Monday, October 31, 2016

Playground LITE - Workout with Lauren anytime all over the world.

ABOUT PLAYGROUND LITE: This will give you access to 1 workout video to stream each week, filmed in the raw. Time of the video workout session will vary any where from 15 - 45 minutes. Like Lauren's main playground, these are raw workouts filmed either with Lauren's students (Lauren instructing) and in various locations. Unlike the main playground, in the LITE version you will have access to one video workout at a time. Each week a new video will pop up and the previous video will go away.  Some will be brand new and some will be the most popular from the original Lauren's playground.
Note: there will not be a written portion, scheduled programs or downloadable PDF's with the lite playground version. If you want access to hours and hours of programs then make sure to check out the main Lauren's Playground.
 We know you will benefit from the weekly workouts here. Our consistent students, regardless of age, gender, previous injuries end up in the best shape of their lives. 
 As many of you already know I�m meticulous when it comes to safety and form. So it's important  to always leave your egos at the door. This is never about beating your body down. This is about getting better. If you focus on movement quality allowing your body to activate the RIGHT muscles, not the wrong ones, your body will thank you. 
If you focus on breathing, taking your time, listening to your body, you will end up with a faster metabolism, stronger muscles, increased recovery, improved sleep, mood, lower stress levels and increased confidence. 
 If you�re completely new and have never used kettlebells, I will have resources available to help you get started. I recommend most people go through the Demo Library before jumping in to the workouts. 
See you on the Playground LITE!

p.s. You will also have access to our private Facebook page once you're a member. 

Price options

Your access code will be emailed to you manually. Please make sure to check the email you use to sign up.

Option 1: Great deal

Monthly   $13.95 per month  - ($3.48 a workout)  - 

Sign up here monthly here

Option 2:  Best deal

Annual  ($9.92 per month) 119.00 per year - ($2.48 a workout) - 

I'm committed. I'm ALL IN! - Sign me up here 

or I change my mind and want access to all of the Playground workouts, PDF downloads, written workouts and recipes. Full Lauren's Playground sign up here 

 Reviews from the main Lauren's Playground

Come and get on the Playground!! Review by Terry
I never dreamed when I joined LAUREN's PLAYGROUND how fun, yet informative this format would be. I have several of Lauren's dvd's that are great and prepared me with using kettlebells. The PLAYGROUND is a whole new level of kettlebell instruction with Lauren and Todd. Every time I do a workout I feel like I am right there. She gives constant instruction, motivation and encouragement to the students with her and the students watching. She starts out with the "Basics" but there is plenty of variation with the different programs. Lauren also listens to us on Facebook as we discuss various topics that arise from our training and provides additional information. Come get on LAUREN's PLAYGROUND-you will love it!  (Posted on 8/8/2016)
Fabulous workout program Review by Emily
The workouts are a lot of fun and easy to follow. I love the fact that Lauren works the basics while also teaching some new things. Fun, challenging, and effective!  (Posted on 8/8/2016)
Super impressed! Review by Suzanne
The playground is absolutely awesome! I loved being able to start with the basics and move up. Lauren's instruction is by far the best. Before I started working out regularly with kettlebells, my legs would hurt all the time. I'm thrilled to say I have pretty much been pain free! A huge thank you to Lauren!  (Posted on 8/1/2016)
Lauren's Playground is the best one since grade school and dodgeball.  Review by Denice
Kettlebells are so great because with a small investment working out from home is possible, saving money and time. Having a program that you know is taking you in a forward progression really helps keep the motivation high. The Playground is just that. Programming, schedules telling you exactly how to use the programs, tips for beginners and experienced users, and it keeps growing! Now there is a recipe area for Lauren's healthful and unique recipes. I can't say enough about how fantastic I think this creation of Lauren's and Todd's is. We are all so lucky to have such a powerful tool at such a great price.  (Posted on 7/30/2016)
Love this program!!! Review by Rema 
Love the playground. All the different choices. And the variety of "programs". Its great that you include the schedule as well. That is huge to me! The workouts are sneaky. Somehow the programming seems set up to where I am getting a good workout but it doesn't "kill me". Yet the next day I often feel sore which tells me I def did work those muscles! I Love that! I also like that you break down your students for those who not as advanced and they have an example to watch!  (Posted on 7/28/2016)
So happy I joined! Review by Martha
I'm so happy I joined Lauren's Playground! Personally, I prefer to follow along with a video workout, and I feel as though I'm right there training in one of her classes. It's very motivating! I like the variety of workouts offered - there is something for every level. I'm particularly enjoying the Lean Body Series and Power, Strength and Burn classes. I also love that the warmups and cool-downs are included in the class, since I tend to gloss over those parts a bit. Plus there are new workouts and recipes being added all the time, so it's been well worth the cost. Considering what you get with the membership it's a bargain, really!!  (Posted on 7/25/2016)
Something for Everyone! Review by Regina H 

