Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kettlebell Fitness with Lauren Brooks App is Ready

I'm very proud to announce the release of this Kettlebell app.  This app is designed for those just starting their kettlebell journey as well as those wanting to refine their skills and develop the fundamentals.  This app takes you step by step through exercises tutorials and then you will be able apply what you have learned in several different workouts!  If you have enjoyed  any of my DVD's, especially Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells, you will love this app. The detail and lay out of this comprehensive app that Mahalo productions produced and created with me is truly amazing.  I am blown away by the work and quality of this app that the Mahalo team put together!  Much less the fact that if this were one of my DVD's it would be at least $40-$50 a pop.  This detailed app is available for watching, but even better you can download any of the intricate tutorials and workouts to your device so you don't have to worry about buffering and streaming issues since the picture is such high quality. 

Learn more about this kettlebell app here.  Download in  your kettlebell iPhone and iPad app here in just seconds!

Note: I am not personally selling or responsible for the sales of this app or technical issues like I am with all my DVD's.  If you have any questions regarding technical support you will need to contact Mahalo right here

For those who have had buffering issues this is what they have told me:

Users have the option to download the videos or stream them from YouTube. We offer this option so that the app does not take up too much memory on your device. The default is to stream from YouTube. So, if a user does not have a strong wifi connection, the video may not play properly. 

If a user wants to have the video downloaded to their device, they can click the download icon at the top right of the lesson page. 

Frozen Coconut Banana Protein Smoothie

Don't you dare throw your coconut flesh away! 

When I was pregnant with my first baby 6 years ago, I some how stumbled upon fresh young coconuts.  The market near my house would actually open them for you if you requested it.  They would stick a straw in the top and I would drink the coconut water as I walked around shopping.  Well by the time I was done shopping I had already finished it and was craving another one.  The fresh coconut water that came out of these amazing coconuts were pure heaven to me and extremely hydrating.  I was extremely thirsty during my pregnancy to the point even water wouldn't satisfy me.  Now many times I would eat the flesh, but sometimes my stomach wouldn't be in the mood for it.  I actually use to just throw the coconut away. BIG MISTAKE!  Scoop the flesh out and put it in the freezer for homemade smoothies and ice cream treats.

Here is a smoothie I just made this morning before my strength and conditioning workout for optimal energy



8 oz of Unsweetened Almond Milk or Water
Frozen Coconut Flesh from 1 Young Coconut
1 Frozen Banana
1 scoop of Vanilla FIT 365 or a Raw Vanilla Vegan Protein
1 tsp Maca Powder (optional and will change the taste)
1 tsp of Green Powder (optional and will change the taste)
1/2 tsp of a liquid Max B (optional and can change the taste)

Directions: Combine ingredients abovePress milkshake on your blender and the most creamy white amazing tasty smoothie comes out.  Perfect amount of fats, carbs, and protein for an awesome workout.  Those who are obsessed with protein feel free to add an extra scoop of protein powder.


Monday, July 30, 2012

Not Giving Up, Despite 8 surgeries and 3 miscarriages

A compelling inspirational personal story about not giving up from Paige Reagan. 

"...and I have not had to take even one antacid because my digestive issues have disappeared. I am 44 years old now and healthier and in better shape than I have been for a very, very long time."

Before I tell you my story it is important that you know something about me first. I am quiet, extremely private, and fiercely independent. I do not willingly ask for help. I shy away from getting my picture taken and am uncomfortable being the center of attention. In fact, most of my closest friends and family do not know the details of the story that I am about to tell you now. But on this rare occasion I have decided to go outside of my usual comfort zone because of the impact that kettlebells and Lauren have had on me. They have helped me in such a positive way and I hope that my story will help others with struggles of their own.

