Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The PERFECT Nutrition Program

Would you believe that 10 people could be on 10 completely different diet protocols and still get to their goals? I get asked regularly to share sample eating programs. I've written my share of articles describing an eating protocol that will fast track you to weight loss. Does the advice work? Absolutely it works. Does it work for everyone? No way!

Would you believe that you can be on the perfect program, count your calories to the T and still not lose weight? You're even working out every single day but not seeing the scale move. I admit, this is frustrating. Most of the people who fall in this category, not all, have something else going on. Usually it's from too much stress, lack of sleep, complete burn out and their central nervous system is fried. 

If you fall in this category above, chances are you will do much better figuring out how to lower your stress levels. A few ways to do this.

1. CHOOSE LESS INTENSE WORKOUTS - yeah I know, this sounds counterproductive.  Just maybe your body needs some love instead of beating it up all the time. If you find that when you're done with that spin class and you can't stop eating for the next 3 days, reassess the training choices you're making during this time of your life. Or if you feel completely beat up for 2 days after showing up to a local workout, you didn't do yourself any favors. I know it's weird to ask you to do this, try and give it LESS effort. Maybe go lighter. Spare your body some reserves for life.

2. GO TO BED EARLIER - if you're not sleeping enough, you're not healing your body to its full potential. Many new moms and dads suffer greatly from this. New moms start working out really hard when they first have a baby to "shed that baby weight". Then they find theirselves catching every darn virus and bacterial infection around. On top of that putting themselves in to a deeper postpartum depression. The best thing to do when you're not sleeping is to do low stress training as stated above or "short" bouts of training, that doesn't over stress your body more than it already is. Grab extra zzzz's when you can. It's not being lazy, it's doing what's called, SELF CARE!

3. SELF CARE. self care. self care. - I use to think that self care meant destroying my body by getting the hardest deep tissue, painful massage I can handle. It's what I needed. I'm tough, I can handle it.  WRONG.... So wrong.... Running after pain with pain only creates more stress and dehyration in the body. I'm not discounting deep tissue massages or rolfing. I'm a huge fan of those self care protocols, when done the right way. In fact they're vital for athletes and people who lift heavy or those who suffer from chronic pain, when your body worker understands your daily routine. 
In reality most people can't just get a massage when they want or need. Many of you are lucky to take 15 minutes for yourself. I have students all over the world that have 1 to 11 children! The most inspiring part is, some of these mothers work full time or if they work full time at home, they do it all! It's a miracle how these ladies do it all. Talk about strong!

People often ask me how I do it all.  Let me tell you, I try not to do it all. It takes practice. I learn to delegate and have to say no more than I want to.  I force myselt to take 3 - 5 minutes to myself to just breathe, to take small mental breaks, unplug. I like to call it a mini vacation. With as many balls in the air flying around, it's imperative for me to choose training protocols that don't excite my nervous system too much. I know living in a flight or fight mode all the time will cause major burn out! 

When my plate is full, if I trained half as hard as some of you, I'd be in bed for the rest of the week. I don't look at this as a sign of weakness. I look at this as knowing what I have in the bank. Not overspending the money I have and working from a major debt. When you get yourself in debt, things begin to break and collapse around you. Putting money in the bank and knowing how to use what you have, is the key to finding balance. 

4. KNOW WHEN TO PUSH THE ENVELOPE - Challenging yourself or pushing the envelope from time to time is good stress. It makes you feel alive and shows what you can accomplish. For example, if you practice your pull-ups just 5 minutes every day, not pushing it too hard, you may end up achieving 5 pull ups in 6 months. No pain, no stress, just a bit of relaxed practice and bam you got there with ease. Or you can work youself to the ground by practicing pull ups an hour a day. You may get your 5 pull ups sooner, but suddenly your neck hurts, your traps hurt, your elbow is in pain all of the time. Your pull up days are now over for good .This is because you pushed it too hard too soon. Your body wasn't ready for what your mind wanted. Know when to push the envelope.

My point for all of this, is there is no perfect solution for everyone. Even the "PERFECT NUTRITION PROGRAM" may not get you to your goals.  Some of you feel best when you follow eating habis such as  vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten free, peanut free, FODMAPS, Grain free, dairy free, no legumes, raw food, soy free. 