Lauren�s playground is terrific! No matter what your fitness level is, familiarity/level with kettlebells, age, male or female, or your fitness goals, Lauren�s playground has something for everyone!  

Not to mention the monthly price for what you get is a steal! I love everything about the Playground! It is by far the most comprehensive on-line offering I have seen! With Lauren's expertise and her strong desire for ALL her students to achieve that which they seek, she and her husband Todd truly are working overtime making sure the Playground,is not only effective and results-driven but also fun and user friendly for everyone!  

Only own one kettlebell? Whether you got one kettlebell or a collection of them, you can do the classes at the Playground! Brand new to kettlebells? The playground offers the basics when it comes to proper and safe kettlebell training. Advanced? Want to lose fat? Get strong? Improve conditioning? The Playground has got all that covered too! The newly added �In the Kitchen� shares recipes that Lauren prepares for her family! 

The playground provides written versions of the classes that you can download and print out. You also have the option to stream them on your devices! This means you can do these classes anywhere that is convenient for you!. Also � you can do them anytime of the day or night and any days you want! 

The Facebook group associated with the Playground has folks from all over the US, and overseas, ranging in age from 20s to 70s. The group is great because it really does provide accountability (for those that need it), cheering you on, and also providing support and a real sense of camaraderie.  

So do yourself a favor and join! You will only regret not signing up! 
(Posted on 7/24/2016)
Motivating!!! Review by Mary Ann
To be able to get this kind of training in my home is beyond awesome. There is so much content and new content is added on a monthly basis. There is no room for boredom. You are constantly challenged. Great monthly subscription! I am very happy with my purchase.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
The best kettlebell instructor ever! Review by Jan K-G
I've been training with Lauren's DVDs for a few years now and I'm still not bored with them, but the Playground is kind of a different animal. It's like having private classes with Lauren! The beauty of the Playground is that it is on my schedule and can be tailored to my needs and goals. Plus, each group of workouts comes with a several-weeks-long workout plan if you choose to use the workouts that way. I'm glad I don't have to take DVDs with me when I travel now that I can just stream the programs wherever I am. Have kettlebells will travel! I definitely recommend Lauren's Playground AND her DVDs to anyone wishing to train with kettlebells the RIGHT way with someone who really understands the way the human body works and how to be safe and have fun with the bells at the same time.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
Totally flexible platform, rigorous yet easy to fit in any where plus stellar Lauren Brooks guide = AWESOME!Review by RunningGenes
Love this program arrangement, and layout...and especially Lauren Brooks' approach all-around! Very flexible yet rigorous and my favorite of any and all series or programs for kettlebell and even any workout style. From solid fitness, through pregnancy, post-pregnancy, overscheduled professional and family life, Lauren's got it covered with respect and intensity per desire. A million thanks to Lauren, and most especially to this new Playground...came along when I need it most and I will likely stay for a very long time.  (Posted on 7/24/2016)
From Pilates instructor and Bootcamp at the Park to Kettlebells Review by Barbara A Houston
I am so thrilled to be a part of Lauren's Playground! I feel it is far above and beyond of what was expected. Especially with the content, layout, and workout routines. The material is in the greatest HD quality and the motivation is all there. I'm speechless because I feel part of a worldwide team. It's unique to give you the right tools and lessons to progress and grow. Every time I'm there I don't feel alone but with with support from Lauren and the gang. Her voice, her example, and real life women working it all out is very encouraging! I knew about Lauren online years ago but I had not tried her DVDS. I was a Pilates instructor for a temporary time and loved bootcamp training at the park. I wanted fitness to be my career. What I wanted like many of us was to look and feel awesome and great! The weight wasn't coming off quickly and I had spent a lot of money in Pilates Certifications and Nutrition Online program where I had a coach. In all these real cases the weight would always come back. Unfortunately I would get stuck in a vicious cycle. All this time I tried Lauren's free challenges and read her blog.  
