lauren has you covered form Basics, to Tabatas, a lot of little extra perks, and more is coming.

I love the little extra stuff (the written work, the Kitchen which will hopefully include some vegan options as it grows!) the fact that if all you have is 1 or 2 bells, Lauren has modifications even though all extra equipment (stools, and trx) is used). if you are a Big Girl (Or Broad Guy) and wondering if you can do this/keep up. yes.

The online facebook group is great.

The little things I would probably include or change is "registering" for classes - though i'm sure this is probably done for stats or something - and a "Park my account" option in case of illness/you lost your job or something. While you can leave and join any time, - the price point will not be the same always. but if those are the only two issues you have.. you know you're getting an amazing product.  
Out of the park!! Review by ELaughlin
Once again, Lauren has hit this one out of the park ...and right into the Playground! :) This has been live for two months now, and it is astonishing how much content already is available. This really is full spectrum from beginner to advanced. You choose the programs that work for you. You can't go wrong.

I enjoy it because it feels like I'm right there at Lauren's studio working out with her and her students. I absolutely love the programs I've done so far and am seeing and feeling the results. Seriously, this is some of the BEST money I've ever spent! I am so grateful Lauren is offering this and I plan to be a Playground member for quite a long time.  (Posted on 7/21/2016)
Great for beginners Review by Samantha
I was completely new to kettlebell workouts and didn't know where to start. Lauren's videos break down the moves and focus on the correct form in a way that you can pick it up quick and progress fast! I was amazed how quickly I moved up in the amount of weight I could do in a short time. She has a program that is sure to fit everyone and keep you challenged!  
More than I could have asked for Review by Jane
Great workouts, great variety, great instruction. So many workouts its challenging to pick which to do! Been doing kettlebells for 5 years and this has been a fabulous choice for how to further my training.  
Worth every penny Review by gail
I am an avid home exerciser and have tried many different kettlebell dvds and instructors and Lauren is hands down my favorite. I have all of her DVDs, her BeSlam programs and her Kettlebells for Women. I initially hesitated though to sign up for a recurring monthly fee but then decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did. The content is exceptional. It feels like you are taking classes right there with Lauren. New content is added frequently. And the facebook community is great too. Without doubt this is one of the best fitness purchases I have ever made!  
Fun and fantastic workout platform Review by Cyndie
I have been using Lauren's book, videos and workout programs for almost 4 years now, so I was thrilled when she launched the Playground platform. I work out both at the home and at a gym, but put my gym membership on hold for the summer (kids are home!). Lauren's Playground has really amped up my home workouts! I love following along with the streamed workouts - the pace is perfect for me, she gives lots of options to increase intensity or modify for beginners or people with mobility issues. I also like having all the programs to choose from, and the fact that more are added on a regular basis. It really is a great value - much less than a personal trainer but with the personal experience, fantastic community and new content added regularly!  
Life Changing! Review by Deanna
Since starting Lauren's programs, my body has completely changed! The Playground is versatile, energetic, fun. I am especially satisfied with Lauren's safety aspect. I've had neck problems for a long time and her little side notes and mobility drills I've NEVER heard of are very effective and have kept my neck pain free. For the first time in my life, I can say I love the way I look. The Playground is a must for anybody looking to change their body and gain confidence. Being strong is definitely what it's all about!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
The BOMB Review by Momofcha
I am a longtime fan of Lauren's & have all her DVDs. I couldn't be happier with her steaming. I figured out how to stream through my tv with no issues & the streaming itself is seamless. It's like a DVD. I think these offerings are different than her DVDs & a great addition! I can't wait for the new program next month!  
Highly Recommend! Review by Shelly
Lauren is one of my favorite kettlebell instructors and since I can't train with her in person, this is the next best thing! As new as the playground is, she already has a variety of workouts listed for all levels with detailed instructions that it is impossible to get bored (and I get bored easily). I'd rate this 10 stars if I could!

So happy I joined! Review by Martha
I'm so happy I joined Lauren's Playground! Personally, I prefer to follow along with a video workout, and I feel as though I'm right there training in one of her classes. It's very motivating! I like the variety of workouts offered - there is something for every level. I'm particularly enjoying the Lean Body Series and Power, Strength and Burn classes. I also love that the warmups and cool-downs are included in the class, since I tend to gloss over those parts a bit. Plus there are new workouts and recipes being added all the time, so it's been well worth the cost. Considering what you get with the membership it's a bargain, really!!  (Posted on 7/25/2016)
Something for Everyone! Review by Regina H 

Lauren�s playground is terrific! No matter what your fitness level is, familiarity/level with kettlebells, age, male or female, or your fitness goals, Lauren�s playground has something for everyone!

