Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Discovery While Recovering From a Car Accident

Several months ago I was in a car accident. I've kept it quiet because the line of work I'm in requires a healthy and strong able body. It's time to come out and share that I was rear ended by an SUV while accelerating in my little sports car.  With over $11,000 worth of damage to my vehicle, my body was left full of injuries. Luckily, it's the first car accident I've experienced. I came home shaking explaining to everyone what happened.  Like the tough girl I think I am at times, I thought I was just fine. Other than being a bit shaky I felt fine at the time. Those who saw my car warned me that I may not feel the after effects right away.  I didn't want to believe it. I knew I was hit with enough force to cause my body harm. I reminded myself how strong I am, so chances are I won't feel it. 

The next morning after the car accident my entire body was very sore. I was more angry than focused on being in pain. I knew that I had no business lifting or performing any sort of training with my body, especially feeling completely out of whack.  From the base of my skull down to my lower back the pain throbbed. I knew it was time to go see a Chiropractor immediately.

I've never been a person who goes to a Chiropractor regularly since I never felt the need.  When it comes to strength training I've always played it very safe and kept it balanced. Pain wasn't something my body was use to.  After visiting Dr. Sage's office I was diagnosed with a strained neck, mid back and low back. Had subluxation in both my neck and back.  I thought I was totally fine at first from the accident, yet it truly left a number on me. In fact, my chiropractor told me no exercising for at least one month.  You should've seen the look on my face. Not only did I feel sorry for myself but I felt sorry for those who had to be around me for the next month.  

After a month of on going treatment I began to feel better, so I slowly began to move again. I proceeded with great caution. However, my body immediately told me it wasn't ready when I began to suffer from major occipital head pain. This pain was so disruptive that it would wake me up in my sleep. At one point I thought maybe I had some type of brain tumor it hurt so much! I had to lay off anything that engaged my neck.  There went another month of almost no training. I felt my body getting weaker and my energy levels dropping.  My students were so supportive during this time and racked all their own weights in addition grabbing all their own kettlebells. They knew I was in pain! 

It was challenging not to feel discouraged and frustrated. Just when I thought I was ready to hit the weights again my body would tell me "oh no you don't".   By the 3rd month of taking time off I started with light body weight exercises.  Unfortunately the pain I felt began to move around in my body. Next it moved to my left leg, which pulled on my lower back. Tons of pain in the sitting or laying down position. I was beginning to feel like I was 90 years old. I lost sleep over it, I was so uncomfortable.  With continuous Chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massages, and giving in to just resting my body, I was healing. By the 4th month I could not go another day without doing some sort of hip hinge exercise. It was time to work around the pain and activate my hamstrings and glutes.  I began to play around. Kettlebell swings were out and so were squats! If I did something slightly off or cause too much activation on my quadricep, the pain in my quad and back would haunt me for days. If I stayed away in a perfect manner by only activating my glutes and hamstrings, with a very light weight, then I would feel fine. 

Luckily this injury led me to my new favorite exercise. Not only is it one of my favorite but also many of my students are loving it as well. I'm still not 100% healed, but I'm getting darn near close. I have lost a significant amount of strength and muscle. Luckily I had a very strong base of muscle prior to the accident so I still have some left. :)  In the mean time, for those who truly enjoy honing in on their glute muscles without needing a whole lot of balance or stabilization, I highly recommend this exercise. It's knee, hip and back friendly!  Let me know what you think. Wishing you all an injury free and healthy 2015!

Modified Single Leg Deadlift 
Single Leg  Deadlift with a Kickstand
(not to be confused with a Kickstand Deadlift)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why It's Time to Make Workouts Fun! (If you're not already doing so)

Let's just be honest with ourselves right here and now! How will this year be any different from all the previous years? We all know that this is the time of year we start to think, plan and begin striving toward being more fit, healthy and simply happier in our lives. So then ask yourself the question, how will this year be any different? Whatever you decide that looks like, if you aren't having any fun, then you are missing the whole point. It could very well be the main reason why you have a tough time sticking to your goals. The same goes if you are stuck in a routine that leaves you feeling drained and unsatisfied. My guess is, you've probably made endless promises to yourself for years now, we all have, especially around this time of year. But this time will be different. You're going to hit the pavement hard running a million miles per minute and now you have more willpower than you've ever had in the past. You won't fail yourself this time because this year is your year! For some reason you're feeling much more motivated, right?