It was the best decision to sign up as soon as I playground gym started. Although I've been on vacation and fighting time. I can honestly say that this program is high high high quality! You can't find this type of training in the market. Unless your willing to pay 75 to 80 per hour and in some cases more if the trainer has abundant certifications and has years of experience. Lauren has strong desire to help and these videos show her strong commitment to women's health. I love the additional videos and strict from to keep everyone safe. This is what I've been waiting for for a long time. It reminded me of my early mornings bootcamps at the park except now it's my living room and I don't ever have to leave my house. It's exactly what I need to finally reach my goals. I'll keep you posted dear kettlebell friend!  (Posted on 7/23/2016)
Loving the playground! Review by Julie
I've been a follower of Lauren for several years, have most of her DVD's and also her BeSLAM programs. I jumped at the chance to join her playground...I am loving the programs, I love the format, and the fact that I can either follow along with videos, or with a printed version of the workouts. Variety, encouragement, and inspiration, all the things I need to keep me on track. Great value, too!  (Posted on 7/23/2016)
I have almost all Laurens dvds and I love them. But I would only work out off and on for the past 3 years. So when the playground came out I told my husband let me just try it out for one month, I cant pass up signing up because I have to see everything Lauren puts out. The other day I told him, just so you know I'm never cancelling this membership! It truly has made me a different person. I am determined, I work out regularly, I am way stronger in just the time that Incinerator and playground came out. I am in love with everything on the playground. It exceeded my expectations by a mile.

A couple things that impresses me is 1) that the written workout is right on the side of the video (please don't ever change that) it helps me see whats ahead and allows me to get my bells setup. 2) the coaching Lauren does throughout the video, the little things like take a sip of water, remember to tighten the glutes, relax shoulder and neck, breathe, engage the lat, if your not shaking your plank is not active and so on and so on - these are all things we know but as we are working out we cant remember everything so the reminders help me keep the proper form.

The only thing I can think of to add is a tip section, just like the in the kitchen has recipes, the helpful tips section would be any great knowledge we could use to aid us in losing weight and gaining strength.  (Posted on 7/21/2016)
My Thoughts on the Playground [as it is right now] Review by Livvy
What I think of the playground so far. 

This is really great. if you are used to Lauren you'll fit right in - if you are new to Lauren, you can pick it up right away. Lauren has you covered form Basics, to Tabatas, a lot of little extra perks, and more is coming.

I love the little extra stuff (the written work, the Kitchen which will hopefully include some vegan options as it grows!) the fact that if all you have is 1 or 2 bells, Lauren has modifications even though all extra equipment (stools, and trx) is used). if you are a Big Girl (Or Broad Guy) and wondering if you can do this/keep up. yes. 

The online facebook group is great.

The little things I would probably include or change is "registering" for classes - though i'm sure this is probably done for stats or something - and a "Park my account" option in case of illness/you lost your job or something. While you can leave and join any time, - the price point will not be the same always. but if those are the only two issues you have.. you know you're getting an amazing product.  (Posted on 7/21/2016)
Out of the park!! Review by ELaughlin
Once again, Lauren has hit this one out of the park ...and right into the Playground! :) This has been live for two months now, and it is astonishing how much content already is available. This really is full spectrum from beginner to advanced. You choose the programs that work for you. You can't go wrong. 

