Monday, June 4, 2012

Music Therapy For The Mind (Guest Post From My Mom)

My Mother, lifecoach and psychotherapist is sharing her expertise regarding music therapy for the mind and self esteem.  Not only do we need to exercise to keep our body and mind healthy, but music is absolutely incredible.  Here are her words that she wanted to share with everyone. 

Anyone who has attended Lauren's fitness classes, watched her DVDs knows what an endorphin boost you get after a satisfying workout!! 
Music is also an amazing enhancer of mood! I reviewed hundreds of lyrics/songs regarding self esteem, love, friendship, and relationships. These tunes are not speedy workout tunes, but more for tuning up your self image ,confidence and motivation.  AudioSamples are available to explore on amazon and iTunes. One song aims for acceptance of your natural self before running for plastic surgery, another affirms a love based upon endearing quirky behaviors, not waiting for the classic drop-dead gorgeous rich partner!  The theme of being true to yourself, not a phony, being authentic is prevalent in the selection. 

I celebrate  the lyrics of How to be Real, affirming "clumsy elegance". On friendship- forgiving yourself or another for past mistakes (not abuse).
I have found that listening or singing music can also be a source of healing. For 14 years my music  group, Tikunotes, has sung to those in pain, residential facilities, or hospitals, and those wanting to celebrate a special occasion.
As Lauren's Mom, I sang to her  and her sister Tara every night  until she was 8 years old. Music and Exercise have  naturally integrated into all of our lifestyles. Hope you can do the same!!

Check out these self esteem and relationship boosters of songs in links below samples self esteem boosting music samples of music themes relationship,friendship,
or itunes if you don't have flash to see the links and widgets with my comments for each song..

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