WRONG!!!!  Your hopes and dreams are rarely brought to fruition!

Why would this year be any different? 

Quick note: If you feel like you're on the perfect fitness program and you're at a top notch place in your life, then stop reading this article now. This is not for you. 

Try Something New and Fun!

Have you thought about trying something new? Or are you going back to the same old routine you failed previously with? What makes you think if you try the same recipe it will taste better this time? I'm surely not here to rain on your parade, but I'm here to give you the truth. You will fail miserably if you continue to do the same training program that you gave up on last time.  My point for being a realist is not to be a Debbie downer. I'm merely trying be the friend that tells you what you need to hear. Someone needs to give you a wake up call so you realize it's time to find something that you look forward to. Something that you may consider FUN! Yes FUN!!!   

You may be thinking, delusional thoughts such as "how can I actually have fun or enjoyment while achieving a healthier, stronger, and leaner body? There is no such thing! I've never heard of being able to enjoy getting in shape.  You have to work hard and it's painful and boring. Besides I don't like to starve myself."  WRONG ALL WRONG!

Set Realistic Goals

What if there was a way for you to do something every day that literally took less than 12 minutes of your time?  What if that 12 minutes actually became pleasurable and fun to you, to the point that you were disappointed that it was over?  If you fall in the category of not having enough time and/or just wanting to vomit at the thought of working out, this may be what you need.  It's time to take the pressure off of yourself thinking you need these long drawn out workout sessions.  If your first goal is beginning with a 10-12 minute workout program this would be much more attainable. 

Choosing The Right Workout

The first goal I'd recommend starting with is find something that is sustainable.  A realistic way of moving that you can actually stick to. Find a way of training that enhances your life. It doesn't have to be the end all be all. If it is sucking the life out of you and leaving you with no energy throughout the day, you have chosen the wrong workout. The right workout is the one that leaves you feeling like you want more. The one that makes you feel more energized. The one that enhances your brain activity. After all, if the body stops moving the brain activity begins to decrease.  

Create Distance With Your Enablers

We all have enablers in our lives. Some of them are our dear friends that we meet with for dinner or drinks. Or our own family members that encourage us to skip our planned workout session and eat some unhealthy food together. It's absolutely okay to do this from time to time. But you need to be very upfront with your enablers and let them know your goals and make sure they are on board with you. If they can not support you then it's time to make room for people in your life that do.

Accountability and Success

It's proven that people will be much more accountable when they have small victories to celebrate along the way. Create a reward program for yourself. For example... "I will show up for my 12 minute session 5 times this week and at the end of that week I will reward myself with a pedicure." 
Even better, find a workout partner that can also be accountable with you. The more accountable you can be to other people, the more successful you will become.  It can be too easy to have the internal dialogue and let yourself down. If you need more motivation than the above just read my article   Shut Up and Train - 13 Ways To Eradicate Excuses

Make A Choice

 If you choose to do nothing then you are actually choosing to be weak and unhealthy. If you choose 12 minutes of a well thought out, approachable, efficient, and fun workout session, then you may very well surprise yourself.  If you don't know how or where to start, I can help you with that! 

Where Do I Start?

The internet can be quite overwhelming and filled with more ways to train than you can imagine. Most of it is garbage to be perfectly honest with you. The best way to start is with a very intelligent and motivating personal trainer, with a good track record, that has helped many people achieve their goals. You may need to do a little research. If you don't have the time or money to commit to a trainer or group classes, then the next best thing is working out from home. I've been blessed to be able to create solid information, that has actually helped thousands of people learn how to get in shape and stay in shape all from the comfort of their living room. The coolest part about it, is they didn't hate it! In fact many loved it so much they flew out to see me and shared with me what they learned. I was very impressed how well people were able to learn proper technique and create healthy habits through my videos! I put some on the bottom of this post.

Go Get Em!

In conclusion, whatever path you choose, enjoy the journey! Life is filled with so many beautiful moments. You might as well be as healthy and strong as you possibly can. Not just for yourself but for your loved ones. 

Happy New Year everyone!


Live Workshops

I'm excited to announce that I'm locking down dates and locations for some upcoming workshops in 2015. If you would like to spend several hours or a day learning simple and fun techniques which will help you move better, lose fat, become much stronger and leaner, make sure to sign up for one of the workshops.