I enjoy it because it feels like I'm right there at Lauren's studio working out with her and her students. I absolutely love the programs I've done so far and am seeing and feeling the results. Seriously, this is some of the BEST money I've ever spent! I am so grateful Lauren is offering this and I plan to be a Playground member for quite a long time.  (Posted on 7/21/2016)
Great for beginners Review by Samantha
I was completely new to kettlebell workouts and didn't know where to start. Lauren's videos break down the moves and focus on the correct form in a way that you can pick it up quick and progress fast! I was amazed how quickly I moved up in the amount of weight I could do in a short time. She has a program that is sure to fit everyone and keep you challenged!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
More than I could have asked for Review by Jane
Great workouts, great variety, great instruction. So many workouts its challenging to pick which to do! Been doing kettlebells for 5 years and this has been a fabulous choice for how to further my training.  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
Worth every penny Review by gail
I am an avid home exerciser and have tried many different kettlebell dvds and instructors and Lauren is hands down my favorite. I have all of her DVDs, her BeSlam programs and her Kettlebells for Women. I initially hesitated though to sign up for a recurring monthly fee but then decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did. The content is exceptional. It feels like you are taking classes right there with Lauren. New content is added frequently. And the facebook community is great too. Without doubt this is one of the best fitness purchases I have ever made!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
Fun and fantastic workout platform Review by Cyndie
I have been using Lauren's book, videos and workout programs for almost 4 years now, so I was thrilled when she launched the Playground platform. I work out both at the home and at a gym, but put my gym membership on hold for the summer (kids are home!). Lauren's Playground has really amped up my home workouts! I love following along with the streamed workouts - the pace is perfect for me, she gives lots of options to increase intensity or modify for beginners or people with mobility issues. I also like having all the programs to choose from, and the fact that more are added on a regular basis. It really is a great value - much less than a personal trainer but with the personal experience, fantastic community and new content added regularly!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
Life Changing! Review by Deanna
Since starting Lauren's programs, my body has completely changed! The Playground is versatile, energetic, fun. I am especially satisfied with Lauren's safety aspect. I've had neck problems for a long time and her little side notes and mobility drills I've NEVER heard of are very effective and have kept my neck pain free. For the first time in my life, I can say I love the way I look. The Playground is a must for anybody looking to change their body and gain confidence. Being strong is definitely what it's all about!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
The BOMB Review by Momofcha
I am a longtime fan of Lauren's & have all her DVDs. I couldn't be happier with her steaming. I figured out how to stream through my tv with no issues & the streaming itself is seamless. It's like a DVD. I think these offerings are different than her DVDs & a great addition! I can't wait for the new program next month!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
Highly Recommend! Review by Shelly
Lauren is one of my favorite kettlebell instructors and since I can't train with her in person, this is the next best thing! As new as the playground is, she already has a variety of workouts listed for all levels with detailed instructions that it is impossible to get bored (and I get bored easily). I'd rate this 10 stars if I could!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
The best program Review by Abra
Lauren's programs are the best around and this is no exception. Not only are her programs high quality but she personally answers questions and cares about the health and wellness of her clients.  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
Great addition to my workout resources Review by adrirez
First, let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Lauren. I have most of her kettlebell dvds and have had fitness and nutrition coaching from her. She is an amazing teacher and coach. Now to the offers numerous streaming workouts for any level. It has a great variety of kettlebell workouts. Each workout gives different variations to meet the needs of any person and their skills. Whether you are looking for conditioning, fat burning, strength or all of will find them here. There is new content monthly and bonuses along the way. I can't recommend this enough.  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
great kettlebell programs! Review by Jen
I joined Lauren's Playground only 2 weeks ago and I already feel the results from following the programs she has given in the playground! You get both access to videos and written out programs which I love! Lauren teaches the proper way to do kettlebells and I just love her teaching style! This is the first online platform of classes I've found on kettlebells and I'm so thankful to have such great programs to follow in my own home whenever I have the time!  (Posted on 7/20/2016)
AWESOME! Review by K.Rose
The Playground is so much fun! It is a really wonderful community of people that share my obsession with kettlebells :) (Posted on 7/20/2016)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Good.... The Bad.... The Real

Good morning! I don't know about you, but I love this time of year. This weekend we filmed our first workout for the new Shredder series for the Playground. We will be adding to this series every week. The beach this time of year is perfect and the coolest part about it, is it's quiet! I can't wait to bring my bells back next week and do another workout!