I was always active as a child. I started figure skating at the age of 8. I competed at the national level, which demanded a lot of time and dedication. For the next 8 years I practiced between 30 and 35 hours a week. Although skating was a huge part of my life I decided to stop at the age of 16 in order to focus on school and college. I remained active afterwards by replacing skating with other physical activities. I went to the gym on a regular basis, became an avid skier, and was known to go biking for miles on the weekends.
I got married in my mid 20's and my husband and I decided to start a family in our early 30's. Unfortunately, our road to starting a family was bumpy and long. I spent the next 3 years undergoing numerous infertility treatments. We were frustrated but refused to give up. And then one day, we finally got the good news! I had an uneventful pregnancy and continued to exercise until I was 37 weeks. I felt great, stayed fit, and only gained 17 pounds.
My daughter was born in the winter of 2002. I was lucky in that I had a very easy and fast delivery. There were no complications except that I never delivered my placenta so my doctor had to remove it. It was the happiest day of my life. But in the weeks that followed I began to feel very sad and confused. I was bleeding terribly but when I called the doctor's office to tell them they just treated me like a nervous new mother and told me not to worry because the bleeding was a result of me nursing. I continued to call every few weeks and was told the same thing each time. The bleeding finally stopped when my daughter was 10 months old.
When my daughter was a year old we decided to go back to the infertility specialist. We wanted her to have a brother or sister and were advised to start sooner rather than later because of the problems the first time. We quickly discovered that once again, things were not going to be easy. Apparently in the year since I had delivered my daughter I had developed a number of new problems, one of which was a large mass in my uterus. The doctor immediately scheduled a surgery to remove the mass but it was inoperable. A biopsy confirmed that it was benign so we were told that it was okay to leave it and that it would not affect future pregnancies. We were relieved by the "good" news.
Following the surgery I became pregnant on 3 occasions but miscarried all 3 times. Two of the 3 miscarriages were after 16 weeks so I had to have D&Cs. When I miscarried the third time, my doctor was concerned because my hormone levels were so high that he suspected that I had a molar pregnancy. They did an emergency D&C the next day and the testing confirmed that the pregnancy was normal. We were given the okay to start another procedure as soon as my cycle resumed and my hormone levels went back to zero.
Four months went by and my levels remained elevated, meaning that I was technically still pregnant. When my levels got to 10, the infertility specialist decided to start me on hormones to trigger my cycle. In my case though, my levels started to go back up and the doctors thought that it was an undiagnosed molar cancer. They administered 2 shots of a cancer drug to terminate the pregnancy and luckily my levels returned to zero within a few weeks.
Three more months went by and my cycle still had not resumed. I was very uncomfortable and could not get up from a sitting position or out of bed without a lot of pain or discomfort. I once again went back to the doctor for an ultrasound. He was completely shocked because my entire uterus was filled with tissue. He feared that the molar pregnancy had started to grow again so I had to head back to the hospital the following morning for another emergency surgery. Fortunately, it was not a molar cancer. However, the surgery revealed that my uterus was severely scarred and had sealed itself shut from front to back. This was the day that I was diagnosed with Asherman's Syndrome, which is a condition defined by severe scarring of the uterus and can lead to permanent infertility. In my case, the large mass that they had found in my uterus was actually a piece of placenta that the doctor had missed when I delivered my daughter 3 years before. It was the cause of the prolonged bleeding. It became scarred over from the D&Cs and led to the repeated miscarriages.
Over the next 5 years I underwent an additional 5 surgeries to try to keep my uterus open. The condition was so severe that the scar tissue would start to reform within a week of the surgery. I was on extremely high doses of estrogen to try to improve healing. Finally, my uterus was open and we were allowed to start infertility treatments again. But despite the high-dose medications and repeated attempts, we were unsuccessful. We had even traveled to Los Angeles from the East Coast to have one last surgery with the world's leading expert in Asherman's Syndrome but the damage to the lining of my uterus was too extensive and nothing could grow.

