Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thinking Out Loud About The Spoiled Versus The Driven

Why Some People Have Drive and Some People Don�t

"A man's mind will very gradually refuse to make itself up until it is driven and compelled by emergency."  Anthony Trollope

Calling on my own experiences when I was a child, things weren�t given to me easily.  I strongly feel that kids who grew up in a household where they didn�t have to work hard to get what they wanted, end up lacking important qualities such as drive, determination, and perseverance.  I�ve seen it all too often and it hits close to home for me.

Take a look at some of the most successful and driven people around.  Do you think the majority of them grew up getting every thing their little hearts desired?  Oprah Winfrey for example, known as one of the most successful women in America. Do you think she grew up with everything she desired? She was very poor, was moved around a lot as child, and during the time she lived with her father, he would send her to bed without dinner unless she learned five new vocabulary words.  Obviously this is to the extreme, but you get my point.

Do you think they were able to coast through school with their parents buying them the clothes and cars they longed for?  Don�t get me wrong, there are definitely exceptions to the rule.  For example a good friend of mind in high school received almost anything she desired.  She was driving around a brand new cool car as soon as she turned 16.  She was able to shop for clothing that she wanted in an unlimited fashion.  She was handed nearly anything she truly desired.  I remember being very envious of all the material things she was able to get anytime she chose.  The nice clothes and the nice cars.  Despite all the goods she received, she was still a fighter.  She exercised really hard, played competitive sports, and did her due diligence with researching healthier foods to keep her weight down. While all her friends were able to eat what they wanted and didn�t gain a pound, she chose to work harder.   Other than her as the main exception in my life, most of the people I know today that are very driven and successful, didn't get everything they desired. 
Why spoiling kids now, will hurt them later

Let's not confuse this with spoiling your kids with love and affection.  Spoiling your kids with material things and giving them their way all the time, can take away so many aspects of what life has to offer.  When a child doesn�t have to work hard for something it doesn�t give them a sense of accomplishment.  When a child doesn�t achieve the sense of being proud such as �I earned that� it�s very easy to lose confidence, which can turn in to insecurities leading to depression.  

Here�s another exception to the rule of kids who received an abundance of material items. The children that were heavily involved and encouraged to learning new skills, such as sports and music, were able to develop the self confidence. This accomplishment gave them proud feelings as they improved, showed off their hard work with developing a skill set.  The kids that were given an abundance of gifts, taken on fancy vacations, were not encouraged to develop a skill set.  As they grow up the sense of urgency doesn't seem to be there.  The drive to strive above and beyond is.  Basically the �fight� in them never got developed.  Why would it become developed?  They never needed to work for anything in their life.  Everything came easy to them.  The parents are thinking they are doing their kids such a favor by buying their love with gifting them all their wants and desires.  They think they are being great parents by making their kids happy with instant gratification. But in fact it teaches your child to grow up not ever having to work for their wants.  Not ever having to strive for something and save up to finally be rewarded for their hard work.  When a child receives everything so easily there is no reason to be proud and appreciate it, since it�s easy to replace in their eyes. Things lose value and nothing excites them anymore.  In fact, kids who were overly spoiled tend to have more emotional and depression issues in life.  If you think you may be spoiling your kid a little bit too much here is a great website called Pediatric Advisor, that discusses all about spoil prevention.  