I apologize for not writing much over the past couple of weeks. We had some terrible news regarding our 14 month old dog Tank. He was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia lymphoma cancer and our vet as well as the Oncologist said it was terminal.The most difficult part about this is he's just a puppy and we all love him so much.
I'm not sharing this with you for any pity. I'm sharing this with you because I know just how hard life can be. I cried for hours on end when the specialist told me he probably has 1-3 months left to live. I tried to hold back the tears during the discussion. I hate crying in front of people. But suddenly the faucet of tears were turned on and I couldn't find the shut off valve. 

These types of challenges and heartaches definitely can throw you off track. Take you away from focusing on things like your own personal goals, business, kids and major responsibilities. Luckily I have the most amazing people surrounding me and I accepted their love. Love lifts you up and carries you through. I've learned to reach out and be transparent with my feelings. It's not always easy to pick yourself back up and keep going. 

5 Key Elements for not going down the dark hole and staying above water

"The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity." Ulysses S. Grant

1. Spend time with friends and lean on them during this time.  Get out of your own head and find out what other people are up to. We are all going through something. You'll find that you're not alone if you open up. 

2. Show up to your training/workouts. As much as I wanted to skip out on this and feel sorry for what we are going through, I forced myself to show up to my sessions. I felt fatigued from the draining feeling from not sleeping and crying, but I felt ten times better after the sessions

3. Talk to a professional who deals with loss, grief and lifes challenges. Whether it's a pastor, rabbi, spiritual counselor or life coach. Find someone to talk to that can help give you hope and find tools to give you strength. You can't figure it out all on your own. People need people!

4. Sit still and just be. As busy as life gets, try and carve out some time to unplug. Your mind and body need a break. Listening to soundscapes or some relaxing meditative music can really rejuvenate your thinking

5. Take a walk by yourself. Walking does wonders for your psyche. It's like feeding your minf, body & soul with energy. I get my best ideas and problem solving from taking walks, especially when done outside in nature. 


Friday, September 30, 2016

Is Simplicity Better? oh and a 3 min Pasta

Is simplicity better than complexity? I've struggled with this concept for years. During the time right before I began fiming kettlebell workout DVD's, mind you, this is before most knew what a kettlebell was, I wanted to vomit all of the kettlebell information out at once. I was too excited to hold anything back! This was also the time when people would ask me how my "Kettle Ball" or "Cow ball" training is coming along. It's ok if you were one of them. ??

In the very beginning I felt I had to teach everything I knew. I thought the more I showed my students the better they would be. Or maybe they would share the same excitement for this amazing training that I had. To give you an example when I first taught I student how to swing a kettlebell 12 years ago, I'd take them through every cue and technique in my arsenal to get them to swing. Even if they mastered it I would still show them more drills. Let's say it was overkill!

I was overwhelming my students with too much. Luckily I learned quicky from this experience that I needed to simplify things and only use the necessary tools. Not dump out the tool box and have more than needed. Make them feel if they need their PhD in order to swing a kettlebell.  Now when I say simplify this doesn't mean lack of attention to detail or allow someone to have less than par form. This means find the most efficient path to getting my message across for the individual student.
Anyone who's ever worked with me in person knows that I'm anal retentive when it comes to safety, form and technique. Even though I want to tell it all and give everyone off of the options, i had to learn to resist. The only thing that matters is helping people success and inspiring them to want to come back for more.  I vowed to create simple ways to get my point across and help others. In the end it's about finding the best route that works! Believe me, there are multiple ways to get there.

Since simple is the theme I threw together a Zucchini Pasta with Basil Pesto dish which was mouth watering. It literally took me less than 4 minutes to make. Here are the ingredients. All I used is a hand held Spiralizer. One squash made 1serving.

Zucchini squash
Pesto Sauce (preferabley low sodium or if you do homemade it will take a bit longer) 2-3 TBS to taste
Raw organic Walnuts (optional) - handful
Parmesan Cheese (optional) - sprinkle on

The 4 minute Zucchini Pasta how to video is up on the Playground site for our members here.

