�Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.� Unknown
Have you ever done something for someone without expecting anything in return? Have you ever helped someone you don�t even know? Did you know that doing something nice for someone without any strings attached can literally be just as rewarding for you as it is for the other person? Raises seratonin levels and makes you more pleasant to be around.
A few weeks ago I celebrated my 33rd birthday. Rather than have a big celebration, I chose to lay low and be with my family. Throughout the day I thought it would be nice to go to my local Eastern Refloxology place for an hour treatment to have a bit of pampering. When I walked in the lady at the front desk told me there were no openings. She asked if I could come back in a few hours and I told her I�d be having a small family birthday dinner by then. Once she heard the word birthday she immediately got on the phone with another location and had someone drive over to accommodate me. I was thrown back by her kindness. She said to me �I can�t let you leave without having something special for your birthday.� I sat down in the waiting room with a big smile. As I was waiting, a couple came in for their appointment. They sat next to me and we began to chat. The lady was from London so we immediately hit it off.
When the masseuse arrived from the other store she wished me a happy birthday when she walked in. I was a bit embarrassed and thanked her profusely for coming just for me. The couple wished me a Happy Birthday and we said our good-byes. Normally for reflexology they take you in a quiet room with about 10 other people and lounge chairs. She took me to a private dark room with my own lounge chair for extra special treatment. I felt like a princess. For a full hour I had one of the best reflexology experiences I�ve ever had. I nearly fell asleep several times, which doesn�t ever happen to me. I was so relaxed and was able to check out fully. It was just what I needed!
When my reflexology treatment was all finished I walked to the front desk and pulled out my wallet to pay. The lady at the front desk told me that it was all taken care of. I looked at her confused. She said, �That couple you were talking to paid for it.� I looked at her speechless for a moment. I told her that I had just met that couple and couldn�t believe the kindness. I gave the masseuse a huge tip and left feeling on top of the world. I wanted to thank the couple but they were still in their massage. I left a note thanking them and leaving my information to hopefully pay them back some how.
I may never see that couple again but they left something with me. They left the gift to me to continue and pay it forward. Now it�s my turn to give little random acts of kindness. I feel these acts can come in so many different ways. Doesn�t have to be large purchases. It could be going out of your way and doing a good deed like randomly paying for someone�s coffee behind you. Smiling at someone, looking in their eyes, and sincerely asking how their day is going. Humans are good people. When we are a plugged in to our phones or electronic devices we lose the real human contact interaction. If I had been plugged in waiting for my masseuse I would have never spoken to the nice couple that was in the waiting room. Two things I�d like to work on are randoms acts of kindness and unplugging from my devices to be fully engaged with the person I�m with or just be engaged with myself. I�m ever so guilty of having my phone on me when I�m not with my kids so I can get updates constantly. I will work on only checking from time to time. In reality we survived without the phones and constant updates! Would love to hear some random acts of kindness stories that you have been involved with some how. Thanks for reading, now go out and make someone�s day!