Not to mention the monthly price for what you get is a steal! I love everything about the Playground! It is by far the most comprehensive on-line offering I have seen! With Lauren's expertise and her strong desire for ALL her students to achieve that which they seek, she and her husband Todd truly are working overtime making sure the Playground,is not only effective and results-driven but also fun and user friendly for everyone!

Only own one kettlebell? Whether you got one kettlebell or a collection of them, you can do the classes at the Playground! Brand new to kettlebells? The playground offers the basics when it comes to proper and safe kettlebell training. Advanced? Want to lose fat? Get strong? Improve conditioning? The Playground has got all that covered too! The newly added �In the Kitchen� shares recipes that Lauren prepares for her family!

The playground provides written versions of the classes that you can download and print out. You also have the option to stream them on your devices! This means you can do these classes anywhere that is convenient for you!. Also � you can do them anytime of the day or night and any days you want!

The Facebook group associated with the Playground has folks from all over the US, and overseas, ranging in age from 20s to 70s. The group is great because it really does provide accountability (for those that need it), cheering you on, and also providing support and a real sense of camaraderie.

So do yourself a favor and join! You will only regret not signing up!
(Posted on 7/24/2016)
Motivating!!! Review by Mary Ann
To be able to get this kind of training in my home is beyond awesome. There is so much content and new content is added on a monthly basis. There is no room for boredom. You are constantly challenged. Great monthly subscription! I am very happy with my purchase.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
The best kettlebell instructor ever! Review by Jan K-G
I've been training with Lauren's DVDs for a few years now and I'm still not bored with them, but the Playground is kind of a different animal. It's like having private classes with Lauren! The beauty of the Playground is that it is on my schedule and can be tailored to my needs and goals. Plus, each group of workouts comes with a several-weeks-long workout plan if you choose to use the workouts that way. I'm glad I don't have to take DVDs with me when I travel now that I can just stream the programs wherever I am. Have kettlebells will travel! I definitely recommend Lauren's Playground AND her DVDs to anyone wishing to train with kettlebells the RIGHT way with someone who really understands the way the human body works and how to be safe and have fun with the bells at the same time.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
Totally flexible platform, rigorous yet easy to fit in any where plus stellar Lauren Brooks guide = AWESOME!Review by RunningGenes
Love this program arrangement, and layout...and especially Lauren Brooks' approach all-around! Very flexible yet rigorous and my favorite of any and all series or programs for kettlebell and even any workout style. From solid fitness, through pregnancy, post-pregnancy, overscheduled professional and family life, Lauren's got it covered with respect and intensity per desire. A million thanks to Lauren, and most especially to this new Playground...came along when I need it most and I will likely stay for a very long time.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
From Pilates instructor and Bootcamp at the Park to Kettlebells Review by Barbara A Houston
I am so thrilled to be a part of Lauren's Playground! I feel it is far above and beyond of what was expected. Especially with the content, layout, and workout routines. The material is in the greatest HD quality and the motivation is all there. I'm speechless because I feel part of a worldwide team. It's unique to give you the right tools and lessons to progress and grow. Every time I'm there I don't feel alone but with with support from Lauren and the gang. Her voice, her example, and real life women working it all out is very encouraging! I knew about Lauren online years ago but I had not tried her DVDS. I was a Pilates instructor for a temporary time and loved bootcamp training at the park. I wanted fitness to be my career. What I wanted like many of us was to look and feel awesome and great! The weight wasn't coming off quickly and I had spent a lot of money in Pilates Certifications and Nutrition Online program where I had a coach. In all these real cases the weight would always come back. Unfortunately I would get stuck in a vicious cycle. All this time I tried Lauren's free challenges and read her blog.
It was the best decision to sign up as soon as I playground gym started. Although I've been on vacation and fighting time. I can honestly say that this program is high high high quality! You can't find this type of training in the market. Unless your willing to pay 75 to 80 per hour and in some cases more if the trainer has abundant certifications and has years of experience. Lauren has strong desire to help and these videos show her strong commitment to women's health. I love the additional videos and strict from to keep everyone safe. This is what I've been waiting for for a long time. It reminded me of my early mornings bootcamps at the park except now it's my living room and I don't ever have to leave my house. It's exactly what I need to finally reach my goals. I'll keep you posted dear kettlebell friend!  (Posted on 7/23/2016)
Loving the playground! Review by Julie
I've been a follower of Lauren for several years, have most of her DVD's and also her BeSLAM programs. I jumped at the chance to join her playground...I am loving the programs, I love the format, and the fact that I can either follow along with videos, or with a printed version of the workouts. Variety, encouragement, and inspiration, all the things I need to keep me on track. Great value, too!  (Posted on 7/23/2016)