Thursday, November 26, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 12

Welcome to the final day of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! This final sale will last for the next 3 days, so don't miss out!

Deal 12

Get 15% off all Brute Force Sandbags and 30% off all Sandbag Fitness books in paperback or ebook format!

Use code 'sandbagdeal' for 15% off Brute Force Sandbags here

Use code 'bookdeal' for 30% off all books in paperback or ebook format here

You can also see the current special offers at anytime here

Free Travel Workout - Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 11

Welcome to Day 11 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 11

Get a huge 50% off my Exercise Video Analysis service! If you can't train with me in person then this is the next best thing. Simply film yourself training and I'll offer actionable advice to help you improve and achieve more.

Use code 'deal11' here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 10

Purchase The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training in paperback and get a free pdf ebook version too!

There is no need to enter any code for this deal. Just select the 'Paperback and free pdf ebook' option here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Monday, November 23, 2015

No Kettlebells No Problemo - Dumbbells work too!

Workouts on the road can be as simple as using your body weight. Most hotel gyms have a few little dumbbells hanging around. You don't need much to get your train on. 

Overhead Dumbbell Swings

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 9

Welcome to Day 9 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 9

Get $20 off the Army Green Brute Force Athlete sandbag! There is no maximum number of times you can use this code. You will get $20 off every single sandbag you purchase!

Use code 'deal9' during checkout here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 8

Welcome to Day 8 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 8

Get 40% off Sandbag Fitness: 150 High Intensity Workouts in paperback or pdf ebook!

Use code 'deal8' during checkout here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 7

Get $20 off the Firefighter Red Brute Force Athlete sandbag or the Firefighter Red Strongman sandbag. There is no maximum number of times you can use this code. You will get $20 off every sandbag you purchase!

Use code 'deal7' during checkout here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Friday, November 20, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 6

Welcome to Day 6 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 6

Get a massive 40% off Sandbag Fitness: Lean & Strong in paperback!

Sandbag Fitness: Lean & Strong is written with one express purpose, to help you build lean muscle and strength. Covering muscle hypertrophy, strength training and nutrition, this book is perfect if you are looking to improve your physical appearance.

Use code 'deal6' during checkout here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 5

Welcome to Day 5 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 5

Free shipping on absolutely everything for the next 24 hours!

Use code 'freeshipping' during checkout. Browse the store here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 4

Purchase Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports in paperback and get a free pdf ebook version too!

There is no need to enter any code for this deal. Just select the 'Paperback and free ebook' option here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Kettlebell Partial Snatch - Bridging the gap between the swing and the snatch

Snatches can be frustrating! Today I'm showing you one way to bridge the gap between the Kettlebell Swing and the Kettlebell Snatch. Make sure you have a solid foundation of the Kettlebell Swing, Clean, Press, and Get Up before you do the Kettlebell Swing. Here is one technique I've found very helpful when ready to embark the snatch journey.

Grab a KettleGuard if you have sensitive wrists/forearms during the learning process. This will even help if you're doing a ton of snatches, cleans or using heavy bells. Even my advanced students are enjoying them for when they use extremely heavy bells and they want to be comfortable.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 3

Purchase Sandbag Fitness: 150 High Intensity Workouts in paperback and get a free pdf ebook version too!

There is no need to enter any code for this deal. Just select the 'Paperback and free ebook' option here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Monday, November 16, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 2

Get $25 off the black Brute Force Strongman sandbag! There is no maximum number of times you can use this code. You will get $25 off every single sandbag you purchase!

Use code 'deal2' to get your $25 discount here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The 12 Deals of Christmas - Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of our 12 Deals of Christmas countdown sale! Each day we'll be offering a specific product at a big discount, of up to 75%. These deals are strictly for 24 hours only so be sure to keep an eye on the blog or our social media channels to find out more.

Deal 1

Get a massive 50% off The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training in digital format (pdf, epub or Kindle)! If you'd rather get your hands on something physical then we're also offering 25% off the paperback version of the book.

The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training is my first book and it's still our bestseller. Combining sandbag exercises and bodyweight training, this guide gives detailed instructions of over 40 key exercises and provides 3 10-week programs. Each program increases in intensity as you develop your fitness so you'll make tremendous progress by the end of the Advanced program.

Use code 'deal1' to get 50% off the ebook version here

Use code 'deal1paperback' to get 25% off the paperback version here

You can also see the current special offer at anytime here

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Discovering My True Strength (Through Kettlebells)

Discovering My True Strength (Through Kettlebells) 

by Kim Marivoet from Belgium

I am sure you have people sending you thank you e-mails like these all the time, but I really wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you decided to share your no-nonsense approach to kettlebell training and nutrition with all of us the world over. 

I started my kettlebell journey with Lauren's Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning Volume 1 just after my 31st birthday this past Summer, and was hooked from the first suitcase deadlift! 

Growing up, I stayed active the way most children do: through play. My bike and I were an inseparable duo and I was keen to spend as much time as I could outdoors. As the years passed and other interests took over, the only exercise I got came in the form of two dreaded hours of mandatory PE, the memories of which inspire nightmares to this very day.
It would be unfair to say my family lived a sedentary lifestyle, but the fact was that engaging in formal exercise or sports simply didn't occur to us: if you were overweight, you dieted; cardio was meant for marathon runners and the like; and lifting weights was the privilege of bodybuilders.

It wasn't until my late 20's that I realized we are designed to move. Bearing witness to family and close friends battling illness and injuries taught me how lucky I was to have woken up healthy and able all these years, and inspired me to finally give my body - �nd mind - the care and attention it deserved. Around this time, my partner Rick was some way into his own fitness journey, and seeing the results he'd been rewarded with only served to motivate me further.

Like so many of us, I had brief flirtations with workout systems that promised the world ("Get the secret to Celebrity X's butt/abs/arms!"), focused solely on losing pounds and inches, and shied away from promoting strength for fear of "bulking". It wasn't long before I grew disillusioned with the amount of work I was putting in and having very little to show for it. It was then that I knew I had to shift my focus to becoming stronger, not smaller.
I successfully switched to an exercise routine based around traditional, tried-and-tested bodyweight exercises and got my first set of kettlebells about 6 months later. Given Lauren's excellent reputation and credentials in fitness and nutrition, I knew I wanted her to show me what these cannonball-shaped babies could do.

In the few months I've been using her programs, I've graduated to "real" push-ups, carrying several heavy bags of groceries up the 48 steps to my apartment without having to give my arms and lungs even a second's rest, and noticed I have a much easier time keeping up with Rick (an avid runner and obstacle course athlete) during our hikes. To top it all off I'm seeing some promising changes in my body composition and I have never felt better! 

Lauren's teachings on strength have also inspired me to start working towards performing unassisted chin-ups and pull-ups. If someone had told me a few years ago that I would ever even attempt this, I wouldn't have believed them for a second, but now I know I will get there, however long it takes.

It is an amazing feeling to know I am growing stronger and fitter every time I train, but what keeps me going most of all is the knowledge that getting serious about my health has made me a happier, more resilient person and allows me to be a better partner, daughter and friend to my loved ones.

I can't thank Lauren enough for sharing her no-nonsense approach to kettlebell training with all of us the world over, and I look forward to having her coach me in my living room for many years to come!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Todays Workout - Ready To Rock

5 Sandbag Cleans
10 Sandbag Zercher Squats
15 Sandbag Calf Raises

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Todays Workout - Big Country

10 Heavy Ground-to-Overhead Sandbag Lifts
200m Sprint

Repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

Record your time.

Train hard!