I am not one to give up easily but infertility treatments have a way of making time disappear. I was always looking ahead. By this time my daughter was 8 years old. The repeated surgeries and long-term medications were starting to take their toll. I was tired, weak, and my body was hurting. I was suffering terribly from acne because of all of the hormones. During this 6-year period I had not been able to exercise regularly, if at all because I was either preparing for, undergoing, or recovering from surgery or gearing up for another infertility treatment. I had lost all of my physical strength and was no longer fit. I had developed terrible digestive issues in the form of severe bloating and indigestion. There were times when I ate just a mouthful and felt like I had eaten a watermelon. Sometimes the feeling would last for days, other times it would last for weeks. I had uncontrollable burping all day long. I knew in my heart it was time to stop but the day that we made that decision was still the hardest day of my life. I have never worked so hard at something to come out with nothing to show for it in the end. I felt like I had failed, not myself, but my daughter. My heart was broken for my daughter and I could not sleep. I was completely destroyed, both inside and out.
Time also has a way of healing, and about a year later I started walking with a friend in the mornings. It was not much in the way of exercise but it was good to get out. However, in the fall of 2010 my job became very demanding, requiring that I work 80+ hours a week so I had to stop walking. Any extra time that I had after working and taking care of my family had to be spent on sleeping. My digestive issues got worse despite my attempts to eat well. I was taking antacids on a daily basis and before meals. I managed to stay thin at 120 lbs but was completely unfit and flabby.
In January 2012, I made the "dreaded" New Year's resolution. I promised myself that I was going to get up at 5:15 a.m. and walk on my treadmill every day. And I did. And I felt good. I was proud of myself and happy that I was doing something physical. But I had also convinced myself that the walking was making me more fit than I really was. In February, my daughter's soccer team participated in strength and conditioning classes at a local studio and the parents were invited to attend. I went there thinking that it would be easy because of all of the walking that I was doing but I was seriously wrong. I was totally exhausted within the first 3 minutes. And it's not because it was ridiculously hard - the girls were keeping up just fine - it was because I was so unfit and out of shape. I was beet red, could not breathe, was sweating profusely, and had severe indigestion. It was so bad that my daughter kept asking if I was okay. I was sore within an hour of leaving the studio and could not walk, sit, or get up without severe pain for at least 10 days. I was so mad at myself but not sure what to do because the gym schedule no longer fit in with my life. I felt stuck.
A few weeks later I caught an infomercial on kettlebells. I was mesmerized and watched it 2 times through. I saw the same infomercial 2 weeks later but this time I stopped halfway through to do a search on my computer. I found a link to the "On the Edge Fitness" website and spent hours reading about Lauren and her exercise and nutrition programs. It was then that I finally made a decision. I was going to try kettlebells and Lauren's nutrition program. I ordered a 10-lb kettlebell and the UBSC Volume 1 DVD. I didn't know it then but it was my first step in the right direction.
When I received the kettlebell package I could barely lift it. I was intimidated by the DVD and when I finally decided to try the 12-minute workout I could not make it past the first set of exercises. I could not do even one push up. I could not breathe. And it hurt to walk up the stairs when I was done. But I loved it! And I could not wait to get up the next morning at 5:15 to try again. And I did!
Within a matter of weeks I could feel myself getting stronger. The 10-lb kettlebell seemed lighter. I was able to do 2 to 3 "real" pushups. For the first time in 10 years my shoulder no longer hurt. And I was able to get through most of the 40-minute workout. I ordered a 15-lb kettlebell and the UBSC Volume 2 DVD. I also contacted Lauren about her nutrition program. I wanted to get stronger and healthier and hopefully eliminate my persisting digestive issues.
Lauren was very responsive despite the thousands of miles between us and put together an easy to follow nutrition program and sent me some suggestions for working out with her 2 DVDs. The second DVD was much harder and the 15-lb kettlebell was much heavier. But I did not give up. I interchanged my workouts between both DVDs and switched between the kettlebells instead of stopping in the middle. I learned how to eat clean and fuel my body with the right foods. I got stronger very quickly. After 6 short weeks I had lost 10 lbs and discovered that I actually do have muscles! I can now do 9 to 10 "real" and diamond kettlebell push-ups. I can easily swing a 15-lb kettlebell and have just started using a 20-lb kettlebell with little difficulty. My acne is gone and my skin is clear.  And I have not had to take even one antacid because my digestive issues have disappeared. I am 44 years old now and healthier and in better shape than I have been for a very, very long time.

AFTER (Age 44 - lean, strong, healthy, and fit.  Digestion issues GONE)

My story is only one in a million of others. With Lauren's gentle encouragement I chose to tell it here with the hope that it may inspire others who are dealing with their own struggles to never give up. I have a long way to go but have come so far. My discovery of kettlebells and clean, healthy eating were the key for me. They have changed my life significantly. I am no longer focused on what I could not do but rather what I can do now. My daughter may never have a sibling but she does have me. And I will do everything possible to be strong, healthy, and fit so that I will be here for a very long time with her. I am motivated once again and will continue to use kettlebells and clean eating to help me reach this goal. I have learned that I may have lost the fight but I did not fail. I am strong now and will continue to get stronger, both on the outside and the inside. Once again, I believe in myself.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Todays Workout - The Ladder Of Doom

5 Pull Ups, 10 Sandbag Cleans, 15 Sandbag Push Press, 20 Sandbag Back Squats, 100 Skips. 5 rounds as fast as you can.

Men should aim for a 30kg sandbag; women should aim for 15kg.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Don't have a sandbag? This is my original bag - a 25kg contractors bag of sand. It cost me �1.50 and I used some tape to make it a little more secure.

No excuses.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports - Now Live

My new book Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports is now available here

Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports is the indispensable guide for anyone who wants to improve their strength and conditioning for combat. You'll learn:

  • Why sandbag training is perfect for MMA & Combat Sport Athletes
  • How to construct your own sandbag
  • How to master over 60 of the most effective sandbag training exercises for MMA & Combat Sports

This book is ideal for anyone who wants to:

  • Build devastating strength and conditioning
  • Dominate their opponents in training and competition
  • Develop a practical, effective and straight-forward fitness programme for MMA or any Combat Sport/Martial Art

The book comes complete with a range of 'follow along' training programmes that will get you in the best shape of your life.