If you're overwhelmed with starting a strength program or not sure how to get started I've laid it all out for you on the Playground. I've categorized the hours and hours of videos and programs to show you where to begin. For example if you're a beginner you'd start off with the Basics Fundamental Course and use the Demonstration area for reference. Or if you're in the intermediate category you could start with Basics Sculpt. If you're far from a beginner and donn't want to deal with any program with the word "Basics" then you'd dive head first in to the Power, Strength & Burn classes.

 Membership Trial Offer

For a this week only I'm offering something I haven't done before. I'm offering a RISK FREE 100% refund trial period.  Sign up today, check out the playground community, try a program or two or three. If you don't like it or it's not for you, then simply cancel anytime before October 7th. Send an email to saying that you'd like to end your trail period. We will cancel your membership and REFUND youThis offer is only good for those who want to take a tour around the playground starting this today through the weekend!

We hope you love it and stay, but we understand different strokes for different folks. It's all good! If you prefer not to have access to hours and hours of programs and video workouts, you can always start with one of my popular Kettlebell Workout Videos. Use code: 20off to take 20% off on every single title we have.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Fitness After a C-Section - Advice to New Mamas

Fitness After a C-Section 
by Melissa Closser

First off, I want to apologize to every new mom I saw pushing their 6 month old child in a stroller and thinking "Why hasn't she lost the weight yet? It can't be that hard."  YES IT IS!!!
I got into fitness, primarily kettlebell training, after suffering a miscarriage.  Before getting pregnant with my son, I trained for my first kettlebell competition and level 1 kettlebell certification (I certified while 10 weeks pregnant, with doctor's clearance).  I continued my kettlebell training throughout the first and second trimesters of my pregnancy.

2 month after C-section
Once I was cleared from my c-section to start training again, I turned to Lauren's article What Doctor's Don't Tell You After a C-Section for help. I wanted to get my strong body back, but wasn't sure how to begin. I followed her programming of planks, pelvic tilts, kettlebell swings and 4-point tummy vacuum. I also added a 10 minute jog on the treadmill and some kettlebell military presses (with moderate to light weight).  Let me tell you, it was hard! I started off slow and listened to my body. I gradually increased reps and weight. Within two and a half months, I was able to do full leg lifts!!! And the weight and inches slowly started dropping.

I continued this program for a few months, but I have to admit, I fell off the horse. With a husband who owns his own business and is the mayor of our city, plus trying to balance a full-time job and mommy duties, I slacked. I would come home with every intention to train, but one look at my son and all training went out the window. I wanted to spend every minute with him.  
When my progress stopped, I finally made a decision to focus on myself. I asked my husband to chisel out a few hours of his schedule to watch our son after I got off work so I could focus my training. I would change into my workout gear at work and head straight for the gym. I stared eating better and pushed myself a little harder.  Nine months after baby, I am back to my pre-baby weight, have my pull-up back, and my 1-rep max is 40 lbs., 5 lbs. less than what I was pressing at my strongest. I still have not achieved my goals, but the inches are falling off and I am seeing results, which has given me a ton of confidence.

9 month post C-section

Thanks Lauren for giving me the foundation to get strong again!

My Advice to New Mamas

If I have any advice to give to new moms, this is what I would say:

1. Don't Stress About the Weight Not Magically Coming Off
Not sure why, but I was surprised that the weight didn't magically come off. (Crazy, right?!) I cried all of the time because I had never been so big. I hated dressing up for events my husband took me to and seeing a bunch of skinny women. It's hard getting back into training, but you can do it! (Plus, adding a good pair of Spanx in your wardrobe helps!)

2. Be Proud of Your Body
You did an amazing thing by giving birth - BE PROUD! We struggled for five years to conceive and there were moments I thought I would never become a mom.  Although I miss my pre-baby body, I am even more proud of the one I have now. 

3. Find Time For You
Many times, I would feel guilty for choosing a training session over going directly home to my son. It's okay to focus on you sometimes and EVERY mom needs that! Plus, taking care of your health benefits your child in the end and gives him direction into healthy living by watching you.