Finding the fine line of tough love

As a mother of 2 precious little girls I want nothing more than to give them the best.  When my sweet little girl see�s a beautiful dress in a store or wants a piece of candy in the check out line, chances are I�m going to say �no�.  Some parents will say �no� because they simply don�t have the money for it.  If I had all the money in the world, I would still say �no� much of the time.  However, balance is key, and I don�t want them to feel completely deprived, so on occasion, I will say yes. When I do say �yes�, they are happy and most of all truly appreciate it, since they know "yes" isn't always going to be the answer.  Of course I want to see them happy all the time, but if I give them what they want, they will turn in to unmotivated demanding spoiled little brats.   I'm trying to teach them the value of money, the value of hard work, and the value of life.  That�s why a parent this day and age needs to learn what tough love is all about!  These days many kids just don�t seem as appreciative.  It makes me sick to see such spoiled kids that walk around with such a sense of entitlement.   Years ago, kids had maybe a few toys to play with. Now kids have rooms full of toys to play with, I�m definitely guilty of my kids having way too many toys!   Even with all the toys and things to do, I�ll still hear sometimes �mommy I�m bored�.  My good friend Tracey tells her child to pick out 5 toys and put it in a bag to donate for someone who needs it, when she hears those words.  I have definitely started using this and the "I'm bored" words stop immediately!

Going back to what drives people.  Is it just innate in our biological self?  I�m sure some people think, regardless of their up bringing, you either have it in you or you don�t.  I beg to differ.  I do agree that some people have more tendencies to be more driven than others, however, their upbringing can really shape how they apply it as they get older.  Just ask your most successful and driven influences in your life, what it took to get where they are today.  Most of them grew up with a sense of hard work and things that didn't come easy to them.  Parents, if you want your kids to start having a value system and not the �I�m entitled to everything� attitude, stop spoiling them.  Start practicing the "no" word from time to time. Or let�s earn the trip to Disney Land after you clean your room for a month.  It starts now! I never thought I�d say this, but thank you mom and dad for not spoiling me and making me understand the value of life.  It�s the best thing you could have possibly done for me.  During the time it sucked, but it gave me drive and perseverance to fight for what I truly want.

You are who you surround yourself with

"The most important single influence in the life of a person is another person ... who is worthy of emulation."

If you spend a lot of time with drug users or unmotivated people, chances are you will pick up their tendencies.  We as humans feed off one another and become who we surround ourselves with.  That�s why it�s so important to surround yourself with people you respect and have good qualities you admire and can relate to.  Your kids are even more impressionable. Having your kids play on a regular basis with other kids that like to cause trouble and constantly misbehave, chances are it will rub off on your child and he or she will pick up some of those bad behaviors.  As a parent you definitely can�t control everything your child does, especially as they get older, but you can do your best to encourage your child to engage with positive people and reward them for accomplishing new skills.  

As an adult I have had my share of many different kinds of friends.  Anywhere from successful over achievers to the unmotivated lazy couch potato friend.  Finding the balance and knowing when to put the breaks on certain people have been key for my own life.  The ones who call you and every single time they are ranting about how negative the world is and how horrible life is, saying poor me, will eventually just bring you down.  Let�s not mistake this for me not wanting to listen to my friends when they are going through a rough time.  I love being there for my friends in time of need.  I�m the first one to help a friend out when something serious is going on or they are having trouble with a relationship.  In fact, I love being a sounding board, being comforting, and enjoy giving helpful advice.  It�s just part of who I am.   But those who are constantly the victim in every situation day after day, you finally have to realize, that person is never going to change.  They will always be the victim.  I truly don�t want to live my life trying to be a victim in every situation that goes wrong. Life is very unpredictable but don�t just sit back and relax and let life smack you in the face thinking it�s all going to work out perfectly.  Taking charge of your own life by taking the wheel to guide you through your own destiny.  Sure you will hit bumps in the road, major forks that call for some quick decision making, and unknown shocking paths that you are forced to painfully ride on.  It�s up to you how you handle it, learn from it, and how you come out of it.   In closing, life�s an adventure, it�s a bit of a game (like my restorative yoga teacher referred to), if you play your cards right in this big game we call LIFE, you can and will come out a winner!  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kettlebell (Kettle Ball Parody) - STOP the Madness and Get Educated

Too many folks are learning kettlebells the WRONG way and will use toning shoes and plastic surgery to try and get a quick fix. Ladies you won't get bulky using heavy kettlebells! 

