Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Simple Pull Up Guide For Women

Pull Up Guide For Women (ebook and video guide)
Many females have the misconception that women don't have the upper body strength to achieve a pull up. I'm here to tell you that mind set is a bunch of baloney. I've taught thousands of women, distant and in person, how to achieve and master pull ups. To my amazement many begin in their 40's, 50's and even 60's successfully reaching their very first chin/pull up. There is no reason you have to fear the bar. There is no reason you can't begin your pull up journey. 
If you're looking for a guide that has a magical gimmick and will promise you pull ups in 30 days without any work, this is not the guide for you. Although some people can get pull ups in less than 30 days, that is not a realistic time frame. Everyone achieves a pull up at their own pace. If you're looking for a realistic path that lays out appropriate stepping stones that will literally build you a pull up strong body by building your pull up foundation, then you have found your pull up guide.

This pull up guide is an ebook with digital videos. It's a full course that will take you to the path of achieving your dream of a pull up. As a busy mom of 4, has had 2 C-sections, I've started from scratch each time to get my own pull up back.I've worked with women of every fitness level daily on the bar for 15 years. With trial and error and tons of experience, I've created the most user friendly simple approach that will get you comfortable with the bar which eventually will get you doing reps of chin/pull ups!
I'm going to cut right to the chase. To achieve a pull up it takes determination, consistency and intelligent training. If you're not willing to do the work, then don't waste your money. Practice a little bit almost every day as shown in the guide and you will be well on your way to that pull up. 


Here is what you will get in The Simple Pull Up Guide For Women (or men)


Pre-req to Begin the Pull up Program - Videos and Tips
Mobility Warm Up video for a stronger pull-up. 
Do's and Don't's videos and tips
4 Week Foundation Building Program (for the absolute BEGINNER)
8 Week No Fluff Pull-up Program
12 Progression Exercises with video demonstrations
10 Assistant Exercise - with video demonstrations
Real Success Stories

Equipment Needs

You must have access to a bar or rings to master a chin/pull up. I use these terms interchangeablely because in my opinion a women doing a chin up or pull up are both equally amazing. Yes, technically a chin up is when your palms are facing towards your face and a pull up is when your palms are facing away from you. Now let's stop talking and start pulling! Ready.... Set... Go!!!! Sign up here and get started NOW

Take $10 off for a limited time with code: pullups

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

21 Day Get Up Challenge - New Challenge

Due to popular demand and great success with the last two challenges, I present to you our 3rd challenge. If you are interested in checking out any of our other popular challenges visit the Lauren Brooks Challenge tab to view all of our free challenges. 

Get Up Video Play List will also teach you the proper steps on achieving a solid and SAFE Get Up

Get Up Styles and Variations to choose from that work best for YOUR LEVEL AND BODY TYPE

Get Up to the Tall Sit (recommended for beginners)

Full Get Up (Traditional Turkish Get Up)
Part 1 - 4

Get Up for "Shoulder/Thoracic Mobility Restrictions"

Modified Get Up (great for sensitive knees)

Hashtag #GetUpFor21days so we can find you every time you share with us that you did your Get Ups. Post descriptions, photos, and/or videos!

You can also ask to join our free Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge group right here where we have 400+ people doing the challenges with you!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Todays Workout - Lug

100m Sandbag Load Carry
10 Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
10 Sandbag Thrusters
10 Sandbag High Pulls

Repeat for a total of 10 rounds.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

It Matters Where You Are NOW!

Have you ever reminisced about how you use to be? Maybe how skinny you looked or athletic you were in your 20's? I can't tell you how many times I've had a student come to me and say "I use to be in such great shape...." or "I use to be so strong..." Here is the problem with holding on to these "use to be" feelings. They are gone and don't exist anymore. In fact this mentality could be holding you back. Your body and mind is completely different today. Things change and the workout along with the eating patterns which may have worked for you in the past, most likely won't have the same effect now. If you hold on to the "how you once were" mentality then it's very hard to move forward and grow.

They key of knowing where to go and how to get better, is to know where you are NOW! Never jump in to something thinking you are the same person from the past or assuming you are some where that you may not be. Have I lost you? Am I making any sense?  Are you checking in with yourself to find out where you are starting from? Every day is a new day which gives you an opportunity to grow. If you're not sure how to check yourself then reach out to a professional for help in this department. This is for anything! Whether it be mental health, fitness, nutrition, skill learning or internal health, your body changes and so do you!

Speaking of reminiscing, today marks the one year anniversary of resigning from SFG Senior position from StrongFirst. It's been one helluva ride since! I do miss the old days sweating and learning along side with the best of them. Many since then have also moved on and luckily we still keep in touch! I still get to enjoy working with students all over the world to help them pass their certification whether it be SFG, RKC, or SMK along with any other fitness goals they're striving for thanks to distant coaching. I realized it's important to evaluate your life and make sure wherever you are is still working for you. If not, make it better, fix it or move on!