Here are some screenshots from the book:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports

My new book Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports is out this coming Wednesday (18th July) and you can now access an exclusive FREE 60-page sample of the book.

Keep training hard!


Monday, June 18, 2012

From Weak/Unhealthy Mom to Super Strong Fitness Model Mom

I've been very anxious to feature a very special female in my life, Katie Dawers. This young lady has come incredibly far and superseded all of her expectations by a long shot.  On behalf of everyone, including myself, who has trained with her, watched her grow, we are truly so proud of you Katie! Don't ever quit! Dedication, determination, and smart training pays off, as you have proved to yourself and the world!

Read her story below. Hope you are all as inspired as much as we continue to be.


Everyone has a story. Some people�s life stories are sad, some of them are exciting, some are boring and some are inspiring. With my story I hope to inspire everyone from all walks of life. I wont bore you with my childhood journey into adult hood, instead I will start where life really happened, and I mean this in the most literal way possible, when I got pregnant with my son.

?When I found out I was pregnant with my son I was 18 years old.  I had many unhealthy habits.  I smoked a pack to two packs a day. Caffeine was my best friend, as I would drink the large Red Bulls several times a day, on my minimal caffeine day it was coffee and two large Red Bulls.  It doesn't stop there.  My diet consisted of a bagel or croissant for breakfast, I ate lunch at Jack in the Box and dinner at Carls Jr.  Back then I worked for a lawyer and we would take breaks and smoke cigarettes and drink coffee and I loved it!  It made me happy.   Receiving the news of being pregnant I was in major shock and definitely not ready to make any life changes.  I found out I was pregnant really early, only about 4 weeks and my ultrasound showed only an egg.   After my sonogram I went home and smoked a cigarette, considering this is what I had done to cope for the last 4 years of my life.   After the shock I quit smoking and quit the caffeine as much as I could, I still had my one-cup of coffee every single day. Through out my pregnancy my wonderful husband talked me into walking every day, and so I did. However, I walked maybe half a mile a day if that.  Even though I made big steps (for who I was back then) my diet was not that much better. I would eat pizza with a bag of carrots. I did always try to eat something good.  I didn't have any money then so I lived off tuna helper and broccoli.  The meals were cheap and I was saving for my baby.  I didn�t know then that the most important thing was the health of my baby.

After a long pregnancy Cole was finally born.  I fell in love with this little boy.  I have never loved anything more in my life.  But this love was not enough, this little boy never slept (he still never sleeps) he�s just not a sleeper.  I became a little depressed. I had a little post partum depression and when that wore off I was still depressed. I remember visiting my mother.  My mother told me I was depressed from not sleeping. While I nursed my new born, she continued to tell me I needed to join a group that  had other mothers to support me.  Well my mother had just had a baby herself, my little sister Ava she was about 2 when Cole was born.  My mother did stroller strides back then and so I joined.  In stroller strides we ran a quarter mile stopped and used some bands for strength.  I was dying.  I couldn�t run nor use the bands.  As hard as it was I kept going, it got me out of the house and at the time I lived 45 minutes from my mom so I got to see her twice a week. My husband is a Marine and had to deploy when my son was 7 months old.  I was 45 minutes from my mom and alone with a seven month old baby.  Working out got me through the seven months of my life.  It quickly became my release.  While this is terrific most would say, I also began drinking wine, every night while my husband was gone.  It got me through the lonely nights. I felt like I never got a break and never had a baby sitter.  I hung out with my mom a lot and spent my first month living at my moms house, I was so lost.  Drinking helped and when my husband returned the drinking never stopped it became a habit and a bad one.