Whatever your fancy may be, make sure it's the one that your body needs, just because you read it somewhere and people claim it works for them. Experiment from time to time. You are not them! We are not all made up the exact same. We all carry stress differently.

I can tell you one thing for sure about nutrition, people do better off eating whole natural foods. If it comes in a box and you don't understand the ingredients or you see a list of chemicals across the board, chances are it's not good for human beings. If you're drinking soda, even natural soda, chances are it's not really quenching your thirst. When you're thirsty water is the best. Add lemon, ginger, cayenne, probiotics, apple cyder vinegar. Those are all great too. Drink water!  If you don't want to feel like sh#t, eat less sh#t. PERIOD!

On another note, many members in the Playground are finishing up with the Rock Solid Kettlebell program. People have emailed sharing with me that they're stronger than they've ever been, they can actually see their muscles and they FEEL so good. This program was specifically designed for people who have stress in their lives! It's chill but effective! Now that our students in the playground are finishing up with Rock Solid we will be adding some new workouts in to the playground over the next few weeks. 

If you haven't tried the Low Volume program, I would highly recommend you check it out, if you're wondering what to do next. In the mean time try the new workout in our new section "Todd's Workouts" designed by Coach Graham. It's a 15 minute simple, yet challenging workout, where you only need one kettlebell. Go light and pace yourself! Members can sign in here to hit up these programs. 


p.s. A few Announcements

1. If you're not a member in the playground yet, what are you waiting for? Get access to every workout for every goal. Strength, conditioning, fat loss, muscle gain, mobility, balance. You name it! Now that we've added so much content, our price will be going up soon. Get in before the price goes up so you can be grandfathered at your special rate! Learn more here

2. Todd is forming a Winner Circle for men. He will be taking a very small group of people for this first group. If you're interested please email sales@ontheedgefitness.com.  This group will be dedicated to helping even the busiest most unmotivated, especially those in the corporate world, to incorporate health and fitness in a realistic way, with personalized programs, nutrition and accountability phone calls. 

3. Upcoming Kettlebell Fitness Coaching Workshop (San Diego) - This will be a one day workshop focusing on the depth of proper movement patterns and protocols of training for all fitness levels. This will focus on making kettlebell fitness accessible for almost everyone. More info to follow and date will be announced soon. If you're interested in this unique one day course, please contact us at sales@ontheedgefitness.com  

4. LOCAL San Diego (Southern California) Only - If you're looking for local private instruction or group training we are taking on more students. If you're visiting town we love when you book a session with us. Nothing cooler than meeting you in person! We've had lots of vacationers come in this month! We love it! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The 5 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout

The 5 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout

Don't have time to train? What about 5 minutes? Studies show you can make incredible health benefits even in just 1 minute a day!

For more workouts like this, check out Lauren's Playground. We have hours and hours of life changing videos and programs that will get you moving every day! 

Friday, January 6, 2017

3 Easy Ways to Stick To Your Goals

I wanted to quickly share with you some very important tips on how to actually stick to your goals. I've been able to take the most unmotivated lazy person that has never been able stick to anything in their entire life and turn them in to success stories. It really is very simple. Here is a typical quote that gets sent to me quite often.
"Lauren, I've never looked forward to actually working out before. This is the first time in my entire life I can actually say I love working out. I've tried so many different things. It's a miracle."
This makes up most of my clientele both in person and around the world.
Forcing someone to be motivated isn't the answer to getting people to stick to their goals. The answer is very simple. 

3 Easy Ways

1. Create the smallest most simple goal that is just too easy not to do. -  This can be something as simple as Swing a kettlebell 10 or 20 times each day. Do them every day and the gratification of feeling better will come immediately. You will feel successful since you hit your goal. This is one of the reasons why the Squat Challenge I host is so successful. It can take 1 - 5 minutes at the most to complete this challenge each day. This may be all they do for the day. However, people begin to feel stronger, more confident and surprisingly more motivated to begin to add other things voluntarily. They make the choice on their own to add something to their training goal. The confidence sets in and the winner mentality takes over quickly. 

2. Share your goal out loud with the world. - Your pride of being a man or woman of your word will be more powerful than showing the world you can't follow through with something. Sharing how you're hitting your goals, maybe even taking a video, photo, or just documenting your progress publicly will light that fire under your butt! We all need a fire lit at times. You will also find that by sharing this with others YOU will turn in to an inspiration to others. Nothing better than helping others increase the quality of life.