4. When You Fall Off the Horse, Get Back On

I fell off my training schedule many times. It happens! But I didn't give up and would get right back into it.  When I finally got in two solid weeks of 3-day training sessions, it was easy to get back into the groove.  Sometimes you need to fall off the horse to figure out what kind of training schedule works best for you.


Melissa Closser started her fitness journey four years ago. She began teaching bootcamp fitness classes in her hometown as a way to get herself, as well as others, fit and strong. After being introduced to kettlebells, Melissa wanted to learn more about the 'little cannon ball with a handle'. She found Lauren Brooks' YouTube videos and learned to perfect her form and technique. She joined Buckeye Kettlebells in February 2014 and entered her first kettlebell competition four months later. Once completing that goal, she began training for her level I kettlebell certification. After being cleared from doctors, she certified at 10 weeks pregnant in April 2015. She continued her kettlebell training during her first two trimesters.  Today, Melissa works in Purchasing at Stanley Electric U.S., Co., Inc. and is a freelance layout designer. She and her husband, Mayor Patrick Closser, reside in London, Ohio with their 10 month old son, Maddoxx.

A few words from Lauren Brooks (me):  Thank you Melissa for writing such a real experience and wonderful advice. Your story is like so many other new moms. It is definitely NOT EASY! 

You have proven that with hard work and dedication anything is possible. I love that you discuss what happens when you can't be consistent with your training. Life happens and sometimes we stray from what needs to be done. But like you said "I didn't give up and would get right back into it." The is the key for everyone out there that goes through bumps.

You look incredible, you're super strong and I loved the pull up videos you sent me. I look forward to seeing what the year mark looks like for you. Congratulations for becoming a role model for women and new moms, especially moms who go through Cesarean sections. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Do You Love Kettlebell Training?

Once you find something that works well, it's hard to keep it a secret. Over the years my local and distant students have achieved such raving results with intelligent kettlebell based training, that many have actually gone on to become kettlebell instructors.

After 12 solid years of teaching kettlebell training I've had the honor of watching my students share their beautiful success stories with friends and family. I've decided it's time for you to reap even more benefits. You've shared your love for kettlebells by sending people my direction, so they can take the same road you did, to achieve great success. I'd like to begin giving you a commission for all that you do. I am literally going to pay you 15% cash for every Playground member, DVD product, top of the line nutrition products, apparel and even my distant coaching services!! Yeah the services count!!  If your referring friend or family purchases over $27 you will get 15% cash back of all sales generated by you.

I know this is a no brainer since you've been spreading the love for years without this type of incentive. This is probably the easiest and best tracking Refer a Friend program we've ever implemented. It doesn't take long to sign up to get your unique sharing link. Looking forward to sending you money!


ORGANIZED MISHMASH is live - If you get a bit of ADD strictly following training programs, you're not alone! I've created a new program for you that takes some of your favorite workouts from the Playground and puts it together in an organized 8 week program. So it feels like you're bouncing all around to different themes with the organized mishmash program, but it's secretly very organized and has a rhyme and reason behind it. ?

Members Log in to the Organized MIshmash here

Not a member yet? We now have a yearly option. 
Check out your options here

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kettlebell Press Challenge (21 Days)

It's time for another challenge. This challenge can be done in conjunction with other training programs. It's designed so you can go through this protocol in a very calm and relaxed way. If you do this properly watch your pressing strength go up significantly in just 21 days!

Not everyone is designed to press a bell over head. If you can not lock your elbow and maintain a straight arm over head, chances are,  pressing over your head may not be a safe option for you. The majority of my students who are unable to press heavy over head or press anything properly over head, switch to a very LIGHT Bottoms Up carry or Bottoms up press bell.  Like with any challenge or new workout regimen make sure you check with your doctor first, proceed with caution and use good judgement. Then have a great time! Details below with video!