About a year or so after I started stroller strides, my mother Della Whelchel and Lauren Brooks decided to start a kid friendly class using kettlebells and strollers (Buggybellz). I was excited for my mom, however kettlebells were really intimidating for me.  As their first class approached I went early with my mom.  She was trying to show me a few tips and moves with the kettlebells before other mothers arrived.  Anyone that does kettlebells knows that we start everyone with an 8kg (18lbs). My mother says to me �press it�. First of all I didn�t even know what a �press� was nor was I sure I wanted to. The swing was enough to overwhelm me and the class has not even started yet. While my mother was showing me how to press it ever so gracefully, she handed me the bell and I begin to press it. Lets put it this way, it was very ugly and the bell never made it past my shoulders. I was weak. This was hard for me as in the stroller strides classes I felt I grew stronger.   As my life started to change so did my attitude.   Kettlebells were very intimidating for the first six months or so.   I remember thinking how strong Lauren and my mom were, I thought, �I will never be like that, I couldn�t, I will just stay where I am physically, I cant even imagine being that strong.�   As I attended these classes regularly three days a week I eventually got my form down.   I had the best support, my mom.   We would practice at her house and talk about it all the time.   My mom taught me almost everything I needed to know to get through the days with my baby to how to swing a 16kg kettlebell.   Going into these classes I remember how flabby my stomach was, I hated it.   I had rolls; my arms were flabby and weak.  In my first year of learning kettlebells this slowly but surely started to change and so did my eating habits.  I began to follow my mother.  We would talk about diet a lot as she is and was into health. I still didn�t eat that well though; I would still have pizza every once in a while and hit a fast food joint. My drinking was probably worse then ever at this point. I remained pretty mellow while drinking; it wasn�t like I was a raging alcoholic, or violent, if you didn�t know me you might not even know I have had something to drink. As time went on my mom and Lauren allowed me to teach a Buggybellz class for them once a week after receiving my HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification). This is around the same time I took one of Laurens classes at her in home gym.   She encouraged everyone to pick up a bell that they have never pressed before after a series of progressions. The biggest bell I ever used before at that time was a 16kg.  So I picked up the 20kg I racked it and I pressed it.  I think this was the first time I realized I could be as strong as my mentors.  I had to figure out how to do this.  Buggybellz wasn�t going to work. I couldn�t carry heavy enough bells in my stroller nor afford them.   I really had to think about this.  I began taking Lauren's classes once a week.  Lauren did heavy snatches in class and I snatched the 20kg, I felt like I was on fire. 

After time Lauren and I started talking about me teaching for her.  I became RKC, Russian Kettlebell Certified, my confidence really started to grow.  I felt better than I ever have in my life and I had such great people supporting me.  I felt like going into Lauren's classes I wanted to be better, as if what I was doing wasn�t enough and I found a way, I just figured it out.  I grew to be really strong and confident. I got compliments on my body more than ever actually for the first time ever! I had this fire in me (I still do) to do something, to be something great; I didn�t want to settle for less. There was more out there, there had to be. I had a dear friend, make a phone call to a mainstream fitness photographer. I sent him some pictures and he said he would throw me in the �hopper�.  Well these �mainstream� guys they get busy, my friend and I kept calling him and emailing and eventually he did a shoot with me for Compax.  I went down to his studio with butterflies in my stomach I probably could have vomited. Luckily he was a really cool down to earth guy.  I spent hours at his studio and when I left I never felt more alive.  I had a rush and I wanted that to be my life.  I had to figure that out too.  While this was all a slow process I kept in touch with the photographer, and I tried signing with different agencies.  I got really into my training, I got really strong and I was going to Lauren's classes 3 days a week and teaching one day a week.  My life has officially changed since the day I found out I was pregnant.

I cut down on my meat tremendously; in fact I even dabbled with being vegan.  I now only eat grass-fed organic meat, I only eat organic veggies, and I no longer use drinking as a release.  I have a glass of wine or two on occasions.  I don't eat any dairy and I make my own nut milks.  I have a garden in my back yard.  I don't eat fast food but of course we have to live and I will have dark chocolate or nut brownies once in a while ;) I do not drink coffee or any other caffeine (unless it�s a special treat of course).  I am now able to press a 24 kg, pull up with a 12kg, single leg dead lift 2 32kg�s, swing my body weight and much more.  I will never stop doing kettlebells I will never stop training it has truly changed my life.  I now have a few shoots under my belt in fitness; you can find me on the cover of 3/GO magazine, in My Mad Methods Magazine, in Nuun, Compax, etc. I have signed with a fitness agency in LA, and am signing with a fashion agency as well.  I now train at On The Edge Fitness with Lauren Brooks, all while continuing to go to college, raise my beautiful son, and hold my marriage together.  My life has forever changed.  I will continue to grow and evolve.  I will continue to motivate myself and always strive to be better as everyone always should. Living outside my comfort zone as much as I can. If there is anything I would want someone to take away from this story it would be that just because you are someone you may not be proud of today, does not mean you have to be that person tomorrow.  You can be whomever you want.  Though, it is not an easy road, you are not stuck and you have a choice, you have to want to change.  There is hope and it only takes one step at a time. Take one step and never look back!

Thank you Katie for sharing your journey from unhealthy to super woman.  You have only just begun and I truly look forward to your continued road to optimal living.  I'm honored to have been a part of your life change experience and look forward to witnessing your incredible success!