For Beginners

Move better and Feel Better learning how to use your body weight and kettlebells to achieve the strong and lean body you've always strived for. Quick and efficient workouts will get you there without the long drawn out boring cardio sessions that run your muscle off and cause overuse injuries. Be ready to change your life!

Instructed by Lauren Brooks and the amazing Paul Daniels

Where: North San Diego County (Encinitas).

January 24th Saturday 10:30 - 1:30 

Fitness Level: Beginner or All Level

Cost: $97 Early Bird Special

Goes up to $127 after 1/5/15

Space is very limited!

Grab your spot here


at the Onnit Academy

Move better and Feel Better learning how to use your body weight and kettlebells to achieve the strong and lean body you've always strived for. Quick and efficient workouts will get you there without the long drawn out boring cardio sessions that run your muscle off and cause overuse injuries. Be ready to change your life!

Instructed by Lauren Brooks 

Feb 7th Saturday 
12-4 p.m.


Registration opens now. Early bird special



Lauren's workshop was specific, efficient and perfectly designed with appropriate progressions. Specific needs were easily addressed. Individuals each received cues plus suggestions constantly throughout the entire session. Lauren demonstrates and presents excellent real life examples of each kettlebell exercise, as well as providing a specific accurate workbook. SENSATIONAL!
Robin E., Encinitas Ca

I had a great time! Lauren is an excellent teacher she covers everything. She is definitely educated on the human body and knows what she teaches. Loved the class!
M. Roybal, San Diego Ca

"Outstanding workshop. I learned so many new things and I felt challenged throughout. The instructor was very thorough, with great examples. Great pace, I never felt burnt out, but it was never too easy. Excellent motivation as well. The class far exceeded my expectations."
Eric G. - Carlsbad, Ca

" I really enjoyed your laid back style. You are thorough yet you let us get our own feel for it. I will continue to learn from you."
Carrie M. - San Diego, Ca

" I really liked this workshop. You are clear and easy to take direction from. I would recommend this to anyone. I thought this workshop would be good, but it was great. Thanks for sharing!
Tracey B. - Encinitas, Ca

Being a beginner to kettlebells, I thought this workshop was awesome!! Lauren did an excellent job of explaining the different kettlebell moves and also kept me safe from hurting myself. (Which could easily happen being so new to kettlebells) I would love to, and look forward to, taking more classes/workshops in the future. Great job, Lauren!!"
Sarah R. - Newport Beach, Ca

"Loved the workshop. It was great to see if I was actually using Kettlebells correctly. The towel kettlebell swing was my light bulb moment. I love the manual and can't wait to go home and start a new workout!
Karyn R. - Marysville, Ca

 Well Organized
- Comprehensive
- Understandable
- Applicable

And very FUN in a non-intimidating environment.

Well worth the drive! 
Tammy C,  Santa Cruz, California

"Really informative and not intimidating. Wish you lived in Los Angeles."

Amanda L,  Los Angeles, California

"I was very impressed with Lauren's ability to patiently explain each move focusing on each step as it should be executed.  I went in with no knowledge of what a kettlebell workout should look like and feel as though, with some work, I will be able to apply the exercises I learned. Thank you!!"

Honey D, Carlsbad, California

"This was wonderful.  I attended hoping to learn something different & fun, & learn it safely.  You totally delivered.  I look forward to integrating kettlebells into my workout!

Leah. W. , Ca

Dreams DO come true!
I've dreamed of taking a class with Lauren Brooks since I first discovered her DVD workouts about 2 years ago. I live in the UK whilst Lauren lives in the US so I thought my dream would remain just that. Well sometimes dreams do come true as I had the opportunity to take a workshop with Lauren on her recent trip to London and what an experience it was! I was very nervous before attending thinking it would be filled with super fit, amazingly honed athletes and I would be left standing in their dust. Not so. There was a great cross section of kettlebellers from out of shape beginners to some RKC's and Lauren taught us all with huge encouragement, intuition and passion. Lauren's love for what she does is evident in every move and sentence. Lauren is warm, encouraging and totally non-intimidating. Her form tips are excellent. For instance in order to stop some manic swings that were being performed she told us all to think "float" at the top of the swing and it worked like a charm - no more bionic swinging! She wants everybody to progress, safely, to be their best selves and to have fun with their kettlbell practice and not view it as a chore.