3. Don't over commit yourself. -   Some people tend to rebel when they're told what to do or decide to follow a program that is unreachable. Espeically if that task feels so monstrous they can barely get through it feeling like a failure and just plain miserable. I don't know about you, but even the most motivated person would have very hard time returning to a task that is unattainable. Who wants to leave feeling like a complete failure? Not many people can push theirselves through horrible pain and misery.  I'm not telling you to run as soon as something gets difficult. Pushing through a challenge and being able to complete it with hard work and sweat is different than actually not being able to do something safe on your body.

There you have it. Your checklist to success! One of the simplest programs I've created, other than the fitness challenges, is Rock Solid Kettlebell Program. It's not impossible to complete. It's simple, attainable and down right effective.  This is also why Lauren's Playground has been successful for people. With access to Lauren's Playground private group, it creates accountability among one another. BTW, a new Live (pre-recorded) class was just added yesterday. Member log in here

Here's an email I received yesterday from a member of Lauren's Playgound:

I just wanted to tell you thank you for adding another live class! I am about to do it now. I absolutely loved the first one. I love, love, love the Playground. I was able to take it with me on vacation last week, get a workout in each day during the holidays, and I am never bored. I wasn�t certain I�d love the Rock Solid program, but I was wrong, it may be one of my favorites. 
I have always loved your DVD�s (and own most of them, as well as your book and BeSLAM), but the Playground takes it all to the next level. I literally sit down and watch the videos as soon as you post them and then I determine my workouts for the entire week :). I have canceled all other workout programs (I had subscribed to DailyBurn and Beachbody, but never found anything I love like your videos and instruction). I�ve done Crossfit, bodybuilding, and spent a couple years as a BodyPump instructor and I�ve given it all up for kettle bells (mostly�I still love my barbell!). I look forward to every single workout. Thank you!!  
Abby Jamison

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Looking Back - Unleashing Your Purpose

This morning I sat in silence reflecting on the entire year of 2016. Looking back this may have been the biggest year of accomplishments and events I've ever had, other than giving birth to my babies. I wasn't aware of this until now. For a moment I thought 2016 wasn't such a great year. However, this doesn't seem to be the case.
I have so much gratitude right now I can't even express it properly. I've now seen what I'm capable of and I'm proud of 2016 and the help I've offered to so many! 
This was also a year of many deep emotions and tears more than most years. 
Here is a list of accomplishments and events that ran through my mind. The coolest part, none of it has to do with my weight, measurements, or physique. 

2016 Accomplishments and Big Events 

- Filmed and released Kettlebell Incinerator video and DVD.
- After 6-7 years of discussing, dissecting and over complicating, Lauren's Playground on demand classes and community was BORN with hours and hours of new content each month!
- Hosted 7 free fitness challenges which were a huge hit! Which we will be doing again starting today with #21daysofsquats
- Released an ebook video guide The Simple Pull Up Guide For Women to show all women that they can accomplish a pull up in an easy to follow format. 
- Continue to write articles for my blog, various fitness sites such as Bodybuilding.com along with designing workouts for Men's Fitness magazine
- Featured in PFP Magazine PFP magazine
- Pushed myself out of my comfort zone and took up adult hip hop dance for several months.
- Filmed 2 more DVDs "Sexy Strong�" & "Luscious & Lean�" which will be released in a few months. 
- Braided my entire head. Something I wanted to do for years but wasn't brave enough to just go for it!
- Created WINNER CIRCLE - a private coaching group that focuses on each individuals goals, lifestyle, training, nutrition support, while setting up accountability check ins with live coaching calls. Launching Winner Circle 3 January 16, 2017! 
- Lost my grandfather to a heart attack and my 15 month old puppy to cancer. 
- Rock Solid Kettlebell 6 Week program ebook and video guide was released.
- My blended family of 4 kids took their relationship with one another to the next level.   They truly love one another and want to be together!
- My husband Todd by my side every step of the way.