Deep breaths! Now for the fun light stuff! Valentine's Day is coming up and we thought it would be a good idea to give you 40% off on any of our follow along Kettlebell Workout DVD and Streaming Videos. Just enter the code: valentine  today and it will work for the next few days. It's that simple!
Final thoughts: Always check yourself with the basic fundamentals before adding complex movements. Be smart! Use good judgement! Most of all HAVE FUN!


Huge Valentine's Day 40% off sale starts NOW!! 

CODE: valentine

Works for all of our DVD's and our Streaming Workout Videos.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge - Deadlifts for 28 Days

Single Leg Deadlift Challenge
 Deadlifts for 28 days (recommended for Beginners)


Directions: Choose a safe weight to begin your challenge with. Suggested reps indicated are for EACH SIDE** ONLY if performing Single Leg Deadlifts. 
Example: Day 1: 5 reps for 2 sets. Day 2: 5 reps per leg for 3 sets. Add weight each week if you�re ready. 

LADDER DAYS: Perform the suggested reps per side. Example 5 reps per side. Then 4 reps per side, then 3 reps etc... Take as much rest as needed or incorporate this ladder within your current training program.  You may also use a heavier bell on a the LOWER rep ladder area IF you feel you've earned it and had enough rest in between. On the final ladder GRADUATION DAY, if your form is perfect and you're feeling strong, use a heavier bell as you go DOWN the ladder. 

Safety: Break the reps up in to multiple sets to feel fresh. Never go to failure!

Week 1 - starting weight
Day 1: 10 
Day 2: 15
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: 20
Day 5: 25
Day 6: Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 7: Rest

Week 2 - add weight
Day 8: 10
Day 9: 15
Day 10: Rest
Day 11: 20
Day 12: 25
Day 13 Ladder day 5/4/3/2
Day 14: Rest

Week 3 - add weight
Day 15: 10
Day 16: 15
Day 17: Rest
Day 18: 20
Day 19: 25
Day 20: Ladder Day 5/4/3/2
Day 21: Rest

Week 4 - add weight
Day 22: 10
Day 23  15
Day 24 Rest
Day 25  20
Day 26  25
Day 27: Rest

Day 28: Graduation Ladder 4/3/2 - test your strength - Use heavier bells as you lower your reps!!!


I'm also doing a HUGE GIVEAWAY for one of the lucky participants in the deadlift challenge. In order for us to know you're participating and see you actively doing the challenge here are ways to WIN!
Winner of the challenge will get $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!!!!  Who's in???  

1.  Share and tag your friends to Challenge them to get them involved. 
2.  Hashtag #deadliftsfor28days  and #laurenbrooksfitness so we can find you .
3. Tell us when you do your single leg deadlifts or deadlifts on Facebook, twitterinstagram, or pinterest. Tag and hashtag so we can find you! Check out our Facebook challenge post for the easy way to participate.

ONE LUCKY WINNER will WIN  $500 worth of Lauren Brooks fitness products and programs!


PREREQUISITE AND WARNING: You must be able to do a traditional weighted deadlift before moving to one leg. Do not attempt Single-Leg Deadlifts with load until you�ve mastered the movement without weights. Practice the Single-Leg Deadlift
movement pattern prior to adding load. This is not an explosive movement. Rushing this exercise will only cause you to lose balance and injure yourself. View video below for proper instruction. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.  

 PHOTOS below are from The Kettlebell For Women book. � Rapt Productions/from Kettlebells for Women (Ulysses Press)

CHOOSE AN OPTION FOR YOUR CHALLENGE - try them and go with the one that feels the BEST on your body for the first week. 

Weight on the outside of the working leg
"Unilateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed on the inside of the working leg
"Contralateral Single Leg Deadlift"

Weight placed in the front of the working leg
note: my least favorite
"Front Single Leg Deadlifts"

Even weights placed on both sides - my personal favorite
"Double Single Leg Deadlifts"

Modified Single Leg Deadlift - back leg is your kickstand. 






JOIN HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, MAKE CONNECTIONS, AND SHARE YOUR PROGRESS WITH THE WORLD! Hundreds of awesome people just like you are participating in these challenges. Sharing your sessions with us along with your experiences is paramount for your growth as well as everyone else's growth.  You have people that are waiting to support you. Share with your friends and family to inspire them. Get them excited about fitness! We can track your progress all over with these hashtags.  Feel free to tag me if you want me to see what you're doing. 

If you want to be a part of our free Lauren Brooks Fitness Challenge Facebook group you can join here. This is where many people share with one another what they're doing with the challenge. Team up with someone. Make a friend and get in on this together!

#deadliftsfor28day #laurenbrooksfitness 

Sign up for our newsletter to get a free gift in our featured workout section which includes Workout 1 from our most popular Shut Up and Train video, top notch workout informationand nutrition information.

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