If you ever get the chance to work with Lauren, please, please take it. I gained so much from my workshop experience - vastly improved form from when I walked in (even the RKC's participating in the workshop had some tweaks made to their form) and increased confidence that I was actually on the right path and pretty darn good at some moves (swings).

If ever Lauren comes to the UK again for a workshop she can count on at least one class member for sure - me!

Thank you Lauren for everything.
Charmaine, UK

I have been a fan for a long time. I love Lauren's instruction style, it's thorough, clear and it keeps me safe. The Kettlebell Body is proof that Lauren is dedicated to forever learning because she managed to make the best even better with new techniques and even more energy. I think these workout sequences are the best yet, uncomplicated to follow but they make you sweat!!! Lauren's teaching got me hooked on kettlebells. I got serious about my workouts about eight months ago and used Lauren's workouts and the new Kettlebell Body routines to stay focused. In that time I have lost about 37lbs from a combo of exercise and nutrition changes. Most important to me are the SIX inches (I just measured) that melted off my middle-belly all while I was having fun and getting stronger with kettlebells. You can so do this! I LOVE this DVD and highly recommend it. Lauren, your work keeps getting better and better. Thank you for helping me to get it in gear and to finally start transforming my coach potato body. You are an inspiration.  --- Chante`


Brand new to exercise or any sort of kettlebell type training  Start Here or Sign Up for a Distant Coaching/Nutrition Session 

  I'd be honored to help you!

If you are very confused please email me here so we can make sure you are starting on the right foot. 

You deserve the best path for yourself! You only get one life!

Small group classes and private sessions in the North County San Diego area (Encinitas) visit the class website here at

 FOR THOSE NOT in the area I offer online training and nutrition plans for people all over the world. Email me at to set up an appointment.


Brand new to exercise or any sort of kettlebell type training  Start Here or Sign Up for a Distant Coaching/Nutrition Session 

  I'd be honored to help you!

If you are very confused please email me here so we can make sure you are starting on the right foot. 

You deserve the best path for yourself! You only get one life!

I have been a fan for a long time. I love Lauren's instruction style, it's thorough, clear and it keeps me safe. The Kettlebell Body is proof that Lauren is dedicated to forever learning because she managed to make the best even better with new techniques and even more energy. I think these workout sequences are the best yet, uncomplicated to follow but they make you sweat!!! Lauren's teaching got me hooked on kettlebells. I got serious about my workouts about eight months ago and used Lauren's workouts and the new Kettlebell Body routines to stay focused. In that time I have lost about 37lbs from a combo of exercise and nutrition changes. Most important to me are the SIX inches (I just measured) that melted off my middle-belly all while I was having fun and getting stronger with kettlebells. You can so do this! I LOVE this DVD and highly recommend it. Lauren, your work keeps getting better and better. Thank you for helping me to get it in gear and to finally start transforming my coach potato body. You are an inspiration.  --- Chante`

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

7 Steps on How to Attack the Holiday Temptations & Extra Pounds

Not to mention the leftovers you are persuaded by your in laws to take home and eat for the next month. Don't forget the fun holiday parties with unlimited amounts of food, wine, and champaign.

The colder weather also contributes to sweet cravings and laziness. How can you say no to all the temptations? How can you possibly avoid weight gain or stay on track with your nutrition program? I will tell you how in 7 steps. By the end of this article you will have a plan on attacking the holiday pounds and temptations, while still being able to enjoy yourself.


Focus your workouts on fat blasting. What I mean by fat blasting is stick to high intensity workouts for a short duration. If you are traveling you don't have to go searching for a gym and spend too much time away from your family. If you have access to a gym then wonderful.
These  exercises will fire up your metabolism, organize your thoughts, boost your mental health, and relieve stress. You will then be more focused on your goals and be in the mind frame to resist the holiday traps. Below is a sample workout program you can do in under 20 minutes. You can do this anywhere anytime.  For free Kettlebell or bodyweight workouts you can check out these videos here.  If you have access to kettlebells or weights we offer the most effective, fun and simple digital and streaming workout videos you can download in moments.

Directions: Go through each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for 4-5 rounds. ENJOY! If you don't have access to any weights or a kettlebell go through the motion with just your body weight and with the intent of being explosive through each movement. 


Kettlebell swings are one of the most efficient exercises that is commonly 
used for fat burning, athletic performance enhancement, strengthens the glutes, back, hips, abs, lats, quads, ankles, toes, and improves stamina like no other!  