May 2017 bring you love, joy, individuality, and bring your purpose to fruition. Love you all Happy New Year my friends! You can do this! It's time to go for it. Stop holding yourself back!


p.s. Don't forget about our up to 50% off sale on our DVD's and streaming programs. Free signed copy of my book, Kettlebells For Women, when you commit to a yearly subscription of Lauren's Playground. Also $10 off on the newest Rock Solid Program code: rocksolid
 Promo Image 

Monday, December 26, 2016

ROCK SOLID Kettlebell Program

Designed to create a Rock Solid Body structure that you deserve.
 - PERFECT for BEGINNERS,  but  STRONG enough for our most ADVANCED students.
 + Warm-up/Cool Down Video included
- Printable Worksheets for easy tracking
 This program is available to all in Lauren's Playground or snag your copy here.
 $10 off for a limited time! Code: rocksolid 
The videos in this program are taught to the beginner audience, yet this program is effective for ALL LEVELS! This is the perfect program to do if you're a newbie looking to practice your basic skills to work on becoming ROCK SOLID! The advanced students will benefit from SLOWING down each movement pattern as shown in the video, which can take your training to the next level. 

Minimally you will need to have one kettlebell. However, a pair of kettlebells would be the most ideal since I do encourage suitcase deadlifts with 2 bells. I do offer modifications if you only have one bell available to do one side at a time.
Extra equipment recommended but not required: WOSS attack suspension trainer. You could also use a theraband instead if you don't have one. But the Woss trainers are a very low price! I highly recommend you snag one!
YES,  If you decide to join Lauren's Playground, you will have access to this program for the next couple months for no extra charge among hundreds of hours of many other programs. If you sign up for our yearly subscription option, you will also receive a free signed copy of Lauren's top selling book, Kettlebells for Women. This program will be available for a limited time!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Why You Don't Need To Fear Kettlebell Training

Happy Thursday! I can't tell you how many times I've met someone that has never tried using kettlebells the right way, but tells me how dangerous they think kettlebell training is. Some shared how they tried it once and it hurt their back. Or it looked way too scary and they're absolutely convinced that they'll hurt themselves. Others just tell me that they're not in their 20's or 30's anymore and they need to stick to more gentle exercises like yoga, barre and running.

I'm not a confrontational person at all. In fact, I despise arguing with people. I use to have slight panic attacks with mild shaking, increased heart palpitation and brain fog when my philosophy was being challenged. I think it's because I'm so passionate about teaching people the RIGHT way to use their body, many times without a kettlebell first, that I know adding some form of movement pattern training with the right amount of load, will do wonders for their body. Therefore, I become so emotional and frustrated that they won't try it and reap the life-changing benefits!

The fact that people have come to me with their body destroyed from life. Their bodies so weak that they couldn't pick up their own babies without hurting themselves or suffered from back spasms. Teaching people how to hinge properly, squat properly, plank properly (without a kettlebell in sight) gave them their confidence, strength, and body back. Some of these people ended up using extremely heavy loads and going on to even do pull-ups and beautiful push-ups with practice and dedication. Yes, women too!

My point is, you don't have to fear the kettlebell. You should be very fearful with the type of instruction you get. Do your research! If you're going to learn how to use your body using kettlebells, it's best to track down someone who specializes in all body types with this type of training. Always move SLOWLY and carefully with no load or a very light load at first. See how your body responds.

Last story... This past weekend we shot 2 DVD's! Yeah, not 1, but 2. The production team we hired feared the idea of even picking up a kettlebell. They had seen them in the gym and it looked entirely too dangerous when they saw people use them.

Then he spent the weekend filming our DVD's.  The ladies,  I had in my DVD range from 40's to early 50's.  One has had 4 kids and one is a Chiropractor and now uses many of these exercises with her patients. The first one we filmed "Sexy Strong" dedicated to moving slowly and carefully using appropriate loads and focusing on pure beautiful strength with mobility. Designed for the beginner but strong enough for our most advanced students to improve and become better. Funny enough, my strongest students were in Sexy Strong, we all used kettlebells half as heavy as we normally use and with the slowed down the pace, extra instruction during the workouts, we were all surprisingly sore and activated! In a good way!

The second one "Luscious & Lean" dedicated to lighter loads incorporating balance, moving deep within each movement pattern, conditioning, and control.