Pressing options:

Kettlebell Press 

Tall Kneeling Press

Bottoms Up Press

 The Kettlebell Press Challenge 
(21 days)
#KettlebellPressChallenge  #TheKettlebellPressChallenge

DIRECTIONS: Choose a pressing pattern and size bell that works well with your body and your current fitness level. You may use the same size bell each day or use a heavier bell as the reps become lower. For example Day 1 Press 4 times each side with a 12kg bells. Take a 30-120 second rest and use the 12kg bells for 3 times per side. Take a 30-120 second rest and use a 16kg bell for 2 per side and so on. Only go up if you KNOW you can safely get the bell over head WITHOUT a push press.

Rest suggestion: take a minute rest before moving to the next rep range. If you're using a heavier weight than normal take a 2 minute rest. If you need more rest that's ok too! Just get them done within the day!

Note - The 1 rep that is indicated is not meant for you to work with your 1 rep max, You should be able to do 2 consecutive reps with the bell you are using for 1 rep.

The suggest rep are indicated for EACH side.

Day 1     5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 2     4, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 3     4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Day 4     3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 5     2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 6    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 7     Rest

Day 8    3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Day 9    3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Day 10  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 11  3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Day 12  3, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 13  3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 14  Rest

Day 15  2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Day 16  2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
Day 17  2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Day 18  2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 19  2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Day 20  Rest
Day 21  Test your 1 REP MAX at the end 2, 1, 1 rep scheme Congratulations!

To check out all of our other past fitness challenges view here.

To join our private facebook group where you can stay motivated and join other people doing the challenges ask to join here.  

If you really want to get involved, receive new workouts, videos, recipes monthly check out our exclusive Lauren's Playground

We encourage a bit of video, photo, or posts of when you participate! No pressure of course!    #TheKettlebellPressChallenge #KettlebellPressChallenge

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Prying Goblet Squats - Try this incredible warm up exercise

Try this Prying Goblet Squat for an increase in your squat mobility. This exercise is great to do with a light bell before you do Goblet and Double Kettlebell Front Squats. 
Here is why we do them. 

- opens up your adductors and groin area.
- creates a deeper squat
- grooves a more efficient Goblet or Double Front Squat
- activates your abductors 

- grab a very light bell by the horns
- Stand about shoulder width apart.
- INHALE, then pull yourself down in to a comfortable squat with your elbows touching the insides of your knees
-make sure heels and toes stay on the floor without coming up.
- Gently push your elbows in to your knees to pry them apart to open your squat wider which will gently stretch your groin and adductors.
- Drop your hips down further, once you've opened up, and take deep breaths at the very bottom.
- Try to keep your chest up and tall without collapsing your shoulders.
- HISS and EXHALE to stand up safely. Very important that you use your breathe on the way up. 
*note the depth you'll get with the prying squat is lower than a loaded goblet or double front squat. You only relax in to a stretch with this type of squat when you have a VERY light bell or no bell at all.
Try this and let me know what you think!

VIEW video HERE on Facebook if you don't have Instagram or view on Youtube here.

Try this Prying Goblet Squat for an increase in your squat mobility. This exercise is great to do with a light bell before you do Goblet and Double Kettlebell Front Squats. Here is why we do them. - opens up your adductors and groin area. - creates a deeper squat - grooves a more efficient Goblet or Double Front Squat - activates your abductors QUICK TIPS - grab a very light bell by the horns - Stand about shoulder width apart. - INHALE, then pull yourself down in to a comfortable squat with your elbows touching the inside of your knees -make sure heels and toes stay on the floor without coming up. - Gently push your elbows in to your knees to pry them open wider to gently stretch your groin and adductors. - Try to keep your chest up and tall without collapsing your shoulders. - Drop your hips down further, once you've opened up, and take deep breaths at the very bottom. - HISS and EXHALE to stand up safely. Very important that you use your breathe on your way up. *note the depth you'll get with the prying squat is lower than a loaded goblet or double front squat. You only relax in to a stretch with this type of squat when you have a VERY light bell or no bell at all. Try this and let me know what you think! #mobility #squats #laurensplayground #laurenbrooksfitness #dropitlikeasquat #deepsquats #strength
A video posted by Lauren Brooks (@laurenbrooksfitness) on