Still having trouble with the Kettlebell Swing, begin with the Towel Swing drill here

If you don't have access to a jump rope, jumping jacks will work.
Find a pace to where you can jump rope for 1 minute without stopping. If you are unable to jump a stationary bike or a cardio machine at high intensity will work as well.

Push ups will strengthen your chest, triceps, and shoulders. Start with your toes on the floor and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your head aligned with your body by looking down at the floor.
Inhale as you lower yourself to the floor slowly, bending your elbows slightly back behind you. Exhale pushing your body away from the floor, while straightening your arms out. 10-20 times. If this is too difficult start on your knees.

Half Get Ups (with no bell or a kettlebell)


Bring your own healthy dish. You can find many healthy dish recipes here. Some relatives can be your worst enemy when it comes to food, if they are persuasive by guilting you in to trying some of the heavier fattening dishes. Take a small scoop to be polite but remember who is in charge!


Have a snack or a delicious protein shake before you leave for the party or dinner. This way you will feel sustained and not end up binging when you arrive. Good snacks can be a handful of nuts, a small protein shake, or an apple with a hard boiled egg.


Avoid alcohol as much as possible. Not only does alcohol have tons of calories, it can also inhibit your judgment and you will find yourself eating every thing in site. If you feel the need to have alcohol try limiting yourself to one during your meal. Stay away from sodas and fruit juices as well.
Many people at parties feel they need to be holding something to be social. Drinking plenty of water with a squeeze of lemon will be your best alternative. Green tea is great as well and can speed up your metabolism.


Make sure you allow yourself some flexibility with your favorite food from time to time. If you constantly deprive yourself you may decide you are unable to keep your nutrition habits stable and will find yourself binging or miserable. You may become cranky and no one will want to be around you.
Keep your spirits up and let yourself have a small serving of that pecan or pumpkin pie that you had your eye on all night. That will keep you on track and your mood up. Don't feel bad about it. You are allowed to live a little! 


When choosing what to eat, fill your plate up mostly with the vegetable dishes. Pick the lean meats without the skin. Stay away from the baked breads. If you feel you have to try a dish that is relatively high in fat or sugar, keep the portion very small.  Chew your food slowly and enjoy the taste. 


Go for a 15-20 minute brisk walk after dinner. Instead of letting the turkey take over and make you tired, get some fresh air. You might be able to convince your significant other or relatives to walk with you for some bonding time.


So there it is! A seven step plan of attack to beat the holiday weight gain and temptations. Print out this article and keep it with you during the holidays and you will be reminded to stay on track. Turn New Years and you will not be killing yourself to lose the extra pounds you put on during the holidays like the rest of America. Stick with it! If you  need more motivation to eradicate any possible excuse of why not to exercise, check out this article. Shut Up and Train

To Yours In Strength and Happy Holidays,


Take advantage of our Holiday sale this season. Take 40% off on all our workout DVDs and Kettlebell Streaming/downloads. This includes our popular Be SLAM program
Code: 40off

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vital Salts - Black Truffle Sesame Salt

I'm thrilled to introduce you all to my new favorite secret weapon in the kitchen. We are LOVING this new healthy organic Black Truffle Sesame Salt. Our friends have selected the world's finest unprocessed low sodium mineral-rich salts gathered from ancient sources in the Andes and Himalayan mountains as well as sea salt from the Mediterranean. These healthy salts are combined with fresh organic black and white sesame, a great source of protein, folic acid, b-complex vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron.  We love it so much we are now adding this to our nutrition store. 

Get Your Black Truffle Sesame Vital Salt HERE 

you can also use this code for any of our hard copy fitness DVD's for a limited time.

Black Truffle Sesame Salt adds nutrition and amazing flavor to every dish.  Our picky eaters are begging for this special Black Truffle Sesame Salt for their food.  Good news is it's low sodium and only contains 15% of the highest quality organic rare himalayan pink and sea salts you can find. 

Our friends have selected the world's finest unprocessed low sodium mineral-rich salts gathered from ancient sources in the Andes and Himalayan mountains as well as sea salt from the Mediterranean. These healthy salts are combined with fresh organic black and white sesame, a great source of protein, folic acid, b-complex vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron. Black Truffle Sesame Salt adds nutrition and amazing flavor to every dish. 