So AFTER the weekend was over I asked the owner of the production company if he still feared the idea of kettlebell training. He said he didn't realize how much is dedicated to safety, form and moving with control! He is now a believer and is willing to put his fear aside to have a lesson!  Yay!

Those who practice the right way, you know what I'm talking about. It's LIFE CHANGING! YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT! It's about keeping it simple! It doesn't have to be fancy. You don't have to move quickly and lose control. It's about building a strong base so that you can be resilient, healthy, strong and the rest is up to you!

If you are just beginning and ready to take the journey it's important for you to start in the right place. My advice is to begin learning how to hinge at your hips, deadlift, squat and then finally once those feel awesome, you can look into learning how to swing a kettlebell.  If you don't have access to an incredible instructor in person, I have created lessons that have helped thousands of people learn all over the world with simple programs to follow.  You can find them in the beginning video shopping guide here. My recommendation is to check out Lauren's Playground and hang in the demonstrations or basics section for a few weeks. Or spend some time doing The Kettlebell Body. Even if you're not a beginner it's important to go back to the fundamentals and make sure you haven't become lazy or too confident.

Let me know if you have any questions and don't forget to take advantage of our storewide holiday sale of up to 50% off!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Holiday Sale - Gift Shopping Guide - Up to 50% off

Gift buying made easy! 

Take 50% off on all of our workouts DVD's including downloads, streaming, Be SLAM'S and our Pull-up Guide

Take 40% off training tanks. 

We're also offering 25% off on all of our high end nutrition products. No code needed except for the Digital purchases such as ebooks and downloadable workout DVD's.  Code for streaming videos and ebook programs is "holiday50"


50% off all DVD's and Digital Downloads. Code: holiday

This is the place to start. These videos include the foundation exercises and instruction that can be used for years on end. Although beginners fall in love with these videos, the advanced people still go back to these to keep their foundation strong. The book on the right is your step to step guide on how to do every kettlebell exercise plus a 12 week workout program. All of these DVD's or Digital streaming videos comes with a free rotation plan. 

Learn how to use kettlebells, move properly, and become strong and lean like never before from all of our programs. 

Course ImageCourse ImageCourse Image

Kettlebells for Women: Workouts for Your Strong, Sculpted & Sexy Body (Paperback)



eBOOK AND WRITTEN PROGRAMS for level just after beginner

Be SLAM 1 

Take 50% off here with code: holiday50

The 12-week plan that will get you lean and strong in under 30 minutes a day.

Course Image

Kettlebell size recommendations for beginners


50% off all DVD's and Digital Downloads. Code: holiday50

In addition to all of the programs above in the beginning section our intermediate and advanced students love and continue to use, here is the next step up. Free rotation plans come with all of these videos

Course ImageCourse ImageCourse ImageCourse ImageCourse Image


50% off all DVD's and Digital Downloads

Here are two workout videos that are designed to do during pregnancy. First Baby Bells is available in both download and hard copy DVD format. Baby Bells 2 is available in digital only. 

Course Image
Baby Bells 2 Digital here use code: holiday50

eBOOK AND WRITTEN PROGRAMS for level just after beginner

Be SLAM 1 

Take 50% off here with code: holiday50

The 12-week plan that will get you lean and strong in under 30 minutes a day.

Course Image
Be SLAM (Strong Like A Mother)12 Week ebook program that will get you stronger than ever. 


Take 50% off here with code: holiday50

The most user friendly 12 week program that will take you to the next level and change your life. - view preview video here.

Course Image
Be SLAM 2 (Strong Like A Mother)
Next step after Be SLAM 1 - 12 Week ebook program that will continue to increase your strength in various ways. 


 This simple guide is designed to show you exactly how to achieve one. Take 50% off here with code: holiday50

Optimal immune protection, muscle density and fat loss. 

40% off 

FIT 365� Year-Round Grass-Fed Native Whey Protein

Available in Gourmet Chocolate and Vanilla Bean

Nucleo Immune, Premier Research Labs, (60 Capsules)

Nucleo Immune by Premier Research Labs is a natural immune system and rejuvenation supplement that promotes rapid cellular regeneration, increased vitality, and repair and wound healing. It is the first nano-protein delivery system devised to promote instantaneous immune boost and increased vitality. 


Workout in style with these various tank tops. We also have purple as well!