If that wasn't funny enough for you, here is a sequel of the "Kettle Ball Trainer" teaching 5 cool moves.  Warning: Don't try this at home

5 Great Kettlebell Moves You're Not Doing - Not!!  STOP THE MADNESS!

"Kettle Ball Trainer" played by Frank Addelia. Uneducated Plastic enhanced Kettle Ball Students Lola (blonde) played by RKC Team Leader Lauren Brooks and Mindy (brown curly) played by RKC 2 Melody Schoenfeld. Filmed/Edited by STOP THE MADNESS and get with a REAL trainer and get educated!!!! Melody and Lauren

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Posting A Press Release From My New Sponsor - F3 Nutrition

F3 Nutrition Announces Sponsorship Of "The Kettlebell Queen" Lauren Brooks


June 6, 2012, 3:31 p.m. EDT 

F3 Nutrition Announces Sponsorship Of "The Kettlebell Queen" Lauren Brooks

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla., June 6, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Mark Post, President, F3 Nutrition, LLC today proudly announced that F3 Nutrition will sponsor "The Kettlebell Queen" and fitness author Lauren Brooks and that she will contribute greatly to the company's goal to meet the Fit, Form and Function needs of athletes and fitness seekers today.

"When we were looking for athletes and fitness and nutrition professionals to sponsor, Lauren Brooks really caught my attention due to her expertise, passion for fitness, and many accomplishments in the industry," said Post. "Lauren will not only serve as a living example of fitness, she will also publish nutrition columns and write other health and wellness articles on behalf of the company. I'm excited to have her on board at Team F3 and look forward to working with her."

"I'm honored and excited to be a part of the F3 Nutrition Team as one of their sponsored athletes," said Brooks. "I am very particular with what I recommend to my clientele, especially as an athlete, but F3 Nutrition has accomplished experts who have developed high quality supplements that I can use for my training and recommend with confidence to friends and clients."

Brooks is the owner of On the Edge Fitness and the creator of the highly acclaimed three-volume DVD series "The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells." She is an author of the book "Kettlebells for Women" and is the creator of the only pregnancy kettlebell DVD that exists today "Baby Bells." Brooks also has an iPhone/iPad application under development that will be available later this year.

Brooks earned her B.S. in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Fitness, Nutrition, and Health from San Diego State University in 2002. She became kettlebell certified in 2005 and currently holds certifications as a Russian Kettlebell Instructor Level 1 and 2, RKC Team Leader, ACE Fitness Trainer, Clinical Nutritionist, Functional Movement Specialist, TRX and Battling Ropes. Lauren makes sure to emphasize Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise, and a positive mental attitude. Part of Lauren's lifestyle is being a mother to her two daughters.

Brooks has conducted kettlebell live workshops worldwide. Drawing on her own experience and research, she inspires others to stay fit even after going through pregnancies and surgeries. She is the writer of many fitness and nutrition articles that appear in online magazines, fitness websites, and hard copy magazines. Brooks has had the privilege of helping and inspiring thousands of people from all walks of life achieve their fitness dreams.

Brooks added, "I look forward to working with the outstanding group of people at F3 and with the other professional athletes. I already have trust in the F3 brand because I am highly impressed with the research that has gone in to formulating their sports performance and health supplements. It will be easy to refer people to F3."

For more information about Lauren Brooks, please visit her Team F3 Athlete page at , visit her website, or and through her blog at

About F3 Nutrition:F3 Nutrition focuses on the three critical elements in building a successful high-performance sports nutrition product: Fit for the specific purpose; deliver through the best Form available; Function for the specific goal of the individual. The F3 Nutrition portfolio will consist of pre-training and post-training products and also protein and health wellness category products. Each of the company's products will contain unique to market formulations to assist in endurance, strength and recovery. In 2012, F3 Nutrition is scheduled to attend and exhibit at the CrossFit Games Worldwide Expo, IDEA World Fitness Convention, Europa Sports & Supplement Expo and the UFC Fan Expo to showcase its products and provide samples to awaiting fitness enthusiasts. F3 Nutrition, LLC products will be distributed online at and on shelves at retail outlets including fitness centers and gyms, health stores, sports retailers and online nutrition supplement retailers. For more information, email Please visit us online at or on Facebook at .