This is a large size of the Black Truffle Sesame Salt but once you taste it your whole family will use it on everything so it may not last as long as you think. This delicious seasoning is great on chicken and potatoes, eggs in the morning, and any vegetable dish. It makes an excellent salad dressing with just a little lemon or vinegar. It is also a warm complement to ethnic flavors such as Asian, Italian and Spanish cuisine. 

Gomashio is a traditional Asian seasoning used in macrobiotic cooking. This offers a unique version using the rich flavor of black truffles, combining it with the warmth of toasted organic white and black sesame. This product contains the finest mineral rich sea and pink salts and contains approximately 15% salt by volume.

The jar is a 6.5 oz hexagon the product weighs approximately 3.7 oz.  Product is made the week it is shipped priority mail and does not need refrigeration. It should be used within 6 months for optimal freshness. It comes with the charming bamboo spice spoon pictured.

Benefits of Pink Salts and Mineral Rich Sea Salts
Packs over 80 minerals and elements. Himalayan Pink salts are made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium and potassium. 
Due to the mineral content these salts can improve upon the following:
- Create an electrolyte balance
- Increases hydration
- Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
- Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and helps to reduce acid reflux
- Aids in proper metabolism functioning
- Strengthen bones
- Lower blood pressure
- Improves circulation
- Some people are even saying that it supports libido, reduces the signs of again, and detoxify the body from heavy metals. 

Throw your table salt away. Your table salt has no trace minerals because it's stripped away when it's chemically cleaned and bleached using very high temperatures.  There is nothing left. Regular table salt can increase blood pressure, increase cravings and make one hold on to water weight. Make sure you gift yourself and family with a healthy mineral rich salt.

Purchase your Vital Salt right here 

REVIEWS on this Vital Salt made locally 

    •  Reviewed by DeBorah Green on November 26, 2014

    • Black Truffle Sesame Salt

      Amazing, wonderful, we love it�LOVE IT!
    •  Reviewed by fortycourt on November 25, 2014

    • Black Truffle Sesame Salt

      Fantastic great on steak, salad, omelets, just about anything that we've tried it on. And it arrived in a couple of days...great vendor!
    •  Reviewed by Liz Hyer on November 12, 2014

    • Really amazing flavor, a must have for your pantry!
    •  Reviewed by heatherreddy on November 3, 2014

    • Awesome-as always. Thanks so much!
    •  Reviewed by labrat67 on July 2, 2014

    • This was sent as a gift, which my friend said she loves, but what really impressed me was the customer service...the shipping was slightly delayed and the seller more than compensated for that minor inconvenience by including a free sample of another flavor of salt. A very thoughtful gesture!

       Reviewed by raighne on May 21, 2014

    • My husband and I love this salt and think it adds a great flavor to our salads.

       It ships so fast! Thanks for a great product!
    •  Reviewed by heatherreddy on April 5, 2014

    • Super fast shipping and outstanding product! My favorite uses: avocado and eggs! THANK YOU so much!
    •  Reviewed by tjbelisle on February 25, 2014

    • I love this salt. I am trying it on everything and so far it is great. Just enough flavor that you can tell it is there, but not overpowering

    •  Reviewed by trustypony on February 19, 2014

    • Great savory flavor. Love it on my morning eggs. Had to buy a second jar for a foodie friend, too.
    •  Reviewed by Holly Hamilton on February 18, 2014

    • Its so good on everything (especially for breakfast on eggs and kale).
    •  Reviewed by Jennifer on January 23, 2014

    • I gifted this to my sister and she and her family (including a 4 year old) have loved it on eggs, veggies, and stir fries!!
    •  Reviewed by raighne on January 11, 2014

    • These are wonderfully yummy and the delivery was beyond fast. Thank you so much!
    •  Reviewed by kelgon77 on December 31, 2013

    • Tastes so very YUMMY! !
    •  Reviewed by Phoebe K on October 11, 2013

    • I am addicted! I love this truffle sesame salt. It is so good on vegetables, or just about anything. It has just the right balance of earthiness and the salt is not harsh at all. Thank you for the extra birthday gift too!
    • Anonymous user Reviewed by Anonymous on May 7, 2013

    • Excellant!

    • Anonymous user Reviewed by Anonymous on April 4, 2013

    • Super fast shipping and I love that the jar is totally packed full! Can't wait to try this out! Thanks!

    • Slow food- fast shipping! Just tasted the salts and they are SO delicious and I can tell addictive also. I know I will be back! Thank you so very much!

Purchase your Vital Salt