Press Contact:Jen Wenkpress@f3nutrition.com702.635.0995@jenwenk

SOURCE F3 Nutrition, LLC

Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved

Monday, June 4, 2012

Los Angeles Kettlebell Workshop


We will also be adding some Primal Move to this fantastic workshop!  Beginners and Intermediate Level welcomed!!  

Where: Brood 9 Martial Arts
6508 1/2 Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Date: Sunday, July 29, 2012
Times: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Cost: Early Bird $129 goes up to $149 

Please Reserve your spot below

We are only allowing 15 participants!

or 310-679-1998

For questions email Lauren

Music Therapy For The Mind (Guest Post From My Mom)

My Mother, lifecoach and psychotherapist is sharing her expertise regarding music therapy for the mind and self esteem.  Not only do we need to exercise to keep our body and mind healthy, but music is absolutely incredible.  Here are her words that she wanted to share with everyone. 

Anyone who has attended Lauren's fitness classes, watched her DVDs knows what an endorphin boost you get after a satisfying workout!! 
Music is also an amazing enhancer of mood! I reviewed hundreds of lyrics/songs regarding self esteem, love, friendship, and relationships. These tunes are not speedy workout tunes, but more for tuning up your self image ,confidence and motivation.  AudioSamples are available to explore on amazon and iTunes. One song aims for acceptance of your natural self before running for plastic surgery, another affirms a love based upon endearing quirky behaviors, not waiting for the classic drop-dead gorgeous rich partner!  The theme of being true to yourself, not a phony, being authentic is prevalent in the selection. 

I celebrate  the lyrics of How to be Real, affirming "clumsy elegance". On friendship- forgiving yourself or another for past mistakes (not abuse).
I have found that listening or singing music can also be a source of healing. For 14 years my music  group, Tikunotes, has sung to those in pain, residential facilities, or hospitals, and those wanting to celebrate a special occasion.
As Lauren's Mom, I sang to her  and her sister Tara every night  until she was 8 years old. Music and Exercise have  naturally integrated into all of our lifestyles. Hope you can do the same!!

Check out these self esteem and relationship boosters of songs in links below samples self esteem boosting music samples of music themes relationship,friendship,
or itunes if you don't have flash to see the links and widgets with my comments for each song..

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just Stop and Smell The Flowers (updated)

Do you ever just stop and think?  We, as a society, are constantly in a rush, stressed out, and have no time for anything. Everyone is chasing their dreams and going full force. I need to make more money, I need to lose weight, I need to do this and that..... It really never ends.

One of the main problems our society is dealing with is over doing it, which causes adrenal burn out.  More and more people are suffering from insomnia and chronic health problems just from the burden they put on themselves. You have to ask yourself, why are you doing all of this?  Why do you need to work 60 hours a week?  Why do you need to kill yourself and exercise 2-3 hours a day? All of that puts too much stress on your body in conjunction with all the other demands life has to offer.  Isn't the point of life to take a minute and enjoy the people you love and things you love to do?  If I die extremely rich, but didn't make time for my family, and do the things I love most, what was the point of working so hard??   KEEP READING  here 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is It Really A Man's World?

A few weeks ago Frank Addelia, from had me go up to his "Lab" to do some filming for his ring DVD that he will be releasing in the next few months.  He took some footage and some photos of me while I was having fun with some kettlebells.  Really had no idea what he was doing and just did my thing as always! This morning I woke up to find this little video compilation of me doing just that on my Facebook page in an artistic sort of way.  Not use to having such focus on myself in this kind of setting, but nevertheless, here's his work.  I think he's definitely an artist and really enjoyed working with him.  Just wait until you see our funny stuff that we did together!!

His words were "Fitspiration - Beauty and Strength - Lauren Brooks RKC Leader"

  Is It